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Messages - Blahh Bamm!

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Cameras / Lenses / Re: Anyone shoot medium format FILM
« on: May 25, 2010, 14:14 »
I've been shooting with a Minolta Autocord TLR for the past couple years and have been pretty happy with the results. They usually go for around 150-250 on the bay, for the money definitely a nice camera.

If you are buying from ebay make sure the sellers mentions a CLA (clean, lube, and adjust) these usually cost around 100-150 and are essential for a 50 year old camera.

Rollie is the king of the TLR for good reason though, I don't think my Autocord can match it for overall sharpness(though my autocord is dying for a CLA). If you want to spend a little more the Rollieflex SL66 looks really nice and not nearly as expensive as a Hasselblad.

Have you checked on Apple's support forum? Some of the older G5 towers were shipped with crap power supplys, I think there is a recall for some.

Unplugging your comp when it is starting up probably isn't a good idea, try holding down the power button till it shuts down, neither option is a good one :-\

USB connections are tricky for the G5 as well, if you are running something kind of exotic(other than a mouse and keyboard) it could be causing problems, doubly so if the hardware comes with software.

you can also try unseating your pci cards, basically unplug them and put em back in. Make sure you ground yourself before messing around too much in there or you could fry some of your components, just touch the outside of the metal case.

Also replace the small battery that saves date and time, on the older model i think it is near the pci cards, the newer ones have it by the RAM.

Fun! ;)

Computer Hardware / Re: Is my computer about to blow up?
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:41 »
have you done the Apple hardware test? Find the disc(s) that originally came with your computer, insert the disc (it will have something like AHT version 2.3 on it) and restart while holding down the C key to boot from the disc. If you have lots of RAM this test can take a while, maybe 45 min/gig of RAM, your fans will run really loud during this test.

Video cards for old G5s are hard to come by and expensive, often it is easier and better to get a new computer than to find a new card. You can find modded cards on ebay but they ain't cheap.

I would also replace the little internal battery that saves date and time info, often they can be found at Radioshack for 2 or 3 bucks.

Good luck!

C'mon Oldie show us your macro portfolio!  :D

A friend who does quite a bit of stop motion has recommended istopmotion


looks pretty good to me! The only critique I could add would be the way the shield comes together at the bottom, I think it might look better if it came together as a sharp point.

I bet they accept it if you resubmit

Veer / Re: Attila at SnapVillage?
« on: April 27, 2009, 13:14 »

i say this because it is unusual to see a specific rejection reason all coming in at the same time from different sites. i can only guess that it's a coincidence, or maybe lightning does strike at the same place twice, or even 4 times.
you know what i mean?  like it's normal if you get rejected with different reason with 4 sites at different spaces in time. but if you get rejections from the same batch all done in the same space and all with the same explanation, maybe there is one person moonlighting with all the different sites enjoying blood of the contributors.

Ummm, sorry to sound like a jerk here but maybe your photos just weren't very good?
Obviously I haven't seen them but if the same batch was rejected at 4 different sites then maybe should tell you something about the quality of your work.

again, sorry to be a jerk :-\
they have been rejecting more of mine as well

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