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Messages - Andrej.S.

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We also learned that there are several single artists in the top 100. That is very valuable information.

I genuinely thought this was impossible, that you needed a huge production team and maybe at least 100k files to get there.

But some people are doing it with less than 10k files.

I don't need them to tell me what sells. I just need to know it is possible.

Yes the information is interesting but not very informative. We still don't know if it's a mix of niches, content quality or just beeing pushed by Adobe because of other aspects.

I haven't seen very successfull ports with less than 10k images in the featured best selling contributors, who are selling just usefull content. Most featured ports look very similar and most of the current AI ports are just a series of stolen prompt lists.

Jacob Lund and Gorodenkoff are featured almost every week with over 1 million downloads and approx. 40k ports.
But they offer as production teams more high end quality than just useful things.

So we still don't know what is selling really good, so that we can invest more time on creating this content.

I still believe that very efficient and profitable ports consist most of high quality banner graphics. Graphics are almost always outselling people images.
I will test it by buying the basic Midjourney Plan and then creating with Photoshop complex banners with the generated basis images.

I'm tired of wasting time with regular images. The competition is too high. If you have not an unique port so that Adobe will push you it's really waste of time.

PS: My week is extremly low with 3 downloads.

by sharing rank changes we get an even better feeling for - is it me - or is it everyone?

and in my case i think it is motivating that it is possible to move up very swiftly if you have in demand content.

there is always the rumor that agencies somehow "lock you" into a rank and that you can never earn more than some imaginary limit.

my very wild swings show this is not true at all.

i must do even better research, find some more niches and targeted content and then i am sure i can reach my financial goals even faster.

Yes, it's entertaining, and the last part BOLD is what's more important.

The imaginary limits and locks are just people who are unhappy or losing sales and make up reasons to justify or rationalize. No proof needed to post on a forum how the agency is favoring someone else. It's always, someone else gets better placement, some favorite person has unfair higher rank and makes more, because of something the agency does. It's not because those people have better images, newer images, more images, the trending images, or like you do, the successful people search for needs of customers.

"by sharing rank changes we get an even better feeling for - is it me - or is it everyone?"
The number of people who participate is so small, the sample is not enough for any valid conclusions. If it's "me or everyone" then your rank will be the same if you sell 100 images and everyone sells 100 images, as if you sell 50 images and everyone sells 50 images. Your rank, can stay the same number, if you and everyone else, sell more or sell less, because it's just a rank, by position.

One week, you're on top, because you have a great week, the next, you feel like you're down, because either you went flat, or someone else had a good high sales week. The rank can be like the tide.

I admit my rank is a joke and irrelevant. If I go up or down 5,500 places that's nowhere near if you go up or down 100 places. I'm at 28,000 right now. Everyone in the world, with the same number of sales, is at 28,000. If you have 100 sales so far this week, everyone with 100 sales, is identical to you, and everyone with 99 sales, which could be any number of people, will be the next rank down. If you are 4,000 and 100 people have 100 sales, the person with 99 and everyone else with 99 will be 3,900 rank.

I think you can see how a small number of sales, even one, can make a big change in the individual rank we can see. But really, it's a cluster. Every single image you sell, makes a move in your rank. Potentially a large move for two or three sales. So what does that really mean? It's almost like, how did the wind blow and hour ago?

I still say, watching a clock doesn't change the time. Watching your rank, while in general is interesting, it won't change your rank?  :) There's much more value in what you say:  find some more niches and targeted content and I'll add, watch trends, the news and the time of year.

Yes, I understand what you mean.
Some people try to use the ranking more as an indication of the overall current situation, to say which way the wind is blowing.
So when I see a low ranking, all I see is that the wind is not blowing in my direction.
But I still don't know which way the wind is blowing, i.e. which content is currently in demand.

It would actually be better if Adobe displayed the number of sales per image category.
Or at least not in absolute figures, but relative to the previous week/month, etc.

So we are still rowing in the fog ...


But it's exciting and depressing at the same time what users can create.
I'm happy I'm not working in the design industry, would be extremely upset seeing what nowday's people can create without any digital image processing skills.
If development continues at this rate hardly anyone will use Photoshop in 10 years.

I know someone who is a former, successful, graphic artist and she says, the business was ruined when they came out with Adobe Illustrator and people don't have to be artists anymore, they can do everything on a computer.  ;D I wanted to say, join in and learn Adobe Illustrator? She's still got the skills, talent, experience and brain.

If I see her this Summer I'll ask what she thinks of AI? Now people don't need to be much of any kind of artist, they just type in a prompt and have an illustration. Or don't like that? Alter the prompt, styles, lab settings, and make four more new "original" images.

Well, yeah if you go further back than the real artists, wo had real skills with pencil sketching, oil paintings, aquarell papers and colors, etc. had been really screwed up hard when Photoshop and Illustrator were published.
It was the digital nomad time when digital artists created stuff like logos and webdesigns in Illustrator.
You could get nice earnings with logo designing back then, e.g. about 200 to 300 bucks for one single corporate logo in ai / eps format.
Nowdays it is the time of digital theft. By looking at the discord channel I even believe that Midjourney generates masses of movie and series stills. If you use promptings like "cinematic still, cinematic vibe", etc. the images look really like from a movie or tv series.
I don't believe that the AI is in the current state so "clever" to apply image effects. There must be tons of material of movies that Midjourney uses for image generation.

@Back to topic:
My worst week since months sofar. No single sale.

May I ask where you come from or where you live?

Nobody here in Germany can live on 200 to 300 dollars for a corporate logo, let alone feed a family. The cost of living is simply too high for that.
I'm living in Germany. Years ago you could live even as a design freelancer quite well in Germany. You would not sell just a single logo a month, Rather at least 10 and design websites in parallel.
If you're skilled this was easily possible.
I sold back then some but not as a pro. But there were some really experienced pros 10 years ago, who could live of it.

For example 99designs was a famous design plattform for freelancers.

Today I can't imagine there are many buyers. Instead the majority will use Midjourney.
There are tons of users generating logos, icons and web layouts.


But it's exciting and depressing at the same time what users can create.
I'm happy I'm not working in the design industry, would be extremely upset seeing what nowday's people can create without any digital image processing skills.
If development continues at this rate hardly anyone will use Photoshop in 10 years.

I know someone who is a former, successful, graphic artist and she says, the business was ruined when they came out with Adobe Illustrator and people don't have to be artists anymore, they can do everything on a computer.  ;D I wanted to say, join in and learn Adobe Illustrator? She's still got the skills, talent, experience and brain.

If I see her this Summer I'll ask what she thinks of AI? Now people don't need to be much of any kind of artist, they just type in a prompt and have an illustration. Or don't like that? Alter the prompt, styles, lab settings, and make four more new "original" images.

Well, yeah if you go further back than the real artists, wo had real skills with pencil sketching, oil paintings, aquarell papers and colors, etc. had been really screwed up hard when Photoshop and Illustrator were published.
It was the digital nomad time when digital artists created stuff like logos and webdesigns in Illustrator.
You could get nice earnings with logo designing back then, e.g. about 200 to 300 bucks for one single corporate logo in ai / eps format.
Nowdays it is the time of digital theft. By looking at the discord channel I even believe that Midjourney generates masses of movie and series stills. If you use promptings like "cinematic still, cinematic vibe", etc. the images look really like from a movie or tv series.
I don't believe that the AI is in the current state so "clever" to apply image effects. There must be tons of material of movies that Midjourney uses for image generation.

@Back to topic:
My worst week since months sofar. No single sale.

I'm currently browsing on Midjourney's Discrod Channel to find some interesting prompts, which I would use as basis and modify on my own.
Found several persons using the describe function with some Adobe Stock thumbnails to generate prompts.
Lol, people are just copycats.

Is someone here using this function too?

... as he says that in the same breath and sentence while saying "I'm currently browsing on Midjourney's Discrod Channel to find some interesting prompts"... :)

Nah, I'm using this more for inspiration since I'm anyway generating with Stable Diffusion so that I can't recreate a very similar content.
But it's exciting and depressing at the same time what users can create.
I'm happy I'm not working in the design industry, would be extremely upset seeing what nowday's people can create without any digital image processing skills.
If development continues at this rate hardly anyone will use Photoshop in 10 years.

Tried it with my own files to check how my images are described and what those prompts then create. Thankfully the resulting files were very different. Same genre but not copies.

I also test my image descriptions and titles to see if they create duplicates then modify my titles to be more generic if the results are too close.

I keep browsing their public explore gallery for interesting prompts, then modify them for my own purposes. I never go for copies, I always want the style and vibe for something very different, often a different genre altogether.

But there is a lot to learn about lighting, mood, composition directions. The more specific, the better the results. My descriptions are becoming longer and longer.


now dropped to 5180

that is a low I have not seen in a very long time

Yeah, it's really interesting to browse on the Discord Channel. I love it. Really great to learn and get inspiration.
What kinda brutal is, how many user are now generating banners for youtube, linkedin, social media, etc.
And the most brutal is, how often Midjourney is generating really good stuff, which looks like it is photoshopped.

What I didn't know about Midjourney is, that you can "transfer" image effects of generated images to another.
Some users are creating complex effects, which normally are created with Photoshop's layer blending options.

I believe normal, boring stock photos / images will drop a lot in sales in the future. One have to create unique creative stuff.

And that's why companies like Midjourney, ChatGPT, etc - should be accountable/comepensate the users they stole their materials from, on a perpetual, recurring basis - the same income they expect to get from having stolen it from other people... the "man in the middle" thing (i.e., they got the images from a "research" company, aka "stealing") is total b.s. designed to try and it make it appear they didn't steal stuff, when in fact, they did, and they do. Their business is based off of theft.

Absolutely true. It's depressing how the photo / design industry is going to be ruined for many. Because we live in a fast paced modern world the quality don't matter much anymore. Many users will just generate with stolen material for their purposes like LinkedIn Profiles, YouTube Channels, Amazon shops, etc. They don't care that the models work with stolen material. They just wan't it fast and cheap.

Just wait, soon it will be the music industry's turn.

Tried it with my own files to check how my images are described and what those prompts then create. Thankfully the resulting files were very different. Same genre but not copies.

I also test my image descriptions and titles to see if they create duplicates then modify my titles to be more generic if the results are too close.

I keep browsing their public explore gallery for interesting prompts, then modify them for my own purposes. I never go for copies, I always want the style and vibe for something very different, often a different genre altogether.

But there is a lot to learn about lighting, mood, composition directions. The more specific, the better the results. My descriptions are becoming longer and longer.


now dropped to 5180

that is a low I have not seen in a very long time

Yeah, it's really interesting to browse on the Discord Channel. I love it. Really great to learn and get inspiration.
What kinda brutal is, how many user are now generating banners for youtube, linkedin, social media, etc.
And the most brutal is, how often Midjourney is generating really good stuff, which looks like it is photoshopped.

What I didn't know about Midjourney is, that you can "transfer" image effects of generated images to another.
Some users are creating complex effects, which normally are created with Photoshop's layer blending options.

I believe normal, boring stock photos / images will drop a lot in sales in the future. One have to create unique creative stuff.

I'm currently browsing on Midjourney's Discrod Channel to find some interesting prompts, which I would use as basis and modify on my own.
Found several persons using the describe function with some Adobe Stock thumbnails to generate prompts.
Lol, people are just copycats.

Is someone here using this function too?

So, back down in the real world.

pos 3450, 4300 files

hi! If these are your numbers then how did you manage to make into Recent top sellers for this week in the Illustrations section?  :o I don't get it

On Adobe always the last week is shown and not the current one. Cobalt's last week was pretty good.
But yeah I wonder still also a little bit. Her position ranking was under 1000 if I'm not wrong.
So either almost everyone with a better ranking was a photo seller or Adobe does not show the real cash cows with rankings < 100.

Well going with Adobe's rules...
For each asset type we generate a list of 200 contributors who made the most sales in the previous week, only considering their uploads from the past six months. Then, we order the list based on each contributors uploads/sales ratio, and the top 10 contributors on this list are featured as Recent top sellers.
... I don't think it's possible to get into weekly top sellers being anywhere between position 1k-2k. something very strange here

Yeah, it is a mystery which criterion Adobe uses for featuring of best selling contributors.
Probably they consider the portfolio size in relation to the sales. Would somehow make sense.

So, back down in the real world.

pos 3450, 4300 files

hi! If these are your numbers then how did you manage to make into Recent top sellers for this week in the Illustrations section?  :o I don't get it

On Adobe always the last week is shown and not the current one. Cobalt's last week was pretty good.
But yeah I wonder still also a little bit. Her position ranking was under 1000 if I'm not wrong.
So either almost everyone with a better ranking was a photo seller or Adobe does not show the real cash cows with rankings < 100.

I am still in the early stages of learning about midjourney. While you cannot get a series with a specific model you can get a theme of files with similar vibe, colors, lighting.

Midjourney people files still need a lot processing, I get a lot of great looking files, then on close up discover all kinds of issues with broken teeth, weird fingers growing out of a neck, strange details on clothes. The experssions are better than on stable, but far from perfect.

But the biggest challenge is to get faces that not everybody has. It feels like Mj just has 10 faces to choose from for a given age and ethnic type.

I am also trying to do more with Adobe and next week I have my first real shooting with a camera again.

But like I said before, the main focus for this year will be ai illustrations and to learn what I can offer that people will then like to buy. Every illustration sale, is a sale I would not have had otherwise.

They are selling very, very slowly, even the holiday files sell slow. But I believe it will pay off eventually, once the initial files have laid their roots across the algos, which will probably take 3 years.

Regarding "number of faces", this is one thing I don't get. I have also seen on Firefly where faces get almost repeated. With all the vast quantity of images these tools are trained on, how is it that they get stuck with a limited number of "faces"? Is it some kind of "flaw in the logic" of how they work? Is it a bug? If you take human artist, say painter, they don't repeat faces in their work, yet AI seems to do that. Maybe it's some kind of short cut in the algorithms which leeds to this? Just curious.

No it is not really a bug. Or somehow you could tell it but it is technical stuff. Because of the diffusion process you get a smoothing as mean result
out from million of images.

You should try to use very detailed prompts with character describing (e.g. age, ethnicity, hair color, eyes color, etc.) instead of a generic prompt like "a portrait of a beautiful woman". But it won't fix all problems.
But Midjourney has some problems with narrow lips for example. You will get always full collagen filled lips on females.

Top 100 weekly, top 100 lifetime, less than 10k.

wow this is great! :)  How long have you been an Adobe Stock contributor,if I may ask?

I started submitting in 2016.

Thank you,therefore for less than 10 years and already among the top 100 with less than 10k contents,it's incredible! :)

It's also very hard to believe,but ok anything can be! :)

I believe that. I have seen some small on banner graphics specialized portfolios, which seem to consist of almost all bestsellers.
Back in 2014/2015 before Adobe Stock for example Anja Kaiser was extemely pushed with her vector graphics by Fotolia.
She has a sell ratio of almost 99% of her portfolio I believe. And some illustrations were featured for almost years.

But today she seems not to be pushed anymore by Adobe Stock. So that I don't believe only keywords and image rankings matter.

Another portfolios, who probably still are doing very well:

Actually one should stop spamming by generating thousands of AI images but start to create some good basis material with AI and then use Photoshop further to add more details, lighting, effects, etc. This is probably a better time investment.

I have read several times here about "bestsellers". Now I'm curious as to what a "bestseller" at AS actually is.
500 downloads? 1,000 downloads? 2,500 downloads? 5,000 downloads? Or even more?

I have one file with over 10k lifetime sales.

But I would consider a file that sells at least 2-3 times a week to be a reliable bestseller, or around 100 sales a year.

The ideal bestsellers is something that gets sales nearly every day.

I do have seasonal bestsellers that can sell 5-10 a day in the season, but then die off quickly when the event is over. And that is usually just for 1-2 weeks very close to the holiday event.

But the most important - can the bestseller lead to more sales of the series? Then the file becomes really valuable.

It is the download of a complete series or at least 3 files at the same time that makes a real bestseller for me.

A lead file that can entice customers to look what else I have on the subject.

10k sales with one image is dam* good.
But on the other hand one is quite fragile if the bestseller drys out.

Ideally the portfolio should be (like a financial portfolio) as well balanced as possible.
And as you said even more ideally the buyers would buy more images from a series when they see the leading bestseller.

Currently you can't produce accurate image series with AI.
But probably with Midjourney v7/v8 or Stable Diffusion XL 4 it will be possible.

On my way back down

pos 2240

you go down and I go up  :D but I'm always far from you rank,even though I have more content than you,I've been on Adobe Stock for much less time than you.

I don't believe it is the time factor, which is relevant to be pushed up by Adobe.
I think it is rather a well balanced mix of real photos and AI images that is promoted by Adobe.

A good example is the following portfolio (although he steals a lot of ideas from other contributors)

but regardless of whether your portfolio is promoted or not,over time sales increase,so time remains the most important factor,as it should be.

a portfolio of 5000 contents active since 2010 earns more than a portfolio of 20,000 contents active since 2020,assuming that neither portfolio is promoted by Adobe.

I would say this is more an image ranking subject.
There are long-established contributors who are still living off their old bestsellers, which have climbed a good ranking over the years because there was less competition back then.

If one had crap back then 15 years ago it won't help you with new AI stuff.

Several accounts are allowed and I'm currently testing with a new one for other various content.
But there is a review limit of 50 images at the beginning.

Top 100 weekly, top 100 lifetime, less than 10k.

Congratulations on your hard work!!!

No need to share details, I think it is already very helpful to know that such a position can indeed be reached by a single artist.

I always thought the top 100 was for large studio/team producers only. The only person I know in that level started out as a single artist but had progressed to working more as an art director and has people working for him, some full time, some on work for hire basis.

I do believe in sharing helpful information with peers and it can be done without reveailing best selling content.

Plus the algos make copying sometimes harder than people think. I know many producers who did a ton of seasonal content with ai, but get few sales, while my christmas season was quite good. But I have really, really old files that have probably accumulated in many galeries over the 10 years I didnt upload and these are the ones that started bringing in the money again. The ai stuff also sold, but less than old files revived.

For me I see it with my ai people, while they are slowly starting to sell, if I just do carrots on white background I will have better sales with that.

And if I do that with my camera, the carrots can go everywhere.

However, if I am consistent with my ai people uploads, then I am sure in 3-4 years they will also get good sales, like anything isolated or my greeting cards.

Same for illustrations. It is a new medium for me, there is ZERO algo track record. I have uploaded a lot of seasonal illustrations but sales are very, very slow. And sometimes very unexpected, I am actually having artsy files sell. Done in watercolor or oil painting style.

So my first 3000 illustrations will be test subjects, trying many different niches and many, many different art styles.

Then gradually the customers will tell me what they like and I will make more of that.

But if I ever wanted to got for the top 100, I would certainly need 30k plus files.

I do a lot of research, but wouldnt know how to do that with less than 10k even if I could identify 10k top selling concepts. Gallery uptake by clients is a very slow process. Having instant best sellers is very rare for me.

There is also the time factor, I want to grow my income over the next 2-3 years, not over 20.

Roughly 60% of what i upload is still experimental, with ai even higher, because I am testing a lot of new things.

Thank you to anyone in top levels sharing ranks and port sizes.

For newbies it should help them understand that stock needs a ton of research and is not a slot machine where you throw random files in and money comes out.

The money is related to usefulness for clients not overall random content port size.

I don't think it would be a good idea with your current portfolio.
I rather have the feeling that Adobe penalizes spammer portfolios heavily and lowers the ranking.

I would always test experiments with a new account (multiple are allowed) to avoid your main portfolio crashing.

I would even go so far as to create a separate account for each type of image (interior, fashion,
seasonal content, etc.).

On my way back down

pos 2240

you go down and I go up  :D but I'm always far from you rank,even though I have more content than you,I've been on Adobe Stock for much less time than you.

I don't believe it is the time factor, which is relevant to be pushed up by Adobe.
I think it is rather a well balanced mix of real photos and AI images that is promoted by Adobe.

A good example is the following portfolio (although he steals a lot of ideas from other contributors)

Broke top 500 lifetime rank 491 and holding steady around 200 weekly (189 at the moment).

Nice, what's your weekly earning with this position?
1k USD or more?
Would be interesting to know how the earnings are distributed among the top sellers.

How big is your portfolio? Would expect min. 30k images and videos.

after a strong Monday the rest of the week was pretty bad,not even an Easter sale :(

I don't know if you noticed but there are 1,076,612 results for "Easter" AI only,already a million AI contents for Easter.

this is why I am not particularly convinced that investing a lot of time in AI content is a good idea in the long term,for now yes,but I think in a year at most I don't think I will produce any more AI content,then clearly I will see,it depends on the results,but with this mass production so fast,I believe that the real difference can only be made with real contents at the end of the day.

Well, it's not as if the competition is getting smaller.

Yes, the majority of AI images are currently still garbage because it takes a lot of time to find good generators and diffusion models.
But the bar is definitely getting higher. Many former classic photo bestsellers from 5 to 10 years ago have been overtaken by exceptionally good AI images.

My strategy is looking for niches right from the start. Popular subjects are pure luck or one have to create extremely creative concepts, which would have little competition.

Easter, for example, is brutal.
You won't stand a chance with standard motifs. You have to combine Easter with other themes. Vacations, online shopping, promotional offers for workshops, fashion, lifestyle, etc.

In other words, what a creative director would have photoshopped manually from standard stock material in the past.

And you have to build up a very balanced portfolio with many themes.
Otherwise one have no chance nowdays.

In my opinion Adobe is even not selective enough.
The point is that the majority of AI images are not sold anyway if you have not won the lottery image ranking or if they are not top notch unique without flaws.

I mean yeah I can generate a port of dozen thousands images which will be accepted but it will be just a waste of time.


If you apply your logic to the pre subscription era, then we should all have become millionaires with subs because of more sales.
But the opposite happened. The earnings have almost completely disappeared. Some contributors had earnings between 20k and 50k a month (!) and fell to just 1k or 2k USD.
The same will happen with videos. You just have no long experience in this industry.


The question I have for the people that got heaps of refunds, were your earnings for November oddly high (by about the same amount as the refunds)?

Pretty shoddy on the part of Getty all around.

That's really good question.   Went and checked: Nov '23 was my 3rd best month last year on iStock, but nothing out of proportion.

Accounting certainly appears shady, but I don't think it's deliberate - whole system is set up in such a bad way it is easy for all kinds of mistakes to creep in.  Biggest thorn to me is 15% royalty which is downright disrespectful.


Pretty funny or odd, or I ask, how do people reason out the glaring contradiction, when SS pays us more and a higher percentage, with a higher minimum, but they can't stop shouting how bad SS is or what crooks they are? "I'd never upload anything to SS, paying 10 cents is an insult."

I won't dwell on Connect which is, fractions of cents, because no one really knows what or how those images are used. Maybe for mock-ups, or maybe not. Maybe on a website, or chat, or somewhere in Asia for some mystery use, and maybe not. We don't get anything detailed or specific. Oh but we do get hundredths of a cent royalty.

BUT... for iStock when we do get the details. How do we get downloads like this? 4 cents? 3 cents?

Type Regular
Month 2024-02
Sales date 2/5/2024
Uploaded 5/30/2013
Gross royalty $0.04762
License Fee $0.31745
Rate 15%

File Type Editorial Image
Type Regular
Month 2024-02
Sales date 2/6/2024
Uploaded 10/6/2011
Gross royalty $0.03150
License Fee $0.21000
Rate 15%

Please tell me how SS is nothing but despicable crooks, and then someone explain, how iStock isn't worse?  ;D Oh IS is much better, they pay fractions of cents, and then 3 cents or 4 cents. Really? That's better than the terrible, insulting, demoralizing... 10  :o

Brutal, how is this even possible? 3 to 4 cents comissions?
What the heck?

I wouldn't be surprised if all agencies are ripping off their contributors since they all have become to greedy.

Didn't we also have the thread about Shutterstock, where even sales were not passed on to the contributors?

IStock states that they pay out almost 2 million a week.
Presumably that's a similar number of sales. So mistakes can happen ...
You probably don't even notice smaller ones and they are simply covered up.

Nobody can check the sales system.

It is absolutely incomprehensible to me - especially in times of ever-improving AI - why newly uploaded images are not compared with images already in the database during the review process. This could be an automated process.

New images (also mirrored) could be checked as easily as with the google reverse image search.

Perhaps there is a reason why not much emphasis is placed on this.

If it is discovered that someone has an account with stolen images, the account will be closed and the money that has not yet been paid out will certainly be withheld. The return of money that has already been paid out may also be demanded. So it's a win-win situation for the agencies because they get the money for selling the images but don't have to pay anything to the contributor.

And the contributor who actually took the image does not receive any compensation anyway.

Conclusion: Accounts with stolen images and videos that are discovered are a lucrative source of income. Therefore, the effort to prevent this is non-existent.

Yeah, sounds like a disgusting strategy of a further increase of earnings. Brutal, what a mess this industry had become. I would never ever invest time of producing real photos anymore.

Brutal, does it mean that someone with a Super Duper Business Premium account has downloaded the entire database?

Who can actually guarantee that it wasn't misuse and that the images are now being used illegally for training AI models or offered elsewhere?

I mean, you can see from the account downloads that something is wrong. Why not prevent this in advance and block the account in advance?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Midjourney AI photos upscale
« on: March 22, 2024, 20:12 »
In future I will now submit portraits only with the minimum resolution. The upscalers are currently still too poor for portraits. I will keep the originals in case better upscalers will come onto the market.
Other content such as still lifes (spa, flowers, animals, etc.) I will continue to upscale, which works quite well.

So, thank you for finetuning mine settings!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Midjourney AI photos upscale
« on: March 22, 2024, 16:44 »
Hmm, I'm thinking about switching to the minimum resolution of 4mpx. You might be right.
This resolution seems to be really better (hair is still a big upscaling problem).

Two more examples:

Man I don't know. Don't wanna rescale my port again ... already to much time wasted.

Gigapixel sucks alot. Don't understand the hype about it.
Will use probably waifu2x or neuralwriter instead. It's not comfortable with batch processes but is much faster and seems to be slight better.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Midjourney AI photos upscale
« on: March 22, 2024, 13:29 »
Just out of interest, could you upload a sample image to compare the upscale quality?

I have attached mine (not retouched yet with color postprocessing):

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