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Messages - Pixart

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Off Topic / Re: Plane crashed in my front yard
« on: May 17, 2017, 14:03 »
Wow.  Just WOW!!!!  So glad you are safe!  It will take a long time to shake this one off.  I hope in a couple years everyone doesn't get lupus and sarcomas from the fuel.

And speaking of odds... now that this happened just yards away from you, you will never have to be nervous about flying again.  The chance that you will ever be involved in another aviation accident have to be way less than nil now. 

I grew up in the country, walked to the end of my lane to catch the school bus.  One morning my neighbor took off from his little dirt landing strip that went up almost in front of our house - he'd kinda roll the wings  left/right to say good morning.  At lunch the ambulance went down the highway by the school with the lights on but no siren or speeding.  Which pretty much means someone is DOA.

He was crop dusting and he used to go under the power lines instead of over them.  Sad.  It was one of his buddy's crops too and his girlfriend was sitting in a truck with lunch. 

Off Topic / Re: Trailer for my short film
« on: May 16, 2017, 22:20 »
Nice work Dragonblade.  Congrats for the selection. 

How many hours footage do you think you took to cut down to 8 minutes.  Do you go out solo when you collect footage?  Must be a very centering almost spiritual way to spend your days!  Although I get paid every time I go out, it sure must beat shooting 300 soccer players under the age of 13 :)

Have spent several weekends in auditoriums and conventions centres at dance competitions.  My daughter has been dancing pretty well.  Has won two scholarships and we need to add an additional shelf for trophies.    It's a real privileged to watch kids from our City blossom/grow up.

No, I haven't met a Mom from another school that comes close to the tv show.  We are more of a "make friends backstage and support everyone" kinda town.

General Stock Discussion / Re: How was your April?
« on: May 01, 2017, 14:21 »
I had to go back to March 2007 for a worse month.  Unbelievably bad.

CanStockPhoto.com / Re: What is this CS Distribution Sale?
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:08 »
Thanks for that.  First one in 14 months.  Shows you how robust my sales are at CS  :o

CanStockPhoto.com / What is this CS Distribution Sale?
« on: April 10, 2017, 10:54 »
April 8, 2017   Distribution   free print   $0.25 USD

25 cents, so it is a sub, but what is "free print"?

Why would the royalty be any more than the value of a sub?  Presumably a download is made every time a print is purchased.

But I don't want that to sound like I'm sticking up for it.

Well, since you asked - I "liked" the post and I also deleted my photos a couple years back.

And your other point - no, it doesn't make sense to keep your existing files live if you feel like you are being taken advantage of, abused, treated with little or no respect or if you are propping up a distributor who is ultimately harming the industry.

Anyone who enjoys they way they are treated should also enjoy their earnings.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock Royalty Rates
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:44 »
They paid out 28% of the $494.3 million in 2016 revenue in royalties. That comes to approximately $138.4 million in total royalties paid to contributors in 2016.

How were they using the word "royalties" in this statement?  Was this a reference to all royalties collected and converted to U.S. Currency and BEFORE any kind of deduction?   Or do they take their deductions and then say they've kept 72% (when technically they've paid for their offices, massages, expense accounts but not shown us).    But wouldn't a company this size have several International entities that report individually?  Where do they fit in?

What about their receipt of "future" revenue for subscription purchases, and abandoned/expired subscription receipts - those monies should be other revenue, and not included in their definition of royalty revenue - so that would put SS pulling in a lot more than the royalties revenue they speak of.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Shutterstock sales are bad.
« on: February 16, 2017, 12:20 »
- SS I passed January already - which wasn't fab yet wasn't terrible
- FT - WTH is going on?  My daily ranking has slid by about 7000 so it is presumably just me.
- The surprise showing this year is DT.  Not back to the good old days, but Jan was as good as best month last year, and Feb has just passed Jan.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Raw format request
« on: February 16, 2017, 12:14 »
Not on DT (sorry to derail) but a customer called me directly for a RAW file  - "I already paid for it on Bigstock - it's pretty small - we hope to get the original file just for a banner at a trade show".  I heard the words "I already paid for it" likely 6 times.  Whoopie - you paid either for a sub or bought an XS or a couple bucks (it was Bigstock after all).  We settled on a price and I dropboxed the file.  A very VERY good price for them too.

Famous advice I give everyone else and worth all caps.... COLLECT PAYMENT BEFORE YOU SEND THE FILE.  Got sick of demanding payment and have never received a cent.  I guess I had a weak moment as she was from the area where I grew up and it was one of those rolling prairie shots.    I didn't doubt she would need a raw file to work some magic on - ancient file from a 6mp D70.

While on the derail  - it's only February and I've received more bounced cheques already this year than I did all of last year.  They seriously bounce cheques for $15, $20, $80 bucks.  Bank charges me fees.  Their bank charges them fees.  If they actually want the packages I charge them fees when I can collect them.  I'm so sick of self employment I'm ready to toss my gear.  Between shooting for a living and rare stock photography I can't remember the last time I've taken a "creative" photo.

PhotoDune / Re: Anyone unworthy of Photodune yet?
« on: February 08, 2017, 13:52 »
Maybe it's time for me to apply.  From the looks of things, I would be the only tog and will gobble up all the sales.

But then, there's those funny tax shenanigans...

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS hits new lows in terms of quality
« on: February 07, 2017, 15:31 »
Okay, not supposed to single anyone out on this forum; but pointing out that rules have changed:  when I have submitted ONE "slight" HDR image it was declined because they don't accept HDR.  The first page I see of that port is all "strong" HDR!

PhotoDune / Re: Anyone unworthy of Photodune yet?
« on: February 07, 2017, 10:25 »
Who follows what they are up to - is there a page that boasts about how many photos they have for sale?  How much has it gone down?  Sheesh... if they are deleting top 50's and Photographer of the week's (from only a few weeks ago) are they starting again from scratch? 

Hohum.  I think it's time to remove my one photo from Istock.  So now they just keep the $19 it earned last year?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Creativemarket... your experience?
« on: December 21, 2016, 15:01 »
I'm pretty annoyed right now from the other side at them.... went to buy a $39 vector and although I could put it on my credit card, if I want to use the cash in my Paypal account I have to buy credits that I'm sure will expire before I could ever use.  So it will cost $50 U.S. or $69 Cdn.  if I want to pay cash.  No thanks!

Kraft ran a Hockey Canada contest - they were selecting a hockey coach to honour and gifted cash and improvements to the home community club.   They used a photo of a coach friend out on the ice with a dry board and a circle of kids around him.  The twist to the story is a player on his real team wrote an essay nominating the same model/coach and he was selected and won the national contest - and no, Kraft didn't know he was in their marketing.  My son had him for 3 or 4 years and he really was an amazing coach.

My other stand outs are my son on a book called "How to Raise a Serial Killer"  and elk on the lid of a wooden toilet seat. 

Finding them on the Internet is one thing, but it's still a rush to randomly run into your work in a store or on a billboard.  Of course, after the initial thrill you will always think... "I don't remember ever selling an EL of that one...."

General Stock Discussion / Re: How was your November?
« on: December 01, 2016, 10:41 »
Gulp.  I didn't really keep good records in 2006 but since 2007 this was my WNE  (Worst NOVEMBER ever). 

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Copyright Infringement by "AlexeyWork"
« on: November 29, 2016, 23:51 »
I would think it would be easier than going to court for copyright infringement. 

Count yourself lucky.  Make sure you read through the forum about contributor experiences again at DP before you reapply.

They have always had a free site, a few years ago when we started getting the "this image has not been downloaded in...."  they automatically would send it to the free site until "we" fought back.  They changed it to a tick-box to donate and an option to pay re-keyword your photo or remove it. 

First I've heard of https://www.megapixl.com/ though. 

I think Dreamstime has the option to donate it to the free site if it's not approved also don't they? 

Off Topic / Re: Urgent help on possible malware
« on: November 04, 2016, 10:17 »
You aren't located in a country that the U.S. has a trade embargo against are you?  Can't remember details but I do I remember someone with a long time account being shut down after new sanctions or maybe when the agency flagged the country.

Shutterstock.com / Re: October results
« on: November 01, 2016, 13:14 »
My Oct 16/15/14 were virtually the same.  October 2013 and prior were all 20% (ish) better.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock Royalty Change
« on: October 26, 2016, 09:54 »
On a "Positive" note, noone mentioned that they didn't send the message on a Friday of a long weekend at 5:00 Calgary time.  Cocky SOB's

I wonder how long it would take SS to review 1M photos these days?  After all, it only took 13 seconds to review Lauren's 19 images the other day.... 

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