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Messages - YadaYadaYada

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Shutterstock.com / Re: We are having some impact
« on: July 19, 2020, 11:07 »
I, too, am banned and I have never had any interaction with him at all. I wonder if its a Jon Oringer incognito account?

Incognito secret accounts, black opps. As seen on TV https://youtu.be/sRWtFVFSx5I

Im also banned, I guess because I pointed out that he gets barely any sales. Easy enough to see his Twitter account, though, where he spends a lot of time retweeting Jo Ann, so I thank him for that, though he only has 14 followers so hes not helping us spread the message all that much. I feel sorry for the guy.

Very sorry.

On a slightly hilarious note I see stockphotofan1 is still banging the drum for his paymasters  ;D

Lonely guy . Apparently he's blocked a lot of people so that he/she/it can reply to their tweets without response. Talk about one sided conversation

He has no followers, no likes and just seems to have taken upon himself to answer in shutterstock's place. Since they anyhow don't want to do it themselves

Seems like one more way SS botched their people handling and PR. Or maybe its Stan/Jon's frustration account

Somebody who watches for your reactions, a big troll. SS wouldn't waste the time.

i just removed all my footage from 2020 if things don't improve by next month rest will come down, or i slowly delete some each day until there not much left. i thought about deactivating but i guess there the risk they will copy the footage :/ ?

what is the point of deleting your content on ss and at the same time submit to istock where they pay you less than ss?? just curious...

The point is, one has to start somewhere. Today, its SS. Focus.

Clap off, you aren't the boss of me.

but I've experienced this problem about every 3-4 montsh ever since I joined Shutterstock.
There's a big difference between your experience and frozen base. Yes, it's still frozen now. I do track some things and I see the same vectors in Newest since yesterday. Not a single image added. Publishing lag can affect portfolios, but something new will appear all the time anyway. Now they are just freeze for a 4 days.

Nope. As I have said. What is happening now is exactly what I have experienced in the past. It's a technical error Shutterstock keeps fighting with every few months.

For years...  :)

327,314,999 is the search number

Over 327,118,204 royalty-free images with 506,889 new stock images added weekly.

Is bottom of the page promo. Also the same as usual, they are never in sync. or identical. When the real numbers were going down, the promo was higher. Now it's the other way.

not fair! you're using facts to support your case!

AI makes up those bottom of page numbers.

I have decided to delete my content on Shutterstock, not just disable it. Someone wrote a script that can do it for me. One by one would take forever.  Can anyone share what that script is and how to use it please?

Good move, they don't deserve to have you for what they pay.

So shutterstock just put in a message that once you disable content you can't turn it on for 30 days. And that it'll negatively affect performance

Wow, these people just don't let up on the arm twisting and scare tactics. Since when did having a fair dialog go out of style

Sent from my HD1901 using Tapatalk

Arm twisting and a way to stop the protest, that makes SS look worse scared. If public relations counts, on a scale of 1 to 10 they are a 1 because there is no 0.


Minimum is 10 cents, which means if some big buyer has a deal and pays, 25c an image, instead of us getting .075 we get 10c. No that's not anything to cheer about, but that also means SS is paying us more than our true commission when a buyer gets a extremely low price for images.

In most cases this is not true. Don't forget that most clients do not download all images in their subs-plan, but SS pays us % only of the downloaded images. They keep 100% for the ones the buyer did not download.

It's difficult for me to understand how some buyer would pay less than 25c a download or use, so that people on level 6 are still getting only 10c commission. But that's what the numbers say? I think there's some Facebook deal where they use images for advertising and pay on a contract,which could be lower than 25 a use, we'll all get 10c a use for those.

Very simple: image pack with 9000 downloads for $1999 (=0.22 per image).

How many buyers use their whole pack and how many don't? .22 per image, 9000 pack, would be losing .24 per image. $2160 lost when the buyer downloads 9000. That doesn't seem very smart. If the buyer uses half their subscription, SS loses $1080 makes $990 for no download, which is a net loss of $90. Who buys a 9000 subscription and only downloads half?

Shutterstock is not an artists charity.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock release UI improvement
« on: July 01, 2020, 11:04 »
How about we can search for our own work to update keywords and edit, without search, copy, paste from the website with image number. Please make editing easier instead of pain.

General Stock Discussion / Re: So where are we at now?
« on: July 01, 2020, 10:57 »
All featured Adobe photographers still have their ports on SS? Today is July 1st not April 1st. Those featured ports are because of recent sales, nothing else. No one has made any deals. stop spreading false rumors and making up stories. Use the truth as your voice. Anybody can boycott or not, that's their choice, stop bullying and attacking them for free choice.

10 cents is not fair, not enough for the work, no one should accept that. Not motivated to make or upload anything.

No contributor can afford a 0,10 payment per image. It's crazy.
I can find more money on the street when I go walking.

Staying with SS is crazy.

Yeah I know, it's just the spy stuff that got me sidetracked.  8)

Since I'm not on FB and I don't read all the tweets and I didn't join the group, just because I don't follow FB, nothing else. What was the name and why was it blanked out? Public service, public posts, I'd see nothing wrong with including their name. I only gathered it was a she from one of your posts? Makes me wonder who that was.

Not sure why he blacked out the name. Her first name was Svetlana, dont remember the last. She claimed to work for FB, but then her arguments were strange. Anyway, what she was saying made it seem like she was pro-SS/FB, hence the spy speculation. You had to be there. 😀

Thats disappointing about africastudio. In the end, everybody can be bought for a price. Im sure it was all negotiating tactics between them and SS. Oringer has lots of toys to pay for.

Thanks, half the population of Russia is named Svetlana. (the other half is male)  ;)

About the censorship. I don't agree, but quoting from recent news:

Under current law, platforms are allowed to moderate anything they find "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. The DOJ, however, suggests that this standard is too vague and says the "otherwise objectionable" language should be removed from the law.

So for example, FB can find anything they want to be "objectionable" and remove it. Whether they are protecting a business alliance, the API which FB uses SS images, or something else, complaints, who knows what, I don't know. Apparently the first amendment doesn't apply to social platforms, unless it's someone trying to sue another person for what they post. But the platforms are not required to allow us to post, what they don't want and aren't actually liable for what individual users post.

You arent on FB anyway, you said. And yes, I know its a popular name. Its irrelevant.  ;)

He has 2 Facebook accounts, I found them in less then a minute.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Mr. Crafty is at it again
« on: June 30, 2020, 10:03 »
Funny how he started off trying to deflect the cuts and now he just gave up. Facts simply do not support his garbage claim...insinuating that they added a higher tier. Very few will make that and then there is the annual reset. He truly is a disgusting person. I say that because now we know he supports Stan's move.

Nobody will believe his lies, the numbers don't lie. I'm down over 50% first month, his math is a lie.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: June 18, 2020, 16:09 »
Amazing, they are going from bad to worse and seem to be loving it!

Hard to be worse than iStock but Shutter is trying. This is the worst but not the lowest paying. How does anybody stay with either of them?

Not in years since Alamy became Microstock, and never since day one of Microstock.

Honestly, I wouldn't keep taking the time to explain yourself. The people who are questioning you have already stated they don't plan to take down their ports or really do anything else remotely helpful to fight Shutterstock, but I'm sure they won't mind if all your hard work results in fairer royalties for them.

Big Mother has spoken. Don't ask questions, follow the party line. If you don't you will be personally attacked, your port will be attacked, you will be called names and accused of working for the company.


Join or be punished.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Latest sales - down quite a bit
« on: May 19, 2020, 20:48 »
April is probably the month when we all started feeling the results of Covid19

For those looking for a tipping point from bad to dead, this is it. Economics, sales, earnings, there's the end of the story. We'll have defenders but this month is the end.

I have already sold most of my equipment, and invested in another field. I have a port of over 17k videos, and in the past I had days with over 800$ sales. Now I am happy if this much sells in a week.

Good I hope many more will do the same, photo and video.

123RF / Re: Negative earnings
« on: May 01, 2020, 11:39 »
I have these strange "refunds" as well. Not very pleasant surprise.
Closing My account soon. another great site Bites the dust.

No One gives a crap anyway. Im Only with 3 sites Now. SS,DP and AS and I haven't sent anything new for 5 Months to anyone and My sales have gone up???....I tripled My personal client base. I do this for a living. I have No hobbies and haven't for 25 years. Now we have a virus.

getting Close to writing My Last post on MSG. why do More?? 57,000 Posts On SS and they Ban Me for writing about some smuck who was stalking me.. Oh Well. I have 9,600 Saved email address's. I stay In touch.And I am Truly Honored to Have helped 1000's do better  doing real Photography.

Forums are over.

You forgot Dreamstime again

We can certainly blame Trump, who crosses out Corona and replaces it with Chinese in his notes with his fabulous sharpie. Hes also calling for open armed rebellion in certain Democratic-led states with his insane tweets today. Hes a despicable dictator wannabe.

But fortunately we have checks and balances that keep him from achieving that, had it been true and not some embellished critical and political attack.

China, Chinese, Wuhan, Trump, Putin, Manhole, https://nypost.com/2018/05/26/pc-police-wont-let-us-use-these-words-anymore/

Hate speech is not protected by the 1st amendment, unless it's directed at Trump?  ;D But read that article, you can't say politically correct because that demeans the term. What ???

These are the kind of people that scare me more than Trump, all politicians, or the left wing extremists.

"The Facebook groups have become digital hubs for the same sort of misinformation spouted in recent days at state capitols from comparing the virus to the flu to questioning the intentions of scientists working on a vaccine."

Or people who will protest because they are against any vaccination.

People with no sense of humor will never understand what you write.

Trump is the schizophrenic President. Trump introduced a plan to reopen the country that urged states to start resuming normal activity only after a 14-day drop in cases. Trump refused to condemn the protesters despite the fact that many are not practicing the social distancing guidelines that his own administration has recommended. He's crazy

Singapore, which has been lauded for its initial response to the outbreak, has seen a surge in cases, reporting a record 1,426 new coronavirus cases on Monday, mostly among foreign workers. The city states prime minister announced a lockdown would be extended by four weeks until 1 June. Denmark the current ban on gatherings of more than 10 people will stay in place until 10 May. UK cases are rising again.

Georgia and several other southern US states are moving to ease lockdown restrictions as early as this week, as sporadic protests erupt in other states over the strict measures governors have enacted to tackle coronavirus. Let them, that will make less stupid rednecks to vote for Trump. Don't fight this, help make them go out and commit suicide. That will be enough less Trump votes to keep him from being reelected. Same for Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia. If you don't like Trump, stay at home, keep your distance, wait for the Trump voters to reduce their count.

This was inevitable, unfortunately. With the likes of iStock Premium Access, Envato Elements and Storyblocks gaining traction and their collections growing, other companies must respond or risk losing their share of the pie. For as long as there are contributors that are willing to feed these companies (and these will always be) this process will continue and other companies will eventually follow (such as Pond5's HyperStock). This, it seems, is the natural process of evolution in the stock video industry driven by the massive growth in supply that far outpace the demand. In the end, we have nobody but ourselves to blame for this process.     

Looks like nearly everyone overlooked your smart reply answer about the business. When things don't go the way someone expects, it's only natural to blame someone else. Microstockers are very good at that.

Crestock.com / Re: Crestok has just filed for bankruptcy
« on: April 15, 2020, 07:49 »
Glad I left that sinking ship years ago.

Shutterstock is doing on of the same things and is sinking fast.
SS is making millions what are you smoking?

Over the last two weeks I tried submitting only one or two pics at a time, only the best, during daylight, full frame sensor, in my opinion no technical problems.

All rejected for noise.
I give up with shutterstock.
At least for the moment.

Does seem to be strange on SS lately. Now bar code and QR rejections are showing.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: April 04, 2020, 21:09 »
The CDC has reversed its recommendations about using face masks as the coronavirus pandemic develops.

You left out the part where Trump told everyone it was voluntary several times, and also said several times he wont be wearing one, while standing right next to all his cronies.

It is voluntary, the CDC isn't Trump, who cares about Trump, he can wear a mask or not. The CDC says recommended that we now wear masks. Trump can go die with no mask and make people happy.

Paper magazines sell less and less. Online magazines are the future.
But maybe im wrong.  :)

dreamser...you are just considering that nothing change....video already see many subscription model with cheap price 1,5 dollar per sale, near photo but sale for video are not comparable, probably one video eery 1000 photo if not more....the same as motion graphic illustration, probably considering the crisis there will be even more competition...everybod living photo for video and motion graphic, the same pressure on price, high offer low demand....it-s a fact...in addiction while more complex motion design is not nuclear science...in easter europe there are zillions people doing this. so don-t believe a lot on your idea.

Shutterstock made 4.35 Million profit last quarter, microstock is making money. 2019, Pond5 launched partnerships with Reuters, Cover Video, and Newsflare to create the largest Editorial video collection. Depositphotos was founded by Dmitry Sergeev in November 2009 in Kiev, Ukraine. iStokc pays us 15% and you are calling microstock dead. The companies are making good money from microstock and people like you who give them pictures.

not only that, this user is using 2 worded keywords for all of his keywords on all of his work without any consequences, reported it long time ago.


unfortunately, SS dont care anymore

Because 50 terrible keywords isn't enough, they wanted 100.  ;D

Sorry, back to the original.

Please post screenshots of the two images.

I've had many of my ideas ripped by other contributors, but I have never seen a direct copy of my work.

Yeah, simple ideas and concepts can't be protected. Complex setups, in a photo, might be.

But no way anyone should be able to make a copy, small modifications and upload as their own. That stinks.

I dont know if terrible but he is on first page on every single search that include one of his keywords. Try it yourself. He is doing great! Using bugs without consequences pays off great.

Glad his keywords aren't in any of my page one images. Can you repeat that?  "he is on first page on every single search that include one of his keywords" really? Do you know what you just wrote?

Here's an idea, if that works and you'll be on the first page for every keyword in your images, by having 50 two word keywords, just do it. Think of all the money you'll make being on the first page of every search for 100 different words?

Ok, now you just repeated everything I wrote.

Looks like you need some help, here it is, try this searches: "angry", "confused", "amazed", "scared", "excited", "happy", "joyful"......

just search for photos with people.

those images sells like crazy.

you don't even need to put "woman", "man" or "business" or any other filter.

if you searched for "vector icons" of course you dont find him, he doesnt do vectors.

and no, i wont do it, because it's against the rules.

How can he be on the first page of every word if there are 100 words?

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