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Messages - Equus

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Envato / Re: PhotoDune Non-ex Rate Increase from 25% to 33%
« on: November 28, 2011, 12:48 »
Can anyone tell me, what is the average amount per dowload you receive from PhotoDune? Thanks.

77 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: February 01, 2011, 03:25 »
If you're squeezing everything, you reduce the staff, refuse to pay overtime, the staff have too much to do, lose motivation, don't work late or at weekends, and of course they can't say anything. Sound familiar?

78 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: January 31, 2011, 15:50 »
I thought it was his instructions that were causing the problems. More profit, squeeze everybody.

79 / Re: Vetta Sale at iStock
« on: December 07, 2010, 17:34 »
There is no way these extra RC's for the final 3 weeks of the year, will compensate for the losses of many Vetta contributors since the September price increase. Vetta sales have been way, way down. Quite a few people will miss their target, I'm sure, due to that price increase. The extra RC's will not make up the difference.

80 / Re: iStockphoto management constipated?
« on: November 02, 2010, 22:19 »

If everyone keeps uploading and all the exclusives stay where they are, that sends out a very clear message to all the other stock libraries. It says we're okay with 15-19%. Why wouldn't they see that as an invitation to reduce their royalties too?

It says that the non-exclusives are OK with 15-19%.
If the other sites want the diamond exclusives, and isn't that why designers go to IS, then they would be crazy to reduce commissions.
From reading this forum, I know that I earn much more as an exclusive than I would as an independent. If my income is reduced by very much, then I will go independent, as commissions stand at present. I'm not prepared to take a cut in income AND have all my eggs in one basket.
If the other sites reduce commissions, then there will be no point in going independent. I'm in this to earn the most money, and just now that's as an IS exclusive. If that changes, I will take the appropriate action.

81 / Re: iStockphoto management constipated?
« on: November 02, 2010, 20:19 »
I don't want to see them do anything other than fail. They've insulted every single contributor with their announcement of 15% royalties and the empty b*llocks that went with it. If it's business as usual for them after January 1st, it's an open invitation for Fotolia to cut it's royalties, Dreamstime will follow and then you'll be back here this time next year moaning that iStock is now only offering you 10%.

The other sites would be crazy to reduce commissions. There must be dozens of exclusives waiting to see what happens. IS has done nothing but shoot itself in the foot recently.

Any sign of the others following IS will just persuade those thinking of jumping ship, that they may as well stay where they are.

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