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Messages - jordan_m

Pages: [1]
Interesting concept. I assume it has to be very basic tasks because most freelance jobs are like snowflakes. The skeptic in me definitely worries that it will be another outbid the industry site. Those seem to be prevalent on the internet.

We're definitely aiming for 'micro' jobs, something that could be completed in around 4 hours or less as a guide. Microlancer will review each and every Service on the site, offering Buyers a confidence in quality and ensuring all services meet our standards. The quality of work will be high and Providers will be asked to price work accordingly.

Thanks for posting about this here. I posted a comment on the blog, but I'll repeat it here:

"I like the video as a way to introduce the new service very effective way to get your message out to us.

Theres a lot of potential here, but Id like to know more about the mechanics of the provider getting paid and the buyer dealing with any issues with the work.

In some ways I think this might be like the buyer and seller feedback system on eBay where you try to avoid buyers not paying even though the work was as requested or freelancers not delivering what the buyer asked for.
Another site tried something similar a while back and discontinued it because they didnt address the above issues."

The other site was iStock and BuyRequest was the attempt they made at addressing this market. Some of their problems were in the implementation, but some were perhaps inherent in the issues of client and freelancer interaction.                                                 As a potential freelancer in this system, how would I avoid situations where I do work and the buyer backs out or doesn't pay?

Glad you liked the video, I liked it too Collis is super animated in it hehe. Were not quite ready to reveal all the details about payment and dispute resolution yet. But a few quick points:
* We will take payment for jobs upfront from the buyer, before the freelancer has started any work and will hold it until successful completion of the job as agreed by both parties.
* We have a robust dispute resolution system planned.
* Were still working on how the feedback system will work.
Great feedback!

Hey folks, just wanted to introduce myself here. I'm Jordan and I'm Microlancer's Communications Manager. I'll do my best to answer any questions you guys have. We're still finalising a lot of details so I might not have the answers just yet, but it will be great to see any feedback/concerns/ideas you guys might have. I'm a bit pressed for time today, but I'm going to jump back on tomorrow to answer what's already here :)


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