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Messages - Talanis

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Veer / Re: About Veer: a little weird
« on: July 30, 2009, 17:29 »
I would say give them a month or two. It just launch this week but we don't know if they publicised the launch or not yet. Buyers will have to adjust too since it's a new offering to them. We're also in the middle of the summer holidays.

They are launching a new service (for Veer) and I'm sure they will closely follow what happens over the next few months to see how it is going and that they will make some adjustments to different things. It is not an easy thing to do. I'm sure if they see that vector sales are sub-par, they will try to improve it and maybe add options but seriously... 4 days... Give them 4 months (or one year) then compare with the other sites.

77 / Re: Istock deleting files without warning
« on: July 30, 2009, 17:23 »
Wow, that's bad. Sorry for you Yanik. It sure would be nice to have some time to correct the problem.

Veer / Re: Veer Marketplace Launches to Customers
« on: July 30, 2009, 16:19 »
Like everyone I would like to have a stats page soon but the most important to me is that my photos are available for sale now. I prefer that instead of Veer waiting another month to complete the contributor side before launching. I'm curious so see my sales and numbers but I don't really care as long as they are selling. I won't reach a payout in july anyway :P

Congrats on the long happy marriage! 

Gotta say I doubt I would be such a "cool" parent if I were in your in-law's shoes though.
You know what? I'm not sure I will be that cool either if my daughter brings home an old guy too... lol

Microstock Services / Re: First Sale @ 3D Studio
« on: July 30, 2009, 11:50 »
Thanks for Sharing David

Veer / Re: First sale at Veer
« on: July 30, 2009, 07:44 »
Nothing in the daily email update about the sale

I checked and my entire Fotolia portfolio is there, even the pictures that got accepted yesterday. I guess they are a selling partner and they probably mean they are not endorsed by Fotolia because they are an independant entity, not a Fotolia sub-company.

I'm hearing ya, Talanis.  But that sounds to me like a father who is giving the local 25 year old hoodlum the go ahead to date his 16 year old virgin daughter...
   okay, I exaggerate a bit ;)   but not too much.  LOL  8)=tom

Sorry for going off so much tonite across the board...must be the chemo hitting the brain today!

I laughed a lot here because 15 years ago, I was 25 and started dating a 16 years old girl (her parents were cool). It was looking even worse though because I was her volleyball coach. 15 years later, we have two kids together and she is my soulmate ;P

I checked and my entire Fotolia portfolio is there, even the pictures that got accepted yesterday. I guess they are a selling partner and they probably mean they are not endorsed by Fotolia because they are an independant entity, not a Fotolia sub-company.

Veer / Re: First sale at Veer
« on: July 29, 2009, 19:35 »
I saw it browsing through my images. If I get an email, it will probably be tomorrow morning since the sale was today. I'll tell you that tomorrow if it gets through in the daily update email.

50%egg, VMP is live since sunday but there are still work to be done on the contributor side to setup the stats/sales page. For now, you can see the stats/sales on each photo if you go to your dashboard and check the approved files.

Veer / First sale at Veer
« on: July 29, 2009, 18:34 »
I got my first sale at Veer today for a big 0.35$... hehe. Gotta start somewhere. It wasn't even a good photo... one of my first submission when I started microstock and when I didn't know much what to do. Let's hope for many more :)

1- Zymm because they give 70% to contributors
2- Dreamstime (although they are already there) because I always liked them
3- Veer Marketplace ( I have high hopes)
4- StockXpert if they could get independent once again (to piss off Getty)
5- Yay Micro (fast upload and nice people)

From iStock website today:

We're happy to welcome a new member into the Getty Images family. Starting today, the iStock team will start running Stock.xchng. That's right: the world's busiest free stock site is now part of our family.

So welcome to all you SXC customers and contributors. If you need any help getting around, you can give us a call toll-free at 1-866-478-6251 (international toll-free: 00-800-6664-6664).

Wasn't SXC ran by the StockXpert team?

Veer / Re: My new uploads disappeared from Veer MP
« on: July 27, 2009, 21:03 »
read the other threads

Veer / Re: Outage Saturday July 25th
« on: July 26, 2009, 09:47 »
Yeah it's live but "it doesn't direct users to our portfolios when clicked to our names or images!"

I don't think this is the final version.. It shouldn't be!

And where is our real time statistics? Where can we see how much we earned? And of course, all the other stats we are supposed to have.

Yes I can find my images but I don't think this is the full release! That's why Brian didn't make an official announcement. He was even announcing when there is an outage as you can see on this thread.

One last thing, all my vectors seem to be priced at 20 credits and no other purchasing options are given. Actually this is cool by me! If it stays this way I will be happier. I prefer to only sell the EPS and for 20 credits. But I don't think this is final yet.

Ah, almost forgot about the watermark! It is one of the best in microstock. Makes the thief work hard! Cool...

Yeah, I don't think it's the final version either but I'm excited that my pictures are live :)

Like you said, some things are missing: links to our portfolio, statistiques and sales reports.

I'm pretty sure we'll have some news from Bryan tomorrow.

Veer / Re: Outage Saturday July 25th
« on: July 26, 2009, 08:25 »
Yay! VMP is live! I ran a couple of search and found my images for sale :)

Veer / Re: Outage Saturday July 25th
« on: July 24, 2009, 15:47 »
Is it the official launch of VMP??? :)

92 / Re: Shutterstock Tax center live
« on: July 24, 2009, 12:35 »
I would say it depends if your company is incorporated. Do you have to get your books verified by a certified accountant at the end of the year or can you do your own taxes reports? Are you employed by your company? receiving paycheck from it? Are you making 2 taxes reports at the end of the year (one for your company and one for yourself)?

 If not, you should be in group A2 in my humble opinion ( I'm not an attorney nor an accountant though).

General Stock Discussion / Re: If you had six months...
« on: July 22, 2009, 17:42 »
40 - 50 a week so circa 1000
In 2 days of 7 hours shooting you would not be able to make more than 40-50 saleable photos? Yikes. In a well planned half-day shoot, you should be able to produce that. Give it another half-day to a day to process and you are still 1.5 day into the week.

General Stock Discussion / Re: If you had six months...
« on: July 21, 2009, 20:07 »
It would depend on inspiration and how lazy I am. The lack of inspiration would probably be the one thing that hold me back most (because it's already that at the moment).

If I have those 2 things on my side and could do that full time, 5 days a week, 7 hours per day... I'd say at least 100-150 good stock photos a week so about 3000 photos?

Veer / Re: Veer - a big waste of time
« on: July 20, 2009, 15:04 »
It's normal Nebuto because your images aren't live yet. They are gathering the images and the second phase of VMP should launch later this month.

New Sites - General / Re: Anyone heard of 3D Studio
« on: July 20, 2009, 15:03 »
About the email adress Lisa, most people hied it from forum posts and website because there are some software scanning the web for email adresses to then made them available for spam and con artists. That's the reason that on my website, I have a contact form instead of displaying my email address.

New Sites - General / Re: Anyone heard of 3D Studio
« on: July 19, 2009, 19:55 »
Fun you are talking about them, I just received an Email from them asking me if I wanted to be a contributor there. Very polite and well written. I'll tale a look when I have a bit more time.

Veer / Re: What to expect from Veer!?
« on: July 17, 2009, 17:19 »
Considering Veer's reputation and the market they already have, my hopes for Veer are high in the long term. I don't expect they make as much as StockXpert or Fotolia in august and september but I expect them to be above 123RF in a couple of months and hope they will be on par with DT in a year or two.

Veer / Re: Veer Marketplace Launch Timing Clarification
« on: July 17, 2009, 16:31 »
Thanks for the update Bryan.

Veer / Re: Veer Marketplace Launch Timing Clarification
« on: July 15, 2009, 19:44 »
I don't think anybody will die if it is in august. I prefer they launch it flawlessly in august than with a lot of bugs in july. As long as it is online for the big fall season.

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