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Messages - pling

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for people who still haven't decide to join, here a poll result of "Your Symbiostock Deployment Experience" from http://www.microstockgroup.com/symbiostock-hosting/my-site-symbiostock-(-works-doesn't-work-)-and-this-is-my-hosting-company/

From my experience, you don't need to know everything before you join, you will learn while you setting up your website :)

...but isn't using a child theme supposed to solve this?

Of course it is. I've never worked with child themes before and learning this now from scratch is really an eye opener.

Finally I got this issue sorted out - with the help of everyone who replied. Thanks so much!

i m glad that you solve it  :)

I am using "HOME Page Simple" and Meteor Slides plugin to create my full width slide.
Can I just use the short code for that or I also have to add the php code to my template?

I used the short code provided by the plugin, it is easy just add it into your home page.

I am using "HOME Page Simple" and Meteor Slides plugin to create my full width slide.

How many uploads do you have until you got your first sale?

I have over 420 files, and still no sale.

It must be the quality of my uploads.

I was lucky to have my first sale at around 520 files uploaded  :)

I noticed its illustrations that get bought... now all we need is the first photograph sale !  :D

Congrats Pilens !!

Thanks! But I still wish I had my first sale  ;D. It would be a photo...

DOH, I meant Congrats PLING !  ;)

You and me both Pilens !!

lol thanks Ron  :) wish your first sale come true soon!

Congrats pling! Great feeling isn't it!? :)

Yes the feeling is like dream come true! very excited  :D

..this is real! I'm so excited can't wait to share it here, my first sale 2 images at price $2.50

Thank you Leo, thank you Symbiostock member   :)

removed and added the new one  ;)

thanks for sharing seeing the good news is giving me hope :)

I didn't know need to edit the title and description until I read this post, am I too late to edit it now? most of my images already indexed by google.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Darn Categories
« on: June 03, 2013, 23:43 »
You can display more images per page when processing by clicking on screen options at top right of page and choosing your number.  Don't forget though that if you are bulk changing things you will miss out on SEO, whether items are exclusive or not and whether they have model/property releases or not and changing titles so they are different to everywhere else.
Thanks mate, that solved a lot of my issues. LOL.

Now, there is another problem tho. When I search for lets say Food on my images page, it only brings up one image, but there are at least 15 images with the keyword food. So I cant really quickly batch edit the images.

However, when I search for food in my portfolio, it does bring them all up.

If I remember correctly, you aren't supposed to use a keyword that is the same as a category head. I don't remember the reason, though. Maybe because search can't distinguish between the category page and the image keyword? Something like that.

If you have the keyword "gold" and a category for "gold" you would have ended up with the slugs gold and gold-2

Go through and rename categories "slug" that share the same name as your keywords to for example change "gold" to "gold-images"

If you create a new categories like "Christmas", it will automatically call it "christmas-images".

But the default categories came with installation are all using singer word slug, therefore if you using the default category you have to modify the "slug" to solve the search result issue.

May be Leo can edit the "Slug" for the default categories to solve this for new symbiostock user.


Hi Pling,

I just left the default setting and chose the extension to add.
I was a bit concerned but went for it anyway and all seems to be fine.


Hi Steve, thanks for the info, bluehost support help me generated the php.ini and also added the extension for me. May be you can ask support to generate the php.ini for you too, so that you can increase the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size, I have some image size over 10M unable to process before increase upload_max_filesize, now I have no problem to process these file after increase to 32M.

Thanks Cathy,
I actually found it under PHP Config under Software Services on the BlueHost Control Panel there is a box to tick for additional extensions.

Seems to be working just fine.

Hi Steve, I still waiting for bluehost support to reply my ticket regarding to generate the php.ini for me.
may I know when you use the PHP Config, do you select the php version? I saw the default option is selected PHP 5.2 (Single php.ini), not sure if this is the current version I am using. I am worry if I selected wrong version will cause my website to have problem.

Hi, I am also using GD, I host my site at Bluehost, can I change it to ImageMagic?
Can give me the line code that I need to add into php.ini?


you might read through that thread i posted above...discusses it quite a bit.

After you do it, upload one image and when you process, it should say something like "processing with imagemagick" at the top.

thanks cclapper, I will read the thread to learn more.

Hi, I am also using GD, I host my site at Bluehost, can I change it to ImageMagic?
Can give me the line code that I need to add into php.ini?

MSG name: pling
Website: plingstock
URL: http://plingstock.com
Main topics: Portfolio including conceptual 3d man, business concept illustration, abstract background, Holiday illustration (Christmas, Halloween etc), photos.
Online: 427 and another 2000 to upload.

currently added 6 website to my network, and looking for complementary subjects,  hope I can part of your network  :)

I just added you to my last open network slot.


thanks steve, I added you too, very nice gallerias :)

MSG name: pling
Website: plingstock
URL: http://plingstock.com
Main topics: Portfolio including conceptual 3d man, business concept illustration, abstract background, Holiday illustration (Christmas, Halloween etc), photos.
Online: 427 and another 2000 to upload.

currently added 6 website to my network, and looking for complementary subjects,  hope I can part of your network  :)

Chrome shows "Pay now" in your site and in mine. I don't now how about that "/" thing, because I didn't buy anything :)

I am afraid I will have to disagree here..

I installed a fresh chrome browser on a totally new computer (windows vista) and I can not see the "Pay Now" text or the other text beside "/"

ps: I can see it on chrome (android)

Hi cidepix,

I just register an account and try, I can see the "pay now" button at my chrome, but I am using window 7

Leo, thank you for the fixed, I updated to version 2.3.9, user profile problem solved.

here the screenshot of my symbiostock network profile changed after an user updated their Biographical Info to "testing".

When an user (subscriber) edit or update their profile, will cause the admin symbiostock network profile to become empty or replace by their info.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: google webmaster tools
« on: May 30, 2013, 02:18 »
I installed "Google XML Sitemaps" plugin to generate my sitemap, it work fine with Symbiostock so far, added my sitemap to webmaster tools yesterday, submitted 296 get indexed 161 today.  ;)

Just a little thing, but could we please have the default setting for new images as N/A for model and property releases - will save a  little work when editing each image if you are going to make it visible in the public area  :)

Ya agree with Tinny, coz I didn't notice this two release added in new version, I uploaded 40 images all with Model and Property release YES. Could we also add Model and Property release at "Quick Edit"?  :)

Hi Leo,

I know what is wrong now, using chrome I can't add network, I just try at firework it work perfectly. May be you try at chrome and see.

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