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Messages - microstockinsider

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Average EPD so far for June
« on: June 14, 2020, 06:02 »
Left it till now to get a clear picture and f*** me is it grim in there:

looking at subscriptions only
May .38
June .17

gone from all subs at 38c per download down to 10c but sprinkled with a sparse few 40c to 47c

The website says they are CC0 images, so customers are paying a $25 monthly subscription for access to search technology that will find and download CC0 licensed images all in one place (that is a service they can charge for). The problem being trust in the source of the images, the CC0 sites have been riddled with stolen work because anyone can just upload anything without any checks, those images don't need model or property releases be licensed as CC0, but they certainly do need releases if you want to use them in a commercial context! 

That has cost end users money in the past where stolen work was downloaded from a free site and then later removed, leaving the end user taking responsibility. Section 4 (and then 14) of the jumpstory terms and conditions predictably throws all responsibility for lack of releases onto the end user. nice.

Crestock.com / Re: Crestok has just filed for bankruptcy
« on: April 09, 2020, 04:46 »
@Tryingmybest - don't worry about forgetting, I've been waiting for a payout request for approx $150 for at least a year. This news was not a surprise, it was clear there were problems several years ago.

I have a paypal business account (as far as I know that's the proper name for them, personal or business) the business account comes with a merchant ID and access to extra stuff that a personal account does not have (so you can make integrations into a website etc)

the fees are the same for both, except that personal account lets you send "personal" money without paying a transaction fee.

as @Justanotherphotographer says you be forced into a business account when you reach a certain transaction threshold, and which time they suspend your account until you provide tax IDs, business names etc to stop money laundering.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: ESP
« on: February 11, 2017, 21:23 »
I have 50 images ready to be uploaded and I can't understand where I have to upload them. If I can...

It's really simple once you have done it, and much better than the old upload on istock:

In the "My Content box" on the home page click "upload and review content", then click the green button "+new submission", it will generate and show you a new tab titled "Submission batch istock creative image" with "upload files" in it, drag them on there or click the + and you can upload away

Santa Claus is a bit of a minefield, http://www.theipcenter.com/2015/01/in-the-name-of-santa-claus-trademark-law/ but I cant find a reference to a specific rights holder in the Getty IP wiki, is probably someone at DT being a bit overly cautious. (guessing as i've not seen the drawing) coca cola famously have their (quite recognizable) Christmas santa protected

General Stock Discussion / Re: Keymasters Program Dreamstime?
« on: October 27, 2016, 19:04 »
I thought I'd better write and reply to the question rather than only offer an opinion on dreamstimes motives:

yes I've used it and it was sloooooww. (between 1 and 2 months) but the quality of it was fine - also note that I used it approx 5 years ago - but it's the same offer as it was then.

now the opinion part:
I understand their motives for doing it, it offers a simplified way to upload images and let someone else keyword. I suspect the 140% comes from the difference in sales between a professionally keyworded image and one with poor keywording.

my motives were simply outsourcing keywording (I experimented with cutting an pasting them back into my images and uploading them to other agencies, I'd never dream of doing that now that there are several good place to outsource this to.

overall, it's really only useful if you don't upload to multiple agencies (i.e. you're DT exclusive) I think there would be little benefit if your images are already keyword.

Dreamstime.com / Re: New Dreamstime Contributor - Basic Questions
« on: September 15, 2016, 21:20 »
Some more tips for those titles and descriptions to make them accepted at all agencies:

- Don't start the title with 'a', 'an' or '1' etc.
- Make your description at least 7 words long.
- Add at least 10 keywords, but not more than 50.
- Duplicate all the keywords used in the title and description into the keywords field (some agencies don't search on the title field)
-Take care with special characters, letters with accents, quotes and even apostrophes! these can either truncate the description or lead to unusual characters being displayed - so always have a quick check that all your metadata has been read-in correctly after you have uploaded.

Adobe Stock / Re: Agency working seriously now
« on: September 12, 2016, 17:51 »
I recently had a rep from fotolia/adobe reach out asking for more images (with the usual incentives hard disk or ftp submission and they do the rest etc), they are definitely pushing!

Deposit photos have an image widget that does that


and select feed type "portfolio"

General Stock Discussion / Re: Anyone still on Stockexpert??
« on: August 27, 2016, 21:35 »
yeah same here, (and every couple of years not months!) thinkstock is where I understood it came from. have no complaints, from what was at the time a small port and it's still out performing the bottom earning sites after all these years.

Bigstock.com / Re: Bigstock does not read IPTC correctly
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:28 »
Just wrote in the other thread before finding this one (not working today, still waiting for a reply to my support message)

I noticed that if you upload the files manually (via browser) then the IPTC is ingested correctly, if you FTP the exact same files then the IPTC is not being read correctly in many cases.

Bigstock.com / Re: Bigstock keywording format changed
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:11 »
it's still broken as of the last hours, 1 out of 8 images with correctly read keywords (uploaded via ftp). they didn't even bother replying to my message yet (sent ~6 days ago)

Bigstock.com / Re: Bigstock keywording format changed
« on: March 26, 2016, 18:37 »
Still broken this morning now 6 out of 8 images without keywords, and worse there seems to be JS issues (or something) with the editor ligthbox, if I paste keywords in manually and click save they are not there when I go and edit the image again - hence this morning I can't even add the info and submit manually!

I'm also awaiting a response to a support request.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Special Characters
« on: March 25, 2016, 18:10 »
dashes are no issue, but if you use a foreign (to the US) keyboard you might end up with letters that could be seen as a special character. its probably what sue said

don't be so sure that dashes are not an issue, pressing the key to the right of 0 might be fine in adobe software, but if you are pasting descriptions from somewhere else there are 3 different types of dash that might be pasted in as special characters - some of them look exactly the same in a basic screen font.

New Sites - General / Re: eyeem and colourbox
« on: March 21, 2016, 20:38 »
i used to upload to eyeem and i had 5 sales.but unfo many photos that  they choose for the market they go through gettys market and that means they want exclusivity.so if you upload a sellable picture to eyemm it will be licenced through getty and you ll have to remove it from the other sites.
its a nice platform but with gettys exclusivity its a problem

This is wrong on two counts:

1. You can sell through EyeEm without accepting Getty distribution (on a per-image basis).

2. The EyeEm Getty distribution deal is no longer exclusive, which is not reflected on their website yet.
If you submit a picture via EyeEm to the Getty collection it clearly says that the picture and it's similars has to be exclusive please show me exactly where it states different. Pictures solely submitted to the EyeEm Market without the Getty collection are non-exclusive though. I had reasonable sales via the Getty collection but none through the EyeEm Market directly. Eyeem without the Getty collection doesn't make any sense so you have to bite the exclusive bullet.

I emailed the about that, the reply was (jan 28th 2016):

Thank you for your email. We're happy to answer your questions here :) We do apologize for that confusion. We actually recently updated our agreement with Getty and images within the Collection are now non-exclusive meaning that the can sold on other platforms, unless Getty selects certain images of yours to be sold in their premium collection. If such images are chosen, we will notify the photographer first for their approval. We are still working on updating our distribution agreement on the site to reflect these changes, but we can confirm that images now on Getty are considered non-exclusive.

Bigstock.com / Re: Bigstock keywording format changed
« on: March 19, 2016, 18:55 »
Since last week Bigstock randomly unable to read Metadata for approx 20% of all photos uploaded through FTP. All those photos are processed without problem on all other stock sites. I have to manually copy and paste descriptions and keywords for each photo. Big waste of time. Does anyone else have the same problem?

ditto on this for me too, can't see any pattern in the affected images, happened for me in the last two batches in approx the past 10 days, 20-30% maybe?

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS Default Popular in Portfolio
« on: February 20, 2016, 20:06 »
Popularity is not determined by total downloads as far as I can tell. It seems to be based on a number of factors like number of downloads during a specific time period (ie: month) and possibility number of views.

we know as much about this as getting to the top of a google listing

I can't find where I read it but shutterstock several years back said (they were spruiking how marvelous their technology was) that it's based on lots of stuff: the keyword searched for, the geographic location of the searcher, the history of sales (incl change rate / recency of them I would guess?) for that keyword and in that geographic location, the number of "hover overs" and clicks to view the full image.

New Sites - General / Re: Photokore sold to Getty?
« on: December 13, 2015, 18:48 »
On 11/12 I received a mail from PHOTOKORE telling me that the site will close on 9/12!! (why is the mail send AFTER the closure????)
And telling me that I can request payment.
Unfortunately the link for that purpose
doesn't work anymore and I have no clue how to get my 50 $ paid.
I have sent a mail to [email protected] but have no answer.
. I have tried to get my payment in November, but as I was < 100$ I was instructed to wait a mailing in December!
Any other of you in the same case?

if you are having the same problem I had, first go to

and login to the site, then click the request earnings link

Nikon / Re: D200 - Strange lines since Nikon clean
« on: July 21, 2015, 18:13 »
it looks like moire, like they left the low pass filter off.... but I don't understand how you would see that on the sky. It is a picture taken of the actual sky (not a sky that was displayed on a screen or magazine print?)

General Stock Discussion / Re: $250 for Nike wearing logo pix
« on: April 04, 2015, 19:23 »
Custom photography they want to pitch to Nike for $250.  Sigh.

And how many will be falling over themselves to submit in hopes of getting $250?
Whats wrong with that? You are selling for $19.99

What's wrong is that it's speculative work that might not even win the money, and if you don't win there is very little else you can do with the custom photo you have created

I don't want to bring this thread down to petty levels... but wow that 'logo' lol

Like a lamb to the slaughter...

Does envato have a list published somewhere of images they would like to see in their collection and those they have enough of?

It would save us all from this dribbling hyperbole

I'm not sure when travel photography turned into 'home town', but I too have had entire batches rejected summarily in the past few months, some batches that consisted entirely of travel locations, it lead me to make the assumption that photodune was awash with them

Photography Equipment / Re: Battery Life
« on: October 12, 2014, 17:47 »
I have several back ups I carry with me. It's a bit pricy to do that at $60 a battery but I have had great Li-ion batteries die instantly in the field. Put it in the charger later and it is almost instantly charged, which means it's not taking a charge.  But mostly it's like Gostwyck said, mine last quite a long time shooting both video & stills in the same camera and for years. I generally make sure my batts are charged all the time but that never pans out. Some can go a year without a charge, then I charge them and they do fantastic. So I don't think these newer Li-Ion batteries need "conditioning" like the older ones did.

would those be nikon EL3's by any chance? I had a spate of issues with my previous camera (D200) when almost new, tracked that exact same issue down to the contacts on the battery / camera body being dirty. the camera seems to mark the battery as empty (even through it's still full/near full) and you can't use it until you place it on the charger for a few seconds. I think the D700 has different firmware in it, I just cycled the power/popped battery in and out the _very_ few times i've seen the issue with the D700

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