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Messages - Year of the Dog

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Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: July 17, 2021, 13:52 »
11 days later still nothing and I found another thief's portfolio and again I send another DMCA notice.
Shitter is a thieves factory.
Not only they made big cut in our commissions without shame but also they are a heaven for thieves.
I'm starting considering closing my account even if I'm still doing some numbers there. Enough is enough
I have to ask, because this comes up fairly often, but how does closing your account and losing the income, change anything about the thieves or make SS more proactive in removing thieves? All it does is hurt you?

The crooks come from all agencies, steal from all kinds of places, and spread their copied images in many places. This isn't just a SS issue.

I don't know why they move so slowly, but at least, when a valid complaint is filed, we have seen the accounts removed.

Good work finding and reporting them!  :)
Thieves are very beneficial for agencies, they are really so much not proactive removing them that questions come - are most of thieves real people? Very beneficial workflows for agencies anyway.

Because all those dimes and quarters make such a big profit for SS?

Olegs Petuhovs
Telas1020 Riga, Latvia
3,854 files 59 sales

Not many sales for almost 4,000 files.

I just reviewed the content Adobe suggests I nominate... My conclusion taking everything into consideration is that this offer is only shooting yourself in the foot. Stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.

Not all as simple as you are making it. In my case, I nominated images with no sales, it wasn't complicated or difficult to decide. If accepted that's more than the zero they have brought me in the past.

Watch for more to be following this idea, which is very similar to Instant Pay. "trending now..." free images to attract buyers.  :-\
For me it is not even that simple. Many of my nominated images with no sales are similars that have never made it through - because other pictures from the series have. Once the one with no sales starts being offered for free, it will kill the whole series. So, be careful, look at your nominated no sellers, if they are part of a series that otherwise sells well.

Your similar don't kill a series but one for free will?

Shutterstock.com / Re: 0.25 USD per footage on SS
« on: June 30, 2021, 21:24 »
Leaving SS and deleting your entire port is a personal decision that depends on several factors, I respect the people who have considered that it was the best for them, but in no way can these people pretend to judge others based on their decisions . In my case, I still do quite well in SS, despite those 0.25 sales, I usually have sales for 12, 20, 22 dollars, even yesterday, two sales for 120, so, it would be silly to erase everything the time invested.

But you aren't worse then a slave, you made your own choice. Don't judge others who decided that deleting everything is their answer. Personal decision

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: June 30, 2021, 21:20 »
Wow u found one. Give me 20 minutes and I can find at least 10!

What a stupid reply. He's just trying to be helpful.

Why don't they do anything?

Are they reselling your content from the gallery or just letting people view it. You aren't clear about how your content is being used. The same license that allows use in a book or a video would allow in an app, if it wasn't doing anything more then displaying your images. If they are relicensing file now everyplace you can get a lawyer and sue.

"The same guys who've always been at it, trying to come up with a new form of worthless magic bean that they can sell for money."

Off Topic / Re: stock photo reviewer job
« on: January 14, 2021, 05:54 »

I choose photos of commercial valued and give a proper feed back why photos were declined, if asked.

how do you decide what has commercial value?

It's a skill learnt by experience, guidelines from company, market trend and intuition.

ROFLMAO --  intuition? really??? what qualifies you over the artist?

what sort of testing do you do to PROVE your decisions are correct?  i've always considered LCV the worst reason for rejection - let the market decide

I'd have to disagree with the 'let the market decide' comment. That's how Shutterstock ended up with 350million+ images and pages and pages of dross, sending buyers to different agencies that had a more comprehensive curation process.

Any artist producing reasonable quality images won't be disadvantaged by LCV rejections.

That's how Alamy ended up with 230 million diverse images and creative diversity. Let the buyer decide commercial value only judge by quality of image standards.


I'd be suspicious of the YouTube guy, but I know people here will just decide SS is evil and condemn them.

SS IS evil, and yes, they should be condemned. But I agree theres more to the story. Clearly.

Yeah we agree on the important part?  ;)  Anyone could wonder or ask, why the selective enforcement, while on their own forum, nothing is done?

Correct also, no I don't know, I'm just questioning what's behind this and my view is, it's not as simple as, watch out this could happen to you.

May be you guys are right, i dont know. Because in one video he mentioned that his adobe stock account was also blocked so he made another new account in adobe... what can be the reason according to you for his ss account ban ? You are right that we become biased when we hear only one side but its also true that SS is an evil now

New account in Adobe is 19 pages? https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/209804056/arindam?load_type=author&prev_url=detail  this guy is busy. I watched his video review of Wirestock and he doesn't understand, you can't upload the same photos that you have already uploaded. He's limited to 100 a week because of rejections. He had 96 rejections and 4 accepted. He's right of course for most people, better off uploading on our own, but for the wrong reasons.

You are confusing opinions or politics with facts, but fine, I think the whole evil thing and the constant picking on SS has gone from June commission cuts, making us all unhappy, protests, unions, petitions, closed accounts, into a witch hunt for things to find wrong so people can attack SS. (also just another opinion based comment) Just like some places in the world, the US is the evil empire.  ;D

He seems very driven and intelligent and a teaching doctor. Just odd that he would be so taken by Microstock. However YouTube subscriptions and views can make some people, extra cash? Much like Microstock, that's a big effort for small pay.

My real view of SS has come down to this. How much time, effort and money does anyone want to spend for 10 cents? Free will, free choice. Everyone do your own thing, I'll do mine.

I come to bury Shutterstock not to praise them.

Site Related / Re: Where is Everybody?
« on: December 02, 2020, 13:31 »
I read I leave.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock payout address changed
« on: November 22, 2020, 21:53 »
Condescending snarky comments are usually meant to make you feel inferior by someone who is defensive because of psychological problems with their own self image.

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS continues to deteriorate
« on: December 22, 2019, 14:39 »
Perfect example of proof by using a terrible example. One word search for Landscape? Are you joking?
What buyer would do that? Landscape  ::)

Consider I did not want to test a buyer vision, I just wanted to observe recent submissions.
Try this :

Better for you?

just look the ss forum , some thread like doom and gloom or that guy who wanna upload 10000 photos....then you realize.
for me it's unbieleavbel why they keep accepting that stuff..if i were a customer i would pay the dollar more to brows serious collection like stocksy or even stock i s much better with much less garbage.
they are losing market share day by day...their 4q keep losing growth and probably next will be red numbers....they keep losing enterprise customer...shouldn't they realize that the problem is their collectioN?
had they ever browsed unsplash? pixabay...i fell better looking unsplash collection for each  keyword than ss for sure....ahow we can blame customer who buy to unsplash...better images, more creative, right now covering the needs of many customers, and free!

That 10000 guy is the dumbest idiot I've ever seen in stock and when anybody tries to help him, he turns mean an attacks them. 10000 bad pictures he thinks he'll make money but he'll make nothing and complain that shutterstock is the problem. SS should charge to hold his pictures for the space they waste.

As much as I would like to see conditions for microstockers improved, I don't know that having an entire forum dedicated to it would have much point. 

Periodically some "hero" comes along who is going to save us all from our drudgery.  They start some grandiose thread and get everyone stirred up. But inevitably it always devolves into the same old gripes and circular arguments, followed by the departure of whoever stirred the pot in the first place. 

Bottom line is as long as supply continues to outstrip demand by such a wide margin we don't have a lot of leverage...  I wish it was different. 

A trade organization or union has been discussed over and over, but most are not interested, and of those of us who would support the idea, nobody has the time or know-how to step up and take charge.

The issue is, and we all witness it everyday in the forums, is that the companies hold ALL the power yet contributors are an integral part of their business. We are rarely, if ever, consulted yet the very existence of the microstock industry depends on talented, creative professionals.

This is a classic example of how and why Unions are formed. It's just a matter of time before microstock contributors will organize and work as one powerful, cohesive unit.

Your voice is silent. Our voices are loud.

Tell me the how, I'll be a member.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Crash Dive
« on: March 05, 2019, 04:07 »
Anyone else seeing their sales take a dive since SS introduced the buyer's page with the not so obvious filter buttons which appeared last week?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Searching through my photos and contact
« on: February 19, 2019, 04:28 »
ESP User Info, iStock Portfolio Name: name is a link to your portfolio

Can I update keywords?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Direct contact from a customer?
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:15 »
Maybe it works differently for photographs, I am an illustrator and I got several custom work requests through shutterstock (I put my e-mail in my profile description).

I don't do any other marketing, no website or FB or insta just a twitter account for doing automated tweets whenever I had work accepted. Some customers also contacted me through that.

That's a great idea to put email in profile description although it does feel a bit bending the company rules since they don't want us to deal direct with customers. Has anyone else done this on SS?

I saw many artists having their contact info (personal website or e-mail) in the profile description, and I have my info there for 10 years. I don't think it's forbidden. Customers contact me if they want a custom illustration not to buy already existing content.

SS has places for website and social media I don't know why email in about wouldn't be allowed.

Shutterstock.com / Re: .38 SODs
« on: January 15, 2019, 11:11 »
The Facebook deal was, I think, the first of that kind and all the 38 cent royalties for using a SS image in a Facebook ad (which the ad buyer didn't pay for) were reported as SOD.  They've been around since at least the end of 2015.

The 38 cent SODs aren't a problem - it's the lack of $75, $90 and $120 SODs that's been noticable and one of the huge hits to income at SS. The other has been replacing the $2.85 OD income with all sorts of lower numbers, without any increase in volume - all those experiments with lower-priced packages they've introduced over the last year or so.

Thank you for good information.

Microstock News / Re: Onepixel stock new agency????Help
« on: January 15, 2019, 11:08 »
Made many mistakes Pete like we all Have, my Biggest was 2006, Myself and Bobby Deal , a very prolific guy]almost started our own agency. we even had contracts Made up. It was very simple. 50% split on every dollar that came in. I had the Best shooters ready and we just couldn't get it done sadly. I still own the Domain. "The Best of Royalty Free" if someone wants it. I also owned "ShutterstockMusic" and Jon blew his top On that One....LOL we settled friendly.BTW, this site was the first Place I advertised "The Beginners guide to Microstock Photography"

Your mistake was writing the book to add more competition for us or not getting financing from somebody rich to make your agency or starting up with Bobby Deal, Photoshow, Vegas Vision Studios. Where is he now? Colorado doing head shots and BobbyDeal.com is 404 Almost

Where can I buy your book?

This was really nice initiative, hopefully it continues to this year as well  8)

Hope so to for video.

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: January 15, 2019, 10:50 »
...What use does weekly rank do for sales or help?

I want weekly & overall rank to move over to Adobe Stock although I doubt they'll do that. Weekly rank in particular is very useful - if you have a great week and your rank doesn't improve, then it means the site was having a great week and the rising tide floated all boats, or at least  yours. If you have a lousy week and your weekly rank stays about the same, then the reverse - the site was down overall about as much as you were. And similar helpful guidance if your weekly rank tanks or skyrockets. Bottom line is that it helps you see the things you might need to do something about versus those that are site wide.

Like looking at last weeks weather to see what it will be like next week? I can see how you check if you are up or down as a site or personal but I can't see how watching the rank has anything to do with future sales or better income or what to work at. I don't think rank is very important for business. I want a search for editing, a way to see earnings by image and type of content, sales amounts. Patting my ego over rank is like counting how many photos do I have. Just a number.

Microstock News / Re: Onepixel stock new agency????Help
« on: January 05, 2019, 10:37 »
Pete, who do you think Chad called the Night when DPC blew up and asked what are they doing and how do I stop it? why are they leaving. I told him It was the worst thing He could have done. and they stopped it. and I was 100% behind those Leaving Just Like I was behind everyone 13+ years ago to get a better deal On SS and we fought hard and we won. And Now there taking it away again. It was 20 cents for everyone and we fought. wait a year......Im ...Like said waiting to see the deal with One Pixel. Im not going backwards man. never have. Like said I'll need a bit more Info.

Why did you come here promoting onepixel in December as new site and try to promote them, say I'm going to give them a shot. You didn't remember you wrote this in November. Why didn't you and Deal start that agency? You have all kinds of money and connections, that would have been real good. For 50% we would have joined.

I'm sure you know this, Chris, as you've been threatening to go iS-exclusive for a couple of years now; but for anyone reading this thread who doesn't know, they should be aware that if an indie becomes exclusive, their existing port stays as Essentials, i.e. sells at one credit (of which, presumably, you get your exclusive rate), though new files will go in as Exclusive, viz 3 credits.
That could be significant for anyone with an exisiting large port there.

Also I saw you said earlier that you know a lot of exclusives and they're all happy. Well, that may be true, or it may be like the other made-up people you know, but a LOT of exclusives have left exclusivity, some have left iS/Getty altogether, and many more have their existing port there, but no longer submit.
Very few on the iS or Fb exclusive forums are happy; even those who report good sales say it's taking a lot longer (years) to break even on shoots.

I accept that there are probably plenty of people who don't post good results on the forums, for fear of copycats.

But watching the poll I see the exclusive reporting less now.

New Sites - General / Re: Chad Bridwell / OnePixel
« on: December 16, 2018, 22:09 »
Hes a charlatan and lets hope one pixel dies without recognition

Agree and I wish Whistleblower had stayed.

Just realised that's where SS got their newest idea:

That's probably the future of the Microstock industry, be 'select' ... or be square.

They all follow each other.

Newbie Discussion / Re: What do u think about FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHER?
« on: December 16, 2018, 22:05 »
It appears the OP, Christ2237, has checked out of this forum. Toss in a grenade and run away to watch from a distance.

She came to promote her agency then dropped.

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