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Messages - lathspell

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General Stock Discussion / Yuri, I admire you!
« on: May 20, 2008, 19:15 »
Hi Yuri A.,

you probably don't know me ... I've seen hundreds of wonderful pictures from your portfolio over the years. But today is the day when I want to say: I just admire you!

Why? Well, I've just discovered two of your pictures in this week's Top 50 Photos at Shutterstock (see one of them here). Please don't midn me, but these 2 pictures have by far the worst fake mirror effect I've seen in a long time ... I mean some of the people are levitating, floating in space, others are standing there with one foot lifted. I wouldn't have even dared to submit a picture like these (actually I'm also unable to take pictures like these) but however: you made it into the Top 50! Unbelievable. Congratulations, sincerely! :) :)

Tea rose is a type of rose

In this case please use

"tea rose", rose

(mind the quotes!) instead of just

tea, rose

This marks "tea rose" as a phrase so the picture doesn't come up in a search for "tea" while the picture can still be found in a search for "rose".

anyone have a lower than that?

I got $0.05 - 6 years ago at istockphoto ...

79 / Re: No, "Thank You"
« on: May 07, 2008, 17:51 »
Those thanking is stupid to me too. I just do it to expose my portfolio to buyers. lol. If I am not on first page at forum, I wont make a post.... lol.

Actually that's why I don't read most of the microstock agencies forums anymore - too many redundant posts from posters who only want to expose their portfolio to buyers ...

80 / Re: 17% commission
« on: February 14, 2008, 22:16 »
but the photographer gets $1.3 x 20% = US$.26

I remember statements that the photographer gets 20% of the actual cost of a credit, not 20% of the costs in US$. That was mentioned during the short "let's screw Brits a bit" phase at the beginning of the year when photog got incredible large royalties from those British and European buyers ...

81 / Re: Any feedback?
« on: February 07, 2008, 08:22 »

General Stock Discussion / Re: January 2008 Earnings Poll
« on: February 04, 2008, 20:18 »
Erm, excuse me, but where is the $500-$1000 option since I need it?! :)

83 / Re: Dreamstime not good!
« on: January 30, 2008, 10:48 »
Strangely nobody has commented on DT's sworn right to keep all your earnings if u decide to close your account???

Why comment something which is common business?! IIRC e.g. SS does the same. So what?

Disable you pics first , wait until next payout, request payout, wait for payout hitting your bank account, close your DT account. Easy, isn't it?

84 / Re: New prices
« on: January 17, 2008, 22:57 »
Sorry, but what exactly does that mean? Are there higher prices somewhere in the world in an IS site?

There where. For a short period UK buyers (paying with British Pounds) where charged twice the price and EURO buyers 1.5 times of what the price in US$ was (and contributors got their percentage of these up to 2 times higher royalties). Bruce (istocks CEO) just thought it was a good idea to screw a few people around the world, and so they implemented a localized price scheme going online together with the announced credits increase. The funny thing in this was that Brits could compare prices and save 50% with simply switching the purchase currency to US$ ...

After >5 days of protests in the forums this decision was revoked.

And here comes the absurd part: Now dozens of people who kept silent during the protests are actually hurraying Bruce for what a tough and nice guy he is and how fair istock treats its various contributors etc.pp. Unbelievable. Istock was going to squeeze European buyers without any announcement (they just locally replaced the "$" with Euro/Pound symbols at the start page and tried to get away with it!), and now they are considered as heroes because they had to give up this strategy after some people started to ask the right questions!

85 / Re: Panthermedia goes International
« on: January 17, 2008, 22:33 »
- Royalty rate

30% to 50%. But this may vary since PM has signed various partnerships and royalties from there can be significantly lower.

- Do they offer subscriptions?

I don't think so.

- Min payout amount

30 EUR at the moment, at least for German contributors (not sure about the international conditions).

How does the rating system work?  What is it used for?

PM has two departments: a picture agency and a photo community. You may upload your picture to either one of these departments or to both at the same time. Ratings from the photo community do not affect the ranking in the picture agency. The picture agency has a separate ranking system where only reviewers can rate a picture.

86 / Re: Panthermedia goes International
« on: January 17, 2008, 22:26 »
Be careful, perhaps you're just wasting your time: PM has changed its royalties policy. Beginning from March '08 contributors who offer the work also at "cheaper" sites (*please see below) do get only 30% instead of 50%, and their pictures are pushed to the back of the search results.

*By PM's definition a "cheaper agency" is an agency which is selling a DIN A4@300dpi file for less then 49,90 EUR. This virtually includes all of the big microstocks and most of the (German) midstocks. Though PM offers smaller file sizes for a cheaper price than the midstock competition PM insists on its self-made DIN A4 criteria.

And just today PM has activated a thesaurus software which automatically adds keywords by derivations of the existing ones, thus generating pretty anoying keywords like e.g. "sexual intercourse" for nearly every picture of a nude body female or male - your models will certainly like that!

IMO at the moment PM is treating its contributors with disrespect and arrogance. I'm in the process of withdrawing from there.

General Stock Discussion / Re:
« on: January 08, 2008, 20:05 »
... but I will be glad if someone sopport me and give his ideas ...

My very first idea was: cancel the registration for this domain ASAP. :D

88 / Re: opted out here too
« on: January 08, 2008, 07:03 »
Yuri Arcurs

89 / Re: Stolen image...
« on: January 06, 2008, 11:44 »
This is certainly only online by accident. Too much lorem ipsum for a productive website ...

90 / Re: Referral earnings!
« on: January 04, 2008, 20:36 »
It was mentioned before that the Vox Blog was a possible source for lots of referrals because of its partnership with istockphoto ...

Site Related / Re: Blown off the forums
« on: January 01, 2008, 11:16 »
I know most of you will think numbers cannot be changed but I think there are people out there with the skill to do it.

So instead of one number which (according to your theory) could be changed by any skilled people you asked for an additional number - which of course could also be changed? :D And that's what you call "more security"? :D :D

All the agencies are wide open to anyone who wants to change the numbers.

IMO your fixation on numbers, worms and viruses is pretty alarming - you might want to look for professional help ASAP ...


Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia launches The Infinite Collection ???
« on: December 26, 2007, 10:31 »
...  images they just want to dump ...

I can't imagine any other reason for those examples (posted in a German stock photo forum):

I think I know why these pictures have never been sold cheaper than on FT before (if they have sold at all!) ... :)

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia launches The Infinite Collection ???
« on: December 24, 2007, 14:04 »
There are some photos in this infinite collection which would never had made it through the approval procedures of the more important microstock sites - at costs of >10 times more than hundreds or even thousands of better photographs already in various microstock databases. Blurry, over processed, ugly, with the appeal of a composition made by an orang utan working with a holga ...

Off Topic / Re: Warning! - Check your keywords!!!
« on: December 21, 2007, 17:06 »
What I find amusing about this whole thing is that the "this is a worm/virus" whistle-blower steadfastly claims he didn't copy and paste keywords, ...

PB never copies anything, and he has made this very clear in the past. Every concept, every picture and probably every keyword is originally his. Never forget this when you are talking to or about PB! :D

General Stock Discussion / Re: Resizing for Microstock
« on: December 21, 2007, 08:45 »
I always downsize for SS because a) they don't want my original file sizes (up to 54 MP) and b) they do s resize by themselves, but only if the original file was <~12 MP. Why should I place myself behind the competition with an 16 MP original data file when every 8 MP digicam shot is blown up to 32 MP? SS's customers don't seem to know the difference otherwise SS wouldn't offer pictures blown up to 400% ...

Off Topic / Re: Warning! - Check your keywords!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 17:57 »
About the changing file numbers on SS: AFAIR file numbers always change during the upload and approval process. At least they used to in the past. Unfortunately I have deleted every older "Shutterstock Submission" emails for my uploads, but I'm pretty sure that these changing numbers had been discussed in the past (because you are or at least were unable to find out which picture a rejection messages was referring to).

About Pete: IMO he has just got a computer worms and viruses paranoia. This is not his first post advicing each and everyone to check all files iimmediately, giving (unix based) stock sites lessons in (windows based) anti-virus strategies etc.

But the Dale thing itself is pretty strange ...

97 / Re: Neglected images DLed more often?
« on: December 11, 2007, 17:42 »
Yep, seems if older or "undiscovered" files have found their way back to daylight. During the last days I got some downloads of pictures I didn't even remember ... :D

Adobe Stock / Re: problems with stability?
« on: December 11, 2007, 00:07 »
The (German) site was somewhat broke today ... every 2nd request returned a blank page, it took me hours to keyword ~50 pictures, and right now FTP works with breathtaking 6(!) kb/s - when I get up today hopefully half of my 120 MB will be transmitted ...

99 / Re: What's up with payments?
« on: December 10, 2007, 17:44 »
When I asked about the status of my payment request (via PayPal) they answered that cheques will be sent the 10th of every month. Obviously this didn't answer my question at all, so I told them again that it was a PayPal request - no answer yet, no excuse, no nothing, but waiting since Nov 30 now.

If they would at least cancel my previous request so I could do a new one (which would significantly increase the payout) as soon as their problems with PayPal are solved - that would be nice.

Adobe Stock / Re: Nine days without sales
« on: December 08, 2007, 23:40 »
Funny, my first batch of 8 pictures was approved today, and 2 hours later I had my first sale at FT ... :)

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