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Messages - cardoso

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Summary of things I can try to get in?
« on: March 21, 2007, 14:14 »
Great advice from both of you... thank you so much...

I thought I would get better results by shooting raw... and you're right... I do have sharpening and saturation stuff on in the camera... it never occurred to me that that could be causing some of the noise.

Take care

Shutterstock.com / Summary of things I can try to get in?
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:11 »
Hi all,

I'm brand spankin new to this site.  I should have found you before I started attempting SS submissions :-(

Can any of you offer advice about my first attempt submissions?  Maybe a summary of tricks?  for example... I heard that submitting the shots smaller increases chances of them missing noise.....???

I just got rejected my 3rd time... getting frustrated but I will keep trying. 

My system:

I shoot with a D70s and mostly with my 18-200 Nikon lens.  I open my images in bridge, wean out the obvious bad stuff... then I open the potentials in camera raw... I adjust exposure, white balance and saturation here.  i also delete any other obvious ones at this stage.  Once I've adjusted my batch, I then process them all to jpeg.  At this stage I apply a light noise filter (noise ninja) and sharpen it a bit using the unsharpen filter.  I delete any last ones that might have too much noise to fix.

Anyone see any problems with this?  Could I do something extra or less in order to avoid getting rejected by SS?

Thanks for your time and help.


Nelson Cardoso

Pages: [1]


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