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Messages - olliemt

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Thanks Nuno, I have sent an email, awaiting reply..

I have a small port of around 80 images on there, they except more high end stuff that is not always 100% technically correct due to high ISO and so on but gives a broader field. Interestingly I pulled a load of night work off there as I have just launched a calendar and did not want anyone using my images for a similar product.  Within a day I had an agency contact me indicating they had approved one of my images with a client would it still be available.  I made the transaction personally and licensed them the image.  I just find it a little odd that I have no sales reported, but as soon as I remove images, I am contacted with clients willing to purchase.  Is there anyway we are going to be able to receive stats?  Click through's?  Anyone considered a poll?  Also any chance of FTP, I have around 7K images, I think 1K of them would easily suit 500px style but upload is painful.


I've started to use 500px to display my fine art images, as from August I'm taking 2 years out of work to go traveling, from then on my top 15% of images will not be submitted to microstock (not that I have been submitting my best new images currently either) and will be displayed only on 500px, my own website, or offered on my own stock site, 500px has done what I had hoped when I joined, it directs traffic to my personal site (currently down).  It will be interesting to see which way Prime goes, I must have overlooked an email from them or was not very attracted by the 30%, either way they asked for some of my images, which I have submitted, 1 exclusive; they are all fine art, some of which have been tweaked and therefore the agencies overlook them, funny, as I have had some of these published!!!  When I could last be bothered to read into agency policy (in general) it usually stated something along the lines of, clients like images unprocessed so they can tweak blah blah blah, yeah great if your shooting white background whatever, but travel and landscape, architecture and so on can be left unappealing, thus leading a buyer to overlook the image.  500px Could offer a bit of a niche, I hope it does, and sticks to it! It wont work for every stock photographer as it will mean to much screen time on one image, for someone like me whose 70% freelance photography, 30% stock, it would be great. I will not be uploading my entire portfolio, only the stand out Images, I sincerely hope that Prime stays hand picked, tidy, fine art style images that buyers can go to and get a ready worked, stylish images.  There is some wicked stuff on 500px that agencies just don't have, we manage to market this type of work individually however time consuming so there is always a market to tap into.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Uploading & FTP
« on: September 14, 2013, 15:11 »
Thanks, my html uploader has gone but with regards to ftp, i dont know how to set it up with filezila?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Uploading & FTP
« on: September 14, 2013, 05:00 »

I have the age old problem of upload has gone after update, reinstalling another theme then symbiostock does not bring it back.  I am happy load through ftp, but how do I set it up?

I have it set up for all my micro sites, server,  port, password, username, where do i place the link Leo provides on the upload page of Symbiostock?

VotoVoyger, have you checked out the  http://www.symbiothemes.com/product/clean-theme-for-symbiostock/

Worth a look mate if not.

I started setting up my site in April, then I had a change of full time job, one of the closest people to me pass away unexpectedly, and various other set backs, however im back now and will be back on the forums as I need help, especially as the day job is taking over 60 hours a week at the min.

Im a small fish in the microstock world, although some of my accounts like istock have been going a long time, I always send the agencies the stuff that I dont market rights managed myself, which is only about 80% of my work, leaving 20% going to agencies.  Im going travelling for a few years next winter so that will change & I will loose my UK specific clientle.

Symbiostock seemed a no brainer, there are loads of different ways to host stock but the networking idea was what swung it for me as you offer a varied product, although whoever is in your network needs to understand how to market them self and the product (symbiostock as a whole), it wont sell itself. 

If people in your network just sit back and think sales will just accumulate by magic, there wrong.

Anyway, my symbiosite looks like **** at the min, as im working 60 hours a week on the day job at the min (cash needed for travel), so my site will be a few months off; but I would like to start looking for people to network with.

My portfolio will be predominantly south coast UK at the min.
Over the next year I will be adding:

Channel Islands
Scilly Islands
More Scotland & Wales
More Sicily
Brittany - France

2014 2015:


2016 -2017:

More Iceland
New Zealand

Im looking for travel & landscape to network with from alternate places:

Especially North & South America.

(sorry, I know this should have been on symbio forum, but most you guys are prob networked)


Microstock Services / Re: Lightburner is paid now:(
« on: July 17, 2013, 15:20 »
The problem is prostock master has gone with light burnr :(

This was by far the best keywordin software, and then just FTP instead of LB

I cant believe there is not more on here about this, a shame to loose prostock master, but the light burner fee's are ridiculous, especially as Light burner is crap!!!! FTP much more reliable...  Bye bye prostock, you were good......... ( i would gladly pay a more realistic price for Prostock but never light burner.....

iStockPhoto.com / Re: the END of microstock !!!
« on: May 18, 2013, 04:04 »
Good shout sharpshot  8)

Symbiostock - Network Building / Re: Networking and Pricing
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:17 »
I dont even have a wordpress account yet but have been reading all your threads as much as poss and am now setting one up (not with go daddy who host my website) and hope to be joining you all within the next month, exciting project Leo.

I only have small microstock ports ranging from 250 to 1500 on varied sites so i dont know how valuable you may think my input is, however, is it not essential everyone prices exactly the same and create consistency throughout the network?  If this is successful in years to come it will deal a serious blow to the agencies, however surely buyers will get sick of searching if prices are up and down through out?   I was wondering what model to price my images on, all the examples I have seen people are charging different prices, some way cheaper than Steve is charging for large.  We have the agencies to undercut us, not each other?


Yaymicro / Re: YAY Newsletter: Information About New Product
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:56 »
Im not going to upload anymore there, 1500 port with one sale over a year pathetic, i will leave account open for now and see  if a miracle happens, but i seriously doubt it!!!

General Stock Discussion / Warmpicture
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:09 »
Warmpicture anyone?

Could anyone shed some light on this sight, its been on the radar for a while but I have yet to conclude if its worth it, could anyone share there experiences?

Much appreciated if so!!!!! :P

New Sites - General / Re: kozzi.com anybody?
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:10 »
Kozzi, there is some pure crap on your site! Amateur images for free loaders R us?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Prostockmaster
« on: September 24, 2012, 04:19 »
Many thanks Poncke, all is well again now  ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re: Prostockmaster
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:00 »
Hopefully they will sort it out as the software is far less hassle than many i have tried, I cant believe more people dont use it either. I to run it on 3 computers and same with all of them.

General Stock Discussion / Prostockmaster
« on: September 21, 2012, 03:57 »
Anyone else using prostock and having problems hhtp forbidden 430 message?

Can anyone recommend any other free keywording software that works similar to prostock?

Pages: [1]


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