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Messages - MicrostockExp

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General - Top Sites / Re: How is January doing for you?
« on: January 24, 2008, 08:44 »
Thanks :) actually yesterday was a very good day : the same customer bought me 8 L at Fotolia  ;D

New Sites - General / Re: Who has most potential for 2008
« on: January 24, 2008, 05:22 »
Yes I will try the interpolation 5 MP to 6MP and see how it goes, hopefully artifacts like you said will be minimum...

New Sites - General / Re: Who has most potential for 2008
« on: January 23, 2008, 17:28 »
My mistake it must be the size of my pics I was uploading 5 MP and it is 6MP minimum that's why it probably did not work

Adobe Stock / Re: I got my first sale at Fotolia :)
« on: January 23, 2008, 16:38 »
I have my biggest portfolio on FT (600+) but did not see any increase in sale from a portfolio at 300+ despite that my pictures are better I think, FT is clearly not very productive site for me :(

General - Top Sites / Re: How is January doing for you?
« on: January 23, 2008, 12:27 »
Hopefully we will soon:)
Mellimage with $ 40 away you should make it with no problems
Even with a sale at mostphotos I just expect just over $ 160 this month

New Sites - General / Re: Who has most potential for 2008
« on: January 23, 2008, 12:10 »
thanks Michael how many pics do I have to send to get approved you know?

New Sites - General / Re: Who has most potential for 2008
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:51 »
HUMM I tried to sent to pics via the java upload manager but it does not work :( anyone lucky with that ?

General - Top Sites / Re: How is January doing for you?
« on: January 23, 2008, 07:26 »
dan it looks  that we are very close i am $ 106 so far SS takes 49 %, IS 13% DT 7% FT 18%
I am working on the $ 200 target as u but will need an EL to get that this month....

General - Top Sites / Re: Fotalia credits question
« on: January 22, 2008, 15:28 »
Let's see, 1 L @ 3 credits 3 S @ 1 credit
so it is 6 credits @ 57p at each which is 3.42 pounds and if pics are not exclusive u have 33 % so should be 1.13 pounds\
I don t understand the 1.98 pounds u you sold more pics than you think :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: watermark
« on: January 18, 2008, 05:44 »
Arian, like 123RF a watermark that the photographer itself can displace on the  picture can be a good option, I found it quite convenient to use

Photo Critique / Re: Critique need for Shutterstock Application
« on: January 17, 2008, 16:08 »

After a look at ur pics on DT I will pick up number 3 and 5 discard the others mainly because of the composition. Hope it helps

937 / Re: Most photos - new "midstock" site!
« on: January 16, 2008, 09:30 »
Mellimage, that is a typical Scottish weather I guess:) If I remember correctly it was taken from a roof of the museum of Scotland and if the EXIF is right it was the 11 of April 2004... what about you

938 / Re: Most photos - new "midstock" site!
« on: January 16, 2008, 07:20 »
Just got my first sale at MP, 12.5 euros quite a lot compared to the other websites!
Here is the picture below:

General - Top Sites / Re: How is January doing for you?
« on: January 16, 2008, 05:34 »
SS still down for me and I noticed that new uploads do not systematically sell like before ???

940 / Re: Rate/Comment/View the Image Above Yours!
« on: January 16, 2008, 05:32 »
Rated and commented here is mine possibly in the same theme ;D

General - Top Sites / New seach engine
« on: January 15, 2008, 13:19 »
I just found this article below regarding a  new search engine called Xcavator (, quite neat  ;D

Macworld Conference & Expo 2008

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CogniSign, a leader in image and video search technology, has expanded its stock photography search portal at xcavator.netTM to almost six million images of inventory. is unique due to CogniSigns award-winning Intelligent Image Recognition TechnologyTM, which enhances conventional text based searches with powerful Image Search tools.

The portal is open to the public at A video introduction is provided to help new users get the most out of their experience.

This new launch ends a very successful six month Beta test. Garth Johnson, vice president of business and community development for iStockphoto, the pioneer of micropayment stock photography and the first agency to test, said, We are impressed by how quickly the Image Search technology at presents stock photo buyers with many viable options during the stock photo browsing and final selection process. Were very pleased to be a provider of microstock inventory at a site where there are so many powerful search tools to help buyers make their final selections. Image Search tools help users dig easily through millions of photos visually. The site meets the needs of stock photo buyers looking to quickly find the exact photo needed to complete marketing, advertising, or communications pieces. The site is also useful to sellers of stock photography; they can search the site by provider to quickly determine which one needs the type of stock photos they have to offer.

New providers will be added selectively over the next few months, increasing site inventory to more than 10 million photos making one of the largest stock photo portals in the world. Today, in the Royalty Free (Microstock) category, the four providers are Fotolia, iStockphoto, LuckyOliver, and 123RF. In the Rights Managed category, the two providers are Photovault of San Francisco and Danita Delimont of Seattle.

Danita Delimont, Founder and CEO of, a niche agency specializing in worldwide travel and nature, believes the sites powerful Image Search technology will have a major impact on converting browsers to buyers. This technology can help browsers to quickly find exactly what they need, in a fraction of the amount of time it takes using traditional keyword methods, she says. I know that when potential buyers come to us from, theyve already dramatically narrowed their search and are very close to a buying decision. This is extremely valuable to my business.

Market research has shown that designers, art directors, marketing and business communications professionals, and others in the design community are incredibly rushed when making final selections of stock photography, which is often the last element needed before going to print. The proprietary Image Search tools at allow buyers to quickly get to a large number of photos that approximately meet their needs, providing enough relevant choices to make the final selection a much easier, faster, and more satisfying process.

In addition to keywords, the stock photo search portal uses proprietary Image Search and color filtering technology, giving users a combination of tools to find what they are looking for. The key to these search capabilities is the portals image and color search engines. These engines allow a user to look for similar images within databases containing millions of images just like a human can look at a few dozen manually based on color, key features and their spatial relationships and proximity, etc.

CogniSigns objective for is to create powerful, fast, fun, and easy-to-use Image Search tools to augment the keyword (text based) search currently used to search stock photography. In most cases, just a few keywords are needed and the sites proprietary visual browsing can easily complete the task.

In user testing, we saw a natural inclination for users to spend a lot of time changing and adding keywords to refine their stock photo search, said Bryan Calkins, CEO of CogniSign, which is a time consuming and iterative process that can often lead a user down a blind alley with very few results. Xcavator.nets Image Search tools need just a few keywords to get the process started, and search refinement happens visually. This provides much more powerful and efficient browsing, where the user is presented with a lot more options that have still been refined to meet his needs.

About CogniSign

CogniSign is a technology company providing image and video search product solutions for Internet and mobile markets, based on its award-winning Intelligent Image Recognition Technology (patents pending). CogniSign is a privately held company based in San Francisco, California. For more information, please visit For immediate assistance, please email Celia Cratch at [email protected].

NOTE: CogniSign, the CogniSign logo, xcavator,, the logo, and Intelligent Image Recognition Technology are trademarks of CogniSign LLC. All other company and product names mentioned are used only for identification and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

942 / Re: Any downloads?
« on: January 15, 2008, 08:04 »
very slow mostly sub sales at 25c,I make $ 1-2 with 150 pics on line, very slow....

943 / Re: Level 2 images only need 10 downloads
« on: January 15, 2008, 06:55 »
Thanks Achilles for the msg, as DT forum I meant the DT section of microstockgroup not DT itself. Hope I will get soon some of these number 2 ;D

944 / Re: Level 2 images only need 10 downloads
« on: January 14, 2008, 10:37 »
Like the new keywords feature it was mentioned before in the forum but not on the DT forum I believe. Anyway thanks for the reseach and good luck to ramp up pics to level 2, it is true that is worth it

General - Top Sites / Re: How is January doing for you?
« on: January 14, 2008, 05:47 »
Significantly under december so far mainly due to SS and DT, SS went down quite a lot like -50 %.
On a positive note, I will have a BME at IS,LO and StockXpert
Really strange month with a different pattern so far, will see how the second half come

946 / Re: Rate/Comment/View the Image Above Yours!
« on: January 07, 2008, 08:03 »
Rated and commented madelaide, some fire to follow ;D


Just Opt-out at StockXpert make sense since I send high res . I downsize at SS (10 to 5MP)

Yuri Arcurs

948 / Re: Rate/Comment/View the Image Above Yours!
« on: January 05, 2008, 08:07 »
Rated and commented
back to the game :)

here is mine :


General Stock Discussion / Re: December Earnings Breakdown
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:15 »
Hello all

This my december breakdown, earnings up 14% compared to last month so  a BME overall

SS 56 %   (+23%) BME
FT 18 % (-25%) 
DT 10% (+221%)    BME
IS 7% (-15%)   
123RF 4% (-27%) 
StockXpert 3% (+9%)   BME

Looking forward to an increase in January !

More details on my blog as well as an analysis of my shutterstock earnings the past 5 months

General - Top Sites / Re: December Sales Flat?
« on: December 12, 2007, 16:13 »
SS way up  :)
FT way down :)
IS up :)
DT same
CT down >:(
123RF down :)
probably a BME because of SS....


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