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Messages - Mantis

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76 / Re: Shutterstock "Contributor Fund"
« on: December 14, 2022, 09:36 »
And I'm sure they don't offer an opt out

Pond 5 Exclusive ...really exclusive sale :(  for time lapse priced HD $79 sold for $1.68

Is unfortunately normal now with P5. Have also almost only such low sales. Market place and GPP, both.
I have had higher RPD on my non-exclusive P5 account than on my exclusive account for the last 3 months.

You used to be able to disable these cheap sales, you can't do that anymore.

There are more reports about this in the P5 subforum.

Yup. I had four video sales yesterday that netted me $2.56 each.  And this is before Shutterstock forces other changes that net us much less with the promise of much more. And the only reason "this is what the customers want" is because the agencies have allowed it.

And if you are using your iPhone you cannot see your unpaid earnings.  At least I can't find it.

What a chunk of F-K-N junk.

123RF / Re: not receive the october payment
« on: December 02, 2022, 09:18 »
I have not received mine either. And what they owe me keeps changing. One minute its $94 then 60 something and today its $24.

Pond5 / Re: switch from exclusive to standard account
« on: December 01, 2022, 10:49 »
The exclusive lure is bunk on P5. They admit that you do not get special placement in the search.  Only a better share if your content happens to sell.  But you are still competing against 100% of any competitive non-exclusive content to your exclusive content.  So unless your content is truly unique with little competition, going exclusive there isn't worth it in my opinion.

123RF / Re: If you have work on 123RF PLEASE READ
« on: November 30, 2022, 09:07 »
Sales are 79% less than 2016.  It's a steady path to nothing.


DepositPhotos / Re: Site down today for you?
« on: November 23, 2022, 09:02 »
No problem for me.  Only issue I have is sales are 50% of last year.

84 / Re: Murdered Shutterstock Forum Refugee Thread
« on: November 05, 2022, 06:12 »

I will say that I am not going to leave MSG because I still find good intel here and confirmations of things that happen to me. But, I don't participate much any more, much of the reason is threads that are same thing different day, mainly by new sign ups.  There are heated political threads in here that simply drive me away from the group.  They are allowed, yes, so I choose to direct my time elsewhere.  Overall, for me, the threads do not interest me. Some do, but mainly most don't. There are some posters in here who I really value their input (zero talent, Justanotherphotographer, StaceStockFootage, Uncle Pete are among them), and others who just want an argument. Unlike the old days when I started here in 2007, MSG is now a passer by thought for me, and I check in now and then.  But that's it.  Probably still a good place for new entrants but I find little value in the platform anymore, except for updates on micro stock sites, new findings, new royalty cuts, things like that...still helpful.

I was surprised and flattered to see my name here, thanks. I really appreciate it and dont want a list to go by without mentioning a couple of the real MVPs. Jo Ann Snovers analysis of industry moves is one of the most underappreciated and valuable things on this forum (or any forum). As a rule much more in-depth and insightful than many who try to monetise their opinions. Also great that Sean has stuck around. Both these people actually put their money where their mouth is and paid the price via agency retaliation.

By all means my post was not all inclusive. Yes, she is a superstar of information and research. I really enjoy her posts and those of a few others not mentioned.

85 / Re: Murdered Shutterstock Forum Refugee Thread
« on: November 04, 2022, 07:59 »
Hardly anyone uses the SS forum. It's the same few posters all the time so I can understand why SS doesn't want to spend money on it. If SS was upset by criticism they would have closed it down long ago.

Anyway, we always have this forum to fall back on. Maybe the demise of the SS one will breathe some life into this.

The SS forum is quiet because they purged all the active and experienced members a while back. They cut the heart out so it was bound to die. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner though.

I'm guessing a lot will migrate over here, me being one of them! Been a member for years but not really used it. May be that will change now  :D

You saw the future and those who were worried that the SS trolls would ruin this forum, were right. Now we have millionaires and a group that claims to have sources who make $10,000 a month. Friendly and civil discussion has been taken over by the big dogs and high rollers. No wonder the forum here is dying, hardly a new post anymore except to complain or brag. I think I'm done.

I will say that I am not going to leave MSG because I still find good intel here and confirmations of things that happen to me. But, I don't participate much any more, much of the reason is threads that are same thing different day, mainly by new sign ups.  There are heated political threads in here that simply drive me away from the group.  They are allowed, yes, so I choose to direct my time elsewhere.  Overall, for me, the threads do not interest me. Some do, but mainly most don't. There are some posters in here who I really value their input (zero talent, Justanotherphotographer, StaceStockFootage, Uncle Pete are among them), and others who just want an argument. Unlike the old days when I started here in 2007, MSG is now a passer by thought for me, and I check in now and then.  But that's it.  Probably still a good place for new entrants but I find little value in the platform anymore, except for updates on micro stock sites, new findings, new royalty cuts, things like that...still helpful.

Nice. Thanks for sharing.

123RF / Re: If you have work on 123RF PLEASE READ
« on: October 14, 2022, 15:40 »
I am not leaving, I have made $2.40 there so far this month! ::)

Pond5 / Re: Pond 5 Sales & Discounting
« on: October 03, 2022, 06:31 »
What you are seeing is the continued erosion of stock.  Anyone can do all the analysis of a stock site they want but the bottom line is that P5 is doing what they do to remain competitive.  And the contributor, as usual, is the recipient of the lower royalties.  It's only going to get worse.  I see videos I shot that I have prices at $200 (because they are unique) sell where I get $5.  When I write P5 their answer is that they have the power to negotiate 'corporate packs' and special 'high volume' deals. This is irrespective of subs per se, rather to say that it really doesn't matter how you price your assets, P5 has the ultimate say.  I still get occasional "retail" sales, but not often.

89 / Re: Opting out of China in distribution scheme?
« on: September 22, 2022, 16:58 »
I got 90 downloads yesterday, all mostly 2 cents and all from China. I havent heard back yet, but suspect I will get the same response. So wow, I get to keep the whole 2 cents. Big whoop. What I want to know is how/who opened up this capability and why? Hard to believe it opened up just in time and long enough for the Chinese to download a boatload of images.  These sales dont happen like this all year. So this is suspicious on ALAMYs part.

90 / Re: Alamy sale for 7 cents
« on: September 22, 2022, 09:19 »
Fk i had 96 2 cent sales from China. I def emailed them. What a sham.

123RF / Re: If you have work on 123RF PLEASE READ
« on: September 16, 2022, 07:57 »
Let me know if you get a response and how you contacted them.

Theyve failed to respond to any of my 4 requests to opt out.

I also emailed them and am waiting for a response.  I have like 11 sales and they are reporting only 2 of them. They usually get back to me in 2-3 days.  I emailed them using their contact us form.

Pond5 / Re: Pond 5 Sales & Discounting
« on: September 16, 2022, 07:53 »
I have had 10 4k video sales so far this year with my non-exclusive portfolio.
Only one 4k sale was billed correctly (individual license).
Seven 4k sales were sold at a price of $28 instead of $50 with individual license.
One 4k sale were sold at a price of $14 instead of $50 with LLP license.

And one 4k video was sold with a premium license, for which the customer would normally have had to pay $50 + $299.
P5 sold the video for list price $20. NLR Price : $68. And I got $27,20 instead of $139,60.

Had similar experiences and their response was that they have the flexibility to negotiate prices with customers, usually corporate ones.  So while we can set our own prices, it's not too often I see the actual price I listed used.  Hell, I had a sale last week where I made like $6 for a HD listed at $79 (prob sub)

Print on Demand Forum / Re: Pictorem.....Worthwhile?
« on: September 16, 2022, 06:38 »
Have 250 images up with zero views, let alone zero sales. Four months and counting.  Not surprising.  I get zero sales on FAA as well, except for the occasional $2 postcard.

123RF / Re: If you have work on 123RF PLEASE READ
« on: September 02, 2022, 11:43 »
I opted out when the initial email came and I have checked my entire port and it is indeed opted out.

It was probably a distributor sale.

96 / Re: June statements are in
« on: August 20, 2022, 07:34 »
The swing from June to July was -$200 for me, or 50% less than June. $400 to $200.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock has locked my account
« on: August 20, 2022, 07:32 »
AS has not forgotten me. They have written to me, but still have not told me what the problem is.
They just wrote a message with a strange question.
No explanation why they closed my account.
I still don't know what happened and that's why I repeatedly asked several questions.

What question did they ask you?

Hi, Thank you for your reply. this is my portfolio on Dreamstime

Oh.  Well, with only 34 images, yeah...

You might even find a friend who wants to try selling on Dreamstime and give them your account. 

Interesting idea, let me modify that a bit. Sell them the account for $40. Hey there's a plan.

After they pay, remove your images and everyone is happy.


Pond5 / Re: Pond 5 Sales & Discounting
« on: July 18, 2022, 07:56 »
You're doing better than me. I am getting $6 royalties and seriously high discounts.  It really doesn't matter how you price your clips. Their agreed pricing with clients usurps the price you put in.  Sure, there are occasions you will get a normal sale, but I haven't seen one for me in quite some time.  My income with P5 is WAY down for 2022, but not in volume, just in royalties.

Yes, the default was keep the images online.  Sneaky, as most will just delete that email and they will get defacto thousands of free images.

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