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Messages - Millionstock.com

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Selling Stock Direct / Re: Self-Hosted at 14.6 - top 5
« on: October 03, 2013, 18:36 »
Of course Tickstock your info are useful to refine our strategy of Self-Hoster.

You can visit my site and give me your critique...they will be welcome :)


Selling Stock Direct / Re: Self-Hosted at 14.6 - top 5
« on: October 03, 2013, 18:28 »
Before setting the pricing of my portfolio I have calculated all the prices applied by agencies. Then I have decided to stay in the low side of the average. With my prices results are encouranging, for me of course

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Self-Hosted at 14.6 - top 5
« on: October 03, 2013, 18:13 »
Self-Hosted cannot compete with subscription plans of the agencies, but can compete for sure with single downloads.
For me is enough to compete on single downloads now :)

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Self-Hosted at 14.6 - top 5
« on: October 03, 2013, 17:50 »
At last buyers are starting to understand that buying directly will save money and encourage the artists!!  :)

I'm happy to have invested my time on the development of my Simbiostock site  :)  :)  :)

I'm sure the next month numbers of Self-Hosted  will increase further!!!

This perspective it is bad for each contributor. No one will spend hours and hours of their time and gain few bucks.

The higher the database of the agencies, the lower the sales that a photographer will make.

Considering the effort that each contributor have to spend now to produce extra high quality images, I think that in a year's time the gain obtained will be so unprofitable that many will stop producing images.

Done Nikd90!
Thanks for the sharing on your site :-)

Done jsfoto :-)
Could you please add also my .cvs file to your Symbiostock/Network page? Here is my contact:



I want to fill the Symbiostock Network space of my site with 10/20 references of collegues with their own  Symbiostock site.

Check out my site at


and if it's OK for you to be added send me the address of your site Thanks!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Increasing my sales
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:19 »
My advice is to build your own Symbiostock site. This will be a good way to increase your sales.

At the beginning sales will be low, but when buyers start to add your site in their prefered site list sales will grow. This is my personal esperience with my Symbiostock site:


Have a good luck!

Symbiostock - General / Re: Woohoo... first real SymbioStock sale.
« on: September 13, 2013, 18:17 »

To increase sales on our Symbiostock sites could be very useful to have a promotion on the market of the Symbiostock Network.
The Global Symbiostock Search Engine (www.symbiostock.info) is very useful but it must be promoted drammatically in order to catch the attention of image buyers. Do you agree on that?

Ideas and proposal are appreciated  :)

My Symbiostock site is www.millionstock.com

Dreamstime.com / Re: Feeling Negative about Dreamstime
« on: September 09, 2013, 19:36 »
I agree with Pilens.
You build your own Symbiostock site. It's simple and has high sales potential.

Symbiostock - General / Re: 101 sites
« on: September 07, 2013, 15:15 »
Thanks a lot Cascoly!
I really hope that the network will grow enormously :-)

Symbiostock - Development Area / Zoom on images in Symbiostock
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:46 »
I was asking myself if is available in Wordpress a plugin that allow to zoom the image when the cursor goes over it, the same solution that adopt photo agencies like FT, DT, etc...

Now is working  :)
Thanks a lot for your help Christine!!!!

Yesterday evening I have replaced Leo's Similar images with Syxtra Similar images.

But I want to solve the problem with Leo's one since I find them better in appearance. Still now if I insert Leo's one no similar images are shown, but only the headline "Similar Images".

Could anyone help? Thanks :-)

Sorry, I have the same problem reported by Redneck, i.e. I've placed it on the bottom of image pages but no similar images are shown (only the headline Similar Images). Could anyone help?

Thanss a lot :-)

Symbiostock - General / Re: 101 sites
« on: September 05, 2013, 08:05 »
Thanks!!! I'm going to upload in the next days 4.000 pics :-)

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Your Stock Site: Link Exchange
« on: September 05, 2013, 06:39 »
Here is mine :

Name : MillionStock Images
URL : www.millionstock.com
Description : Royalty Free Images direct from the Artist

Symbiostock - General / Re: 101 sites
« on: September 05, 2013, 06:36 »
I have released my new Symbiostock site www.millionstock.com

How can I add it you the search engine? In "Symbiostock Network - Associates and Status" I made the activation but I cannot see my site on the list.

Could you help me? Thanks

I'm uploading to the directory wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/plupload/uploads/
...and I'm using GD library...

I'm uploading via FTP and then click to "Royal Free Images">"Process Uploads".

I have tried a lot of times, but the preview image with the watermark has the same dimensions (in MB and pix) of the original one.
I've also noticed that in the image page the "File Info" fields are blank.

Someone have a solution for that problem? Thanks!!!

I'm setting up my Symbiostock site using the 2.5.5 version.
When I upload and process an image, the watermarked image have the same dimensions (in MB and pixel) of the original one, and this will reduce the navigation speed on the site  :(
How can I reduce the dimension of the watermarked image?

Here the address of an example of watermarked image:


Thanks a lot for the help!

Selling Stock Direct / Right use of photos by buyers
« on: July 01, 2013, 07:35 »
Hi to all!
I have one question for your regarding the selling of photos through my personal site.
How can I be sure that the buyer will use my files in the right way described in the Terms of use described in my site? For example if I sell a pic in high resolution with a standard license agreement how can I be sure that the file will not be used as an Extended License way?
I'm worried about this, since when selling through large agencies, the agency shall monitor the use of photography and even their customers knows that they are buying from a large agency and therefore will refrain from improper use of photos.
Your feedback is appreciated.

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