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Messages - lark

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Can I sell an image as NFT that I sell in different stock photo platforms?

I think in this case that this shop can be reported to Adobe, Shutterstock, Fotolia, to check if all these images were purchased with the proper license.

The other option is to find who is the authors of this content and contact them. I know that it is time consuming but it worths to do it.

You can also try to report it to Etsy although you are not the author and you do not have evidence that the seller does not have the proper licence. You can explain that Extended licences are very expensive and that you think that the seller does not have them. You can ask Etsy to check if the seller has proper licenses to sell these products. Etsy takes it very seriously. I think that they will take action.

For Etsy:
You can ask the seller what kind of licence do they have.
1. If they do not have the proper license ask them to remove listings with your content from their shop.
2. Report this shop to Etsy. Etsy is taking this very seriously and at least will deactivate these listings. If it is not the first copyright infringement complaint they can close their shop. Etsy acts only if there is a complaint.
It is important what is your purpose. If you want to close the shop and prevent using other people content in this way - report to Etsy. If you only want to protect your content - the seller will remove only a few listings and will continue to do the same with other people content.

If you do not take any action tomorrow you will see ten more shops doing the same. Because the new sellers will think that if other people can do this it means that it is OK.

For CM it is possible that the seller will not respond at all. If you are 100% sure that they do not have a proper licence write DMCA letter. CM will probably remove only some products. I haven't heard that CM is closing shops.

In any case TAKING ACTION is extremely important.

Canva / Payoneer payment Canva
« on: March 03, 2021, 13:29 »
Hi there, does anybody use Payoneer as a payment method with Canva?
How do you connect your Payoneer account with Canva?

Canva / Re: Canva, what's the plan now?
« on: October 12, 2020, 23:53 »
If you see your images in Etsy shop with Canva templates and if you think that the Canva license does not allow this you can ask the shop owner to remove it or report the shop to Etsy support. They do close shops for copyright infringement. Shop owners are very afraid from this and they immediately will remove the listing with your image. But they will continue to use other people images. In most cases shop owners do not understand very well what is allowed or not allowed. If nobody complains they just do this to earn some money. Etsy itself do not monitor this - they only take action if there is a report. The problem is that if there are shops that operate for months and years other people see this and they do the same - so expect in the near future to see more shops with Canva templates. Canva can stop them if clarify in their License description that this usage is not allowed. If they do not do this only the image owners can do it by reporting shops.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Digital downloads on Etsy
« on: August 09, 2020, 02:10 »
You can sell digital files in Etsy but Etsy is a completely different platform compared with other platform where you sell your content like Adobe, SS, Alamy etc. In Etsy you are responsible for everything connected with your shop - shop appearance, shop policies, marketing and advertising, writing listings, writing image licenses and everything else. If you want to have a successful shop you have to work hard - really hard. According to my experience only 40-50% of the time is spent to create the product. Most time is spent to sell the product and to have 5-star feedback, which is essential - customer service, advertising banners, seo, constantly adjusting your to content to be more competitive. Although it is much more difficult than just uploading files in Stock platforms it can be much more rewarding. Etsy gets fees around 13% + currency conversion it is 16% and you get the rest. You can also be payed on a daily basis in a bank account, not only Paypal. At the moment Etsy is the BEST platform to sell individually what you have created - physical or digital. Easy to use interface lots of instruments for marketing and promotions and everything you need to sell and make your shop look nice.
If you decide to sell in Etsy my advice is to make a serious research to understand how Esty works, who are shoppers, what can you sell, how to sell it - in one word it is a different game.
Yes, there are lots of copyright infringement in Etsy. If you report it Etsy will close the shops. I think that the authors have to be much more active to protect their content. Most of the shop owners that sell POD does not understand at all what is the difference between Standard and Extended Licence. And of course they never buy Extended license. In 70-80% of the cases you can contact the shop owners and they will quickly remove the listings or buy the licenses. In other cases you can report to Etsy.
If you only want to make a photography or illustrations Etsy is not for you. If you are eager to learn more Etsy is a school - you will learn how to sell online products. If you can sell your own content you will be able to sell lots of other products. I want to say that selling in Etsy will give you another perspective. Here you will meet your real customers and you will understand what do people do with your artwork. Knowing this you will know what to create and what not to create.
I have started to sell seriously in Etsy 2-3 years ago and at the moment I am absolutely grateful that I made this step. My shops are not as successful as I wanted to be but Etsy opened many doors and gave me new opportunities.

I do. I can work long hours in some periods and then I can do nothing for months. I am very satisfied financially at the moment. But what will be in the future - who knows? I feel free and independent. The only disadvantage is working alone at home. I feel very isolated. Not only that it limits my social contacts but most people cannot understand at all what I am doing and I cannot speak with anyone except with my close relatives about my work which is a substantial part of my life. I live in two separate dimensions - one is online in Internet and the other is my real life. And they do not cross each other except in my mind.

Canva / Re: Canva - did I miss something?
« on: July 03, 2019, 01:13 »
It is interesting. What currency could be $5 and $20?

Canva / Re: Canva - did I miss something?
« on: July 02, 2019, 08:09 »
I have $5 and $20 One-time use Licenses sold where I receive $0.35. I think that they cannot be explained with non-dollar sales. It is really confusing.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Property release question
« on: January 08, 2017, 14:18 »
Thank you for your answers. Generally I agree but every time when I write PR I have the feeling that I do something that is not necessary.

In my case I paint watercolors on paper and after scan/photo I upload them in different agencies. Writing different PR for every illustration for every agency is annoying.

I am always asking myself - Why when I make vector illustration I just upload it and when make watercolor illustration on paper I have to fill in PR. In both cases I am the author and it is my obligation to upload only my work - i agreed with it when I signed the agencies terms and conditions.
And also in all PR forms I give the photographer and the agency some rights ... What if there is no photographer - there is a scanner. It is a machine. And if I do not give any rights to the photographer because he does not exist why isn't it enough my agreement with the agency to sell  my work(with all rights and limitations in this agreement).

General Stock Discussion / Property release question
« on: January 04, 2017, 16:13 »
I am confused about Property releases for art. If you want to upload photo of a piece of art you should fill in Property release form. In most of these release The Property owner gives the Photographer and the agency some rights...
But who is the Property owner - The author or the person that is the owner of the physical peace of art?

I found 69 of my images in art.com and allposters. They told that the images were licensed from Fotolia. Fotolia told that allposters are their API partner. So according to them it is absolutely legal.

What is strange is that after my complaint allposters very quickly removed the portfolio. If they had the right to print why did they remove the portfolio?

Anyway I myself removed part of my porfolio from Fotolia.

I found another shop this morning


It is easy to recognise lots of stock images from different contributors. I found two mine for which I have never sold Extended License. I asked the products to be removed.

Two weeks ago I found 69 my images for sale in allpsters.com. Someone created a portfolio using some of my usernames that I use in stock agencies. I made a complaint to the legal Allposters department.  They said that they have Fotolia licenses. I explained them that Standad License does not give them right for Print on Demand. Two days after they removed portfolio. Silently. There is no even excuse. It seem strange that persons from the legal department have not read this License before my complaint and I have to explain to a layer which clauses they violates.

If they use Standard license they do not have the right to do this. They have to be pressed to stop.

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