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Messages - danienel

Pages: [1]
Dreamstime.com / Re: Dreamstime - Horrible Sales
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:25 »
Ironically DT was okay for me this month - relative to it's normal performance. I have found that my exclusive editorial files do well with them. Also, I'll have a surge of sales and it'll be quiet again for weeks. Anyhow, I get a payout once a year more-or-less from them.

SS hasn't been good for me the last year. Still the best of my agencies, but have seen a remarkable reduction in earnings following the whole search algorithm change a while back. I'm at 60% what I used to earn, yet I've increased my portfolio considerably.

I think, if I can be so bold as to extrapolate on what someone else said, that the person probably alluded to the fact that to have a shoot and upload rhythm is important to build a good portfolio of images. Your rhythm might be different from mine, but I am a commercial photographer who tend to use redundant images and quiet days to shoot. However, consistently uploading helps a hell of a lot to get your images digested into the system. Having it there is worth more than not having it there in my opinion.

Mine was about half of previous months. Definitely a bad one.

You'll find some here: I'm based in South Africa, and we have an issue with finding black guys who look South African, and not African-American. (Trust me, to the native South African, the difference is obvious)

I have a bit. Check it out:


Shutterstock.com / Re: How are sales going?- Shutterstock
« on: February 21, 2014, 04:27 »
February and January both down on last year.... The biggest concern is probably the low amount of new material that is selling. I mean like scary little. I suppose it's just business cycles, though. What I'm selling might not be it right now, but later it might get a bit more popular :)

Photography Equipment / Re: Wacom tablet - need pro version?
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:15 »
Ok, I'm gonna make you  all cry foul... I use the touchpad on my laptop, and I deep-etch etc at the same speed as most on Tablets. However, I don't illustrate, which would be a nightmare on a touchpad. I just had to learn. I never had money for a Wacom, and by the time I.did, I couldn't be bothered. And I hate a normal mouse or even track-ball.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Feeling Negative about Dreamstime
« on: September 11, 2013, 03:45 »
Dreamstime is nr 4 or so out of the 12 I submit to. I find a strange phenomenon. Just before I reach $100 every time, like at $98, suddenly my sales stops for weeks! I know it sounds very conspiracy theory, but very weird... A nice way to save cash-flow for them....

To answer one of your earlier questions:

I sell mainly subscription, but the on-demand ones make up about 40% of my income, so ....

I sometimes swallow hard on getting 19c for an image, but considering that it's a license and not a tangible, I suppose it's economies of scale that determines my happiness.

Of my people images, it still makes up about 30% and sells regularly, but not outrageously. I think there will be a market for it always, but not as top-selling imagery.

Yes, it should only be USA sales. South Africa has a tax treaty with the US, so I've had to fill out those IRS tax form and register for tax (sort of) in the States, but worth it!

I supply about 14 microstock agencies and 1 RM agency in South Africa, who are the master delegates for Getty for Africa/Middle East, so I have my images on Getty too. My portfolio is small on there, as they are very particular about what they want etc, and I sell about an image a month, mostly for editorial, but what I make on that one image is normally more than what I do on DT per month. Another thing is that the submission process is so so laborious!! DVD's, spreadsheets, documents etc etc etc. What stops me is the hassle sometimes.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Inspection Time (iStockphoto)
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:42 »
Anything from a couple of hours to close to a month, lately.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Is Being exclusive the way to go?
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:40 »
I think it's safe to say that by now there is no exact science of prediction here. I get the sense that exclusive vs independent has more to do with your worldview, personality and workflow than anything else.

I "Like" multiple agencies, simply because I naturally lean towards avoiding single baskets of eggs. I can't prove that it's better, it's just better for me, quite honestly. And I have my own little site that earns even less than what I do at Canstock, but who cares if I dig it?

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