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Messages - StockCube

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Shutterstock.com / Re: SS 20 Million Images Prediction Pool
« on: February 03, 2012, 09:11 »
13th of July

CanStockPhoto.com / Re: What do you do while waiting for a sale?
« on: February 02, 2012, 07:21 »
You could start a thread moaning in a paranoid fashion about being victimised  ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re: January 2012 earnings
« on: February 01, 2012, 16:19 »
I thought you were going indie Traveller?

I would say persevere with them. I didn't have any of these problems, and from what Brian is saying they are unusual.  I sell well there - they are better than Fotolia for me.  Their $35 EL's are a nice little earner.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: February 01, 2012, 15:24 »
ps - I am considering switching from Nikon back to Sony now that they have brought out the A77, but I would still use CNX for my editing for sure.  I will just get the Sony Raw converter to make me a Tiff then open it in CNX and go from there.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: February 01, 2012, 15:19 »
CNX is an awesome prog.  It does in a few clicks what it takes PS a lot of layers to achieve.  It's sharpening for example is vastly superior to what you get in photoshop - it cleans and defines without being noticeable or introducing artefacts.  I also use it for colour balance, levels adjustments, and I use the spot adjuster Colour Control Points a lot, they are worth the money alone.  If you go to the Nikon site they have some great video tutorials there which you can watch for free and then, as I said before, you can try the prog free for a month.  I always start my editing in CNX then export as a Tiff to Photoshop for sensor spot removal, cropping and a bunch of other things that I can't get CNX to do to my liking.  Final export as a JPEG and that way I have a Tiff copy if I later need to go back to re-edit.

I think it is a bit crazy to complain of low earnings and not be willing to shell out a hundred bucks for the very thing that can make your images more saleable - CNX.  It will be money well spent as it will come back to you many times over.
Best of luck

General Stock Discussion / Re: January 2012 earnings
« on: February 01, 2012, 15:06 »
An indie BME for me.  BME at SS.  Very pleased - nearly as much as I was earning as an iS exlusive:


CanStockPhoto.com / Re: What do you do while waiting for a sale?
« on: February 01, 2012, 15:04 »
I like this thread  ;D ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: January 31, 2012, 15:09 »
ps - If you are a Nikon shooter then you must be using CNX no?  If not then you can download a free trial that lasts a month from the Nikon site.  You could do a lot of editing in a month.  ;)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: January 31, 2012, 15:00 »
These "snapshots" sell on IS.

Not all agencies are the same, as you are finding out.  Shutterstock is so big that anything that doesn't grab the buyer's attention will sink pretty fast.  You need Photoshop.  I can't see how you can be a photographer without it.  I am lagging a long way behind with CS2, but it is as essential as my camera.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:52 »
Herg, I think maybe we have gone about things in different ways - you have readied a large number of images and uploaded them all at once while I have uploaded slowly in small batches over time.  The benefit of this is that it has given me the opportunity to see what images are accepted at SS and which ones will sell and refine my future uploads accordingly.  I do not plan on uploading all my old iStock portfolio to SS or elsewhere.  I think I got lazy and complacent at iStock - it was easy just to shoot any old thing and upload it as it would often sell for a buck or two and it all adds up.  A lot of these sort of images would just get a 'LCV' rejection at SS.

I said on my blog that I think that going exclusive has made me a far better photographer than I was when I was at iStock.  I am not looking to pad out my portfolio with any old junk, I am now far more critical and only shoot and upload images that I think will sell.  I think SS has been largely responsible for further training my eye.  I think you can chose to deal with this situation by getting annoyed and pissed off about it or you can see it as a valuable lesson and try and learn from it.

There are a lot of similarities in our portfolios - we are both UK shooters without access to models so we have to strive extra hard to achieve downloads.  I think you have a great portfolio, but I am sure you can do better yet, particularly in regard to punchy colour and simplicity.  Think like a designer and best of luck,

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:27 »
Thanks Luis  :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:06 »
You mean his images?  Yes, I would like to see them too.  Mine are here:


ps - I don't have any one image that sells up a storm or anything, my earnings are pretty well spread across my portfolio.  I have had one ED this month for $28, so the remainder is from regular sales.  I have had 128 sales btw, in case that helps.  I am on the $500 earnings band.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:54 »
Have you tried some searches Herg, to see where your images come up?  I have made just shy of $100 this month on 113 images at SS, so if your stuff is any good then it sounds like something may be wrong.  Have you been to your homepage (with the world map) and checked at Resources, Your Account to make sure all the radio buttons at the bottom of the page are set to 'opt in'?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Getty Images Ad ... Very Appropriate
« on: January 30, 2012, 15:56 »
Lol. It certainly does.

It is lacking that all-important thing as far as I can see......my SS referral code  ;D

Any chance you could add this in?

Borg, I think that means it is not working for you either.  When it was working my images showed up in a few minutes, never more than an hour.

Still broken for me too.

Hi David, thanks for persevering with this, but unfortunately it now doesn't work for me at all!  :(

Envato / Re: Jsnover - Featured artist on Photodune!
« on: January 27, 2012, 15:54 »
Congratulations.  Perhaps as well as honouring Jo Ann Photodune could also listen to what she has to say re their acceptance policies..... ;)

Nope - same here.  Sorry David, but I still can only get it to distribute to SS, DT, CS and BS.  Please keep trying though!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: sustainability
« on: January 23, 2012, 16:12 »

Shutterstock.com / Re: Any way to put images on hold?
« on: January 22, 2012, 15:31 »
Thanks for that Jo Ann, I will amend it.  Both Josh and I found in late 2010 that the images weren't reviewed but they must have changed that since.


Shutterstock.com / Re: Any way to put images on hold?
« on: January 22, 2012, 14:03 »
Hi - you are in luck - I recently wrote a blog post on just this subject!


Best of luck, Bridget

123RF / Re: Anyone know the New Royalties at 123Rf
« on: January 20, 2012, 16:58 »
I have decided to drop them over this.  The announcement has come too late, does not follow the terms of the announcement which a few contributors received by email before Christmas and crucially - doesn't even spell out the new commission rate for those that don't make the cut or sign up from this point onwards.

This is very poor.  I know I have said this already, but I walked away from iStock when they started treating me poorly and I am not going to accept it from somewhere else, especially not a minor player like 123RF.

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