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Messages - Hoodie Ninja

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Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe contact regarding the missing 1099
« on: February 20, 2019, 13:05 »
I didn't get my 1099 either.  Could someone who got theirs just tell me the address for Adobe that is on the form?  I know my amount.

How did you get the amount? I know I can go on the dashboard and check my earnings last year but does it match 1099 though? I really do not want to get flagged by IRS.

From the Dashboard.  But my payout last year was more than the earned amount (due to carryover from the previous year), so I'm actually going to claim the higher amount just to be safe. 

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe contact regarding the missing 1099
« on: February 19, 2019, 16:55 »
I didn't get my 1099 either.  Could someone who got theirs just tell me the address for Adobe that is on the form?  I know my amount.

General Stock Discussion / Re: How was January?
« on: February 01, 2019, 20:43 »
SS - lower than Dec but still decent
AS - my Dec was low, but Jan back up
IS - Dec was fantastic...keeping fingers crossed for Jan
DT - Up quite a bit over the normal
123RF - Up more than usual, but not an overall good earner
Alamy - I still have yet to have ONE sale from them.

Shutterstock.com / Re: sold my first video!
« on: September 21, 2018, 12:12 »
Congrats!    :D  That's gotta feel really good. :)

Off Topic / Re: Signs of a Bad Day
« on: September 18, 2018, 16:35 »
Whn you sell 0 images from 200 uploaded to SS, in 3 days.

When you see someone else uploaded 200 images in 3 days and you're lucky if you get 5 per day. :(

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Can't upload my jpg files to iStock
« on: August 28, 2018, 20:34 »
Nevermind....I figured it out.

I wish there was a way to delete a post.....

iStockPhoto.com / Solved
« on: August 28, 2018, 20:07 »

Software / Upload software and Tracking software
« on: August 21, 2018, 14:08 »

It's been awhile since I've been on and involved with my stock life, but due to recent life changes, I've decided to get back into it FT. 

I have a couple of quick questions....

First, is Filezilla still the main upload software being used, or is there something new and better?

Second, I used to use a software called Cushystock to upload and track my photos for each site.  Is there anything like that out there currently? 


There is a recent closely-related discussion on this topic at http://www.microstockgroup.com/newby-discussion/a-growing-mess-what%27s-your-filing-system/

That's an interesting way you go about things.  I don't think I'd be able to remember to edit out keywords every time, and I definitely wouldn't want "rejected" as one of my keywords. lol!

My problem is, and always seems to be, the fact that I have a gross number of images that should be uploaded to stock sites, but just haven't. 

I loved Cushystock because, after your images were uploaded, it would mark which sites they had been submitted to, and then you could manually go back and mark them accepted or rejected if you wanted to.  Unfortunately, the program lagged as you got more and more images in your library.  Also, the developer of the program abandoned it so I just don't like the idea of getting hooked on another program that might also get abandoned.

I don't care so much about keeping track of which images were accepted or rejected, but I would like to keep track of which images have been submitted.  Of course, as new sites move up in the rankings, I am also considering joining new sites, which means older images would need to be uploaded.  So, the whole idea of uploaded to everyone and then deleting them isn't really, IMO, a good way to go about things.

I think mostly I just need to get a handle on keywording in Lightroom.  Not that it's rocket science, but if you haven't done it, it's just another thing you have to spend time learning how to do efficiently.

So, I haven't been paying much attention to microstock for awhile for a number of reasons, but a big one was because my house got robbed and all my camera equipment was stolen so that put me out of commission for awhile (and kept me busy on other things like moving, installing a security system, etc.). 

Anyway, I'm ready to get back to working on things and was wondering what everyone is currently using as their workflow for post-processing and uploading?  Several years back I was using a program called Cushystock for keeping track, but have since abandoned it.  Then I was just using FileZilla. 

Is FileZilla one of the better options still or is there something better?

For post-processing, I use Lightroom as my base starting point.  I keep all files under year>month>shoot and retain the original file name (although I read something about changing the file name to further help with searches on your photos).  I still need to figure out how to most effectively add key words to my photos in Lightroom.  After I do my Lightroom processing, I will do further edits with Nik Software and CS6 (just recently got that program so am very newbie to it). 

Also, do you do any noise reduction/sharpening for your images?  If so, what programs do you use for that?

Last time I asked about keeping track, I found most people just used folders to keep track of what they had uploaded (instead of using a commercial program).  Has that changed for any of you?  Do you still do most things manually rather than trust commercial programs?  Also, do any of you use any companies to process/keyword/upload your images?

I own the kit lens that came with my Canon Rebel XS, and I was wondering which type of lens I should add if I plan on doing some outdoor photography.  I want to go to a local national park, and I'm split between buying a telephoto lens and a wide angle lens.  I don't have a ton of money, so I'm only going to buy one new lens this summer.  Any suggestions?

You didn't say what you budget is, so that makes it hard for me to give you advice on a lens.  I own the Canon 17-40mm f/4L ($700) and it is a nice lens that is good for large landscapes and big skies.  I bought it in particular for waterfalls because many of them are large and I can't get back far enough to include the whole waterfall in one shot.  I recently purchased the Canon 24-105 f/4L IS ($1100) which is a good all around lens.  I also own the Sigma 70-300 f/4.5-5.6 APO DG Macro lens ($180) that isn't as good of quality as the L lenses.  It's noisy, slow to focus, and isn't as sharp, but for the price I think it was a good buy.

I would recommend staying away from lenses that have a large telephoto range as they tend not to be as sharp.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 5Dmk2 out of stock again?
« on: April 06, 2009, 16:36 »
I ordered on Amazon month ago and now they send me notice that shipment is going to be delayed again.

I bought mine from Best Buy.  They had one in stock in a store that was 4 hours away.  I called them and asked them to hold it for me and then hopped in the car and drove there!  I also got the 580EX II flash, which they matched the B&H price.

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:52 »
My Compaq has the exact same problem. Eventually I just said screw it, and instead of taking all the time to try and return the pc and all the hassle wasting the time, I just went to Staples, bought a $10 external card reader and plugged it into my USB port, problem solved. Heck, figured best way to go, I can use it in my Dell laptop as well.

Some things simply aren't worth the frustration. Especially when it comes to something that is 10-

I agree.  If I have to jump through all the hoops with Dell and still don't get the problem solved, I'll probably just give myself an ulcer.  The medical costs will be much more than just buying a $10 or even $40 card reader. lol!

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:51 »
Our photographer at my office has a Dell with a built-in card reader and he has had problems with it too, not the same model of Dell though I think...  and we (I'm in the IT department) haven't been able to get a resolution from Dell either.  A replacement reader was the same, and we suspect BIOS issues, but Dell don't seem to be admitting any such fault.

As for whether or not HP are better, we have used both and in our experience Dell has generally been more reliable - and their service has been better - but perhaps not in this case!

Sorry not to be able to offer any encouragement - I guess my suggestion would be an external reader!

Myself, I just plug the camera in directly, and it (Olympus E-510) seems to work at USB 2 speed for me.  But then I rarely fill more than one card at a time.
Yesterday I decided to just pull out the card without using "eject" or "safely remove hardware" and then I didn't have any problems when trying to insert another card, so I'll probably just do that from now on.

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:49 »
I would recommend focusing on something with at least 512MB Graphics Memory and decent GPU (NVidia or ATI are the best).
The computer I bought has 512MB ATI RADEON HD 4850

At least 4GB of RAM (Depending on the O/S). If you're using a 64 Bit Operating System like XP 64 or Vista 64, then opt for about 6GB of RAM (this works wonders with Photoshop CS4).
The computer I bought has 4GB of DDR3 RAM, upgradable to 12GB

Don't worry tooooo much about the CPU - a Normal High'ish end Dual Core will suffice.
That's never usually the bottleneck anyway.
The computer I bought is Core i7, which is better than quad core.

The hard drive is SATA, but I'm not concerned with boot time and so far the computer is plenty fast enough. 

As for the card reader, I'm finding that if I just pull it out and don't try to "eject" it or "safely remove it", I don't have any problems with it being read the next time I put it in.

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 23:56 »
FWIW, reading the reviews of that particular Dell model, it seems to have problems with an undersized power source and the video card too.

The first computer I got didn't have the screen/video problem, but this one has blacked out on me twice so far.  I don't know if the power source will be a problem for me since I'm not a gamer, but at least it's a relatively easy fix?

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 17:33 »
Paula, I think it's more likely be that your system is not reading your card
because of the way it is formatted by your camera than two bad card readers in a row. 
Not sure what you need to do, but that is a nice machine. If nothing else go to Walmart
to the camera dept. and get an external card reader that can handle your type of card.
If an external reader has the same problem, then at least you would know it's not your
built-in reader. I bought a Targus 32IN1 today for $12.97 that handles most cards.

It does it with all the cards when it's not working.  I have Compact Flash Extreme III, San Disk SD, and ATP SD cards.  When the card reader works, it reads them all.  So, I don't think it's the cards.  I've used the cards at Costco and on my other computer at home and have had no problems.

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 17:29 »
I also download straight from the camera.

Integrated card readers often are cheap and have problems with big files (20 -30 MB). I have a new computer where every part -to say so- is 2011's or 2012's standards but the ICR it's the weakest point; tends to fail or to go painfully sow. I don't use it anymore.

When the card reader works, it's incredibly fast.  I downloaded over a gig of pictures in about a minute or less (didn't time it so not sure exactly how long it took...but it was darn fast!).  I don't like downloading straight from the camera because it wants to use software and I just want to transfer directly to folders I create.

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 17:27 »
Ok so here what I found

The guy on this forum got it OK by updating the driver

The HP memory card troubleshoot

This is many threads about that particular problem

I also had a problem when I first got Vista after having XP working without a problem. I use my camera to load my images in my computer. The Nikon software wasn't able to read my CF card inside my camera via usb. I can't find where I found the solution, but there's an option in the cameras menu to make the card set to "mass storage".

This is in the USB menu on the Nikon D300, but I think it actually change some settings in the card itself. So you go in
USB - mpt/ptp or "mass storage". Choose this one. Hope it help you!!

Thanks for the info.  The computer I have is a Dell, not an HP, but I don't know if that would make a difference.  The problem with the card reader is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  It's like Russian Roulette.

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 17:24 »
Sorry Paula.  Don't know how I missed the A. 

I upgraded a year ago, so what I have is not what is currently on the shelves.  I can't recommend one of the current ones from personal experience, but just that I have known a lot of people to have problems with Dell and not personally known anyone who had similar problems with HP. 

Have to admit I was drooling over this one but too soon for me to justify an upgrade:


Thanks for the link.  I am going to show this to my bf tonight and see what he thinks.  I might take the Dell back and trade it for this one.  This one is in stock at my local Best Buy so I don't think I would have to wait to get it.  I read all the reviews and there were very few complaints.

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 16:15 »
I do have an integrated card reader on my HP computer and I remember reading that since it is a multiple card reader, you should remove the card without clicking on the You can now remove safely your card icon in the bottom Vista bar.  By doing so, you are disabling the reader and you should restart your computer to use it again.

So since then, I remove my cf card directly.

I'm in no way a tech savvy and I can't tell you anything more about it but that's what I red...

The Dell guy told me that, too, but that didn't fix the problem.  I think the card reader is defective.  But I've already returned one computer, had to wait for my money, and then wait for the new one to show up....getting tired of playing the waiting game.  I just want to have a working computer.   :'(

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 15:55 »
Sorry to hear about your problem Paul.  Sounds frustrating.

FWIW I have always bought HP computers and not had any problems with them, other than needing to upgrade them when they are two or three years old.  My last one I had for five years.

When I have needed upgrades or minor repairs (software issues, not hardware) the "nerds" I take it too all recommend HP computers over Dell.  I believe them because they don't sell either, so no reason to lie. 
Okay, before answering your question, I had to go ad a picture of me 'cause everyone keeps calling me Paul and I'm Paula!   ::)

How recently did you upgrade and which system did you get?  I've read the reviews of all the computers at Best Buy and they all seem to have problems.  Frustrating.  I've been using an eMachine for the last 3 years and haven't had one problem with it until recently when I'd filled the hard drive and it started locking up on me when doing major photo manipulations.  But now that I have the 5D II, I know it won't be able to handle working the bigger pictures so that's why I upgraded.  Best Buy has an HP with i7, but it's $200 more. :(

Computer Hardware / Re: Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 15:34 »
Where has everyone gone?  This is the second question I've posted with no response!  Did the sun come out and everyone rushed outside??  ???

Computer Hardware / Computer System question
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:52 »
I recently bought a Dell Studio XPS desktop with a Core i7 processor http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9180423&st=dell+xps+i7&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1218046802234 After I got it home, I found that the card reader would only work some of the time, but not all of the time.  I called tech support and that didn't help so I returned the computer.  After getting my money back in my account, I ordered another one.  I got it last night.  Same problem.  I found a forum on Dell with a person complaining of the same problem and it doesn't sound like he was able to resolve the problem.
Sooooo, my question is this.....should I return the computer and find a different model?  If so, does anyone have any recommendations for a good system?  I spent $1,000 on the computer so that is what my budget is.  Oh, and please don't recommend Apple...don't want to switch.
My only other thought is to buy an external card reader so I can keep my super-fast computer....

General Stock Discussion / Re: Photosource International
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:43 »
A task list: something like an exercise sheet. Examine yourself for your strengths and weaknesses and market niche potential, or doing theme-based shooting exercises like:

Category: People - executive
Purpose: To show the concept of the overworked, harried executive. To illustrate the headline 'are you drowning in paperwork?'
Subject: man in business suit almost submerged in computer printouts, mouth gasping for air, hands reaching up, clutching paper
Variations: woman executive, senior executive, briefcase in teeth, close up face gasping

Props, Locale, Ethnic, etc. etc.

Cracking the book open (haven't looked at it in a while), actually that 'Sell and Resell' book is not particularly heavy on worksheets and checklists: I mixed it up with 'How to Shoot Stock Photos that Sell' by Michael Heron: http://books.google.com/books?id=AqSY1_ND2GAC&dq=How+to+Shoot+Stock+Photos+that+Sell&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=F-PVSci8KsaC_QadnJzMAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result#PPP3,M1

Of course this kind of stuff is generally very elementary for experienced shooters, or already part of the normal workflow.  :)

Thanks for the info.  My main photographic interest is landscapes/nature/animals/waterfalls which I know are not big for stock photography.  I have found that when the weather is crappy and I can't get out to do what I want to photograph, I can do stock-type pictures.  But I'm not into photographing people, so I do "things" like food or whatever else seems to strike my interest.  I guess you could say I'm just shooting haphazzard.

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