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Messages - cmcderm1

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Canon / Re: Canon 5D Mark III 3 - Rumor Page :)
« on: January 26, 2012, 13:11 »
Is it possible to "build our own" camera??  A la a Dell Computer???

I'll take ...
- a 21MP APS-H sensor
- 8 fps
- Dual Digic 5 processors
- Infrared controller flash (pop-up if need be)
- ISO to 25,600 (max)
- Sensor cleaning
- whatever else....


Just curious

2 / Re: iStock fails to recover ground
« on: November 17, 2011, 12:15 »
This is bittersweet to be sure.

We were asking for buyers to shop elsewhere last year when iStock announced it's "earned credit" scheme - and now they have gone.

Ironic I guess.

With discipline we could effect buyers habits:

1. Rank the Top 6 microstock sites in terms of Royalty % to contributors;
2. Upload new content only to the #1 microstock site first;
3. Wait 1 month before uploading the same new content to the #2;
4. Wait another month, upload the same new content to the #3;
and so on.....
7. Market the #1 site only on our web pages and in forums.

Buyers looking for fresh, new images would start to gravitate towards the new images on the #1 ranked site, and we would get the better Royalty %.

It takes discipline from us all though!!!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Yuri Hits 1,000,000 at iStock
« on: September 23, 2010, 12:32 »
Well Done Yuri!!!  Very inspirational.

5 / Re: iStock changing royalty structure
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:55 »
PLAN:  Let's do a survey as contributors of best sites to participate in; Rank them 1-##; upload to site surveyed as #1 first - wait a month - upload to site surveyed as #2 - wait another month - ..... and so on.

That way the site we recognize as best gets our newer images first, and "exclusive" for a month, then the next best has a shot.  We need to be disciplined in much the same way OPEC regulates supply of oil (though they have their moments too).  So whenever to have new images to upload go to site #1 first and upload, police ourselves and wait the month, then upload to site #2.

Not perfect but more disciplined and structured.

6 / Re: Congratulations Canstockphoto
« on: August 30, 2010, 13:26 »
That's a pretty decent sized site actually.  I like them too.  Wish sales were better but I'll take whatever makes out of it.

CONGRATS  CanStockPhoto !!!

7 / Re: Alamy discontinuing cheque payments
« on: August 28, 2010, 00:09 »
Come On Alamy - READ OUR LIPS:

P - a - y - P - a - l

Thank You.  Cheers.  Have a bloody fantastic weekend.

8 / Re: Feeding the beast
« on: August 27, 2010, 19:56 »
I feel like the Morlocks in THE TIME MACHINE (HG Wells) marching to be eaten by those underground beasts, or do I have it backwards??

Yeah I think the Morlocks were (will be?) the underground beasts, can't remember what the name of the food guys was!

They were called "tender vittles"!

The Eloi were the above ground people who were eaten by the underground Morlocks.

YES!!!  The Eloi's - that's us!!! 

Great stuff - thanks for the legwork to summarize it.  Helpful insights.

- Chad

Off Topic / Re: I won $800,000.00 USD!
« on: August 23, 2010, 20:40 »
Well, that's one I have never won.  Dang it.

- Chad

General Photography Discussion / Re: Sounds Like A Scam
« on: August 23, 2010, 16:11 »
Wow - so many people getting married in the UK and NO WEDDING PHOTAGS there!!!  Weird.  hahaha

General Photography Discussion / Re: Westward HO!!
« on: August 23, 2010, 16:09 »
6-8 WEEKS?!?!?!  Man am I jealous.  I would love a lengthy road-trip.  Enjoy the country!!!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Poor Image Hygiene
« on: August 23, 2010, 15:59 »
You just have to love the creative image-rejection excuses now.  My image was rejected for:  Poor Image Hygiene!!!

It may have had some stray dust or a hair, but the term they used made me laugh.  Gotta give my images a bath every now and then. hahaha


Next time, try making sure there are no stray hairs or other garbage that a buyer wouldn't want on their image purchase.

That's a great tip - Thanks.  I actually thought I had done that, but must have missed some,

General Stock Discussion / Poor Image Hygiene
« on: August 22, 2010, 17:19 »
You just have to love the creative image-rejection excuses now.  My image was rejected for:  Poor Image Hygiene!!!

It may have had some stray dust or a hair, but the term they used made me laugh.  Gotta give my images a bath every now and then. hahaha


15 / Re: Novel Use: 24c is the new 50c
« on: August 21, 2010, 17:50 »
I used to get excited to see 1-2 sales a month at Alamy.  Now it sucks, at 0.24 net!!!

16 / Re: Feeding the beast
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:23 »
I feel like the Morlocks in THE TIME MACHINE (HG Wells) marching to be eaten by those underground beasts, or do I have it backwards??


Newbie Discussion / Re: isolating objects
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:21 »
In-Camera:  Blowout the background with light and set your exposure to a +1/3 or +2/3.  Use a custom white balance on your background material.

In Elements:  Use levels and pick the white eyedropper, and click on the darkest part of the white background.

I'm not an expert, but these will get you close - more work would probably need to be done too.


18 / Re: IS keywords recognition problem
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:14 »
cmcderm1, I just checked your IS port. As I can see your best selling images all have more than 30 keywords. Did you mean that your newest files have 12-16 keywords, or?

Yup - my newest ones.  In fact, I am uploading my portoflio to another newer site and my old ones are being rejected more regularly for keywording than the newer ones.


Maybe I'm the only one, but lock really amuses me. I just can't seem to get offended by you  ;D

I do have "adorable" on my resume.

GREAT!!  Now I have to take it OFF my resume (CV)  haha

Spread the wealth - I think the 10x50 basket is good, maybe even 20x25.  Every 4-5 days.

Veer / Re: Veer sales increasing?
« on: August 19, 2010, 18:33 »
Where's Mine???  Maybe I should re-start uploading??  Would love a $130.00 hit one morning!!!

22 / Re: IS keywords recognition problem
« on: August 19, 2010, 18:31 »
No experience with DeepMeta.  But WOW - 22 keywords is alot, and that's HALF???  Yikes.

12-16 is about my range there.

Adobe Stock / Re: Suprising downturn at Fotolia?
« on: August 19, 2010, 18:30 »
It has its ups and downs.  My rank lately has been falling, but I uploaded a couple 100 too.  FO is nicely in 3rd place now, ahead of DT.

Veer / Re: Review time
« on: August 19, 2010, 13:53 »
I made the mistake of uploading images during the last week of Veer's Dash-for-Cash month (June I think).  It took over 6 weeks to have them reviewed.  Just 9 images and only 4 were accepted.  While this is a single case - it is not too encouraging to me.

Drink Heavily.  YooHoo Chocolate Drink preferably!!!

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