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Messages - worriedistocker

Pages: [1] 2
1 / Re: Closing account
« on: March 24, 2017, 09:57 »
I just learned on FB that a black diamond contributor dropped their exclusivity.

Would you mind sharing the link to fb post? Thanks

Hi, sorry for the delay in responding. They posted this to their personal FB page, not a FB forum, and I'm reluctant to "out" a contributor who doesn't participate on this forum, at least not very often. But it's true, they gave notice, 30 days have passed and they are uploading to other sites.

It's sad, but I think we're in an industry wide price war and race to the bottom, and stock photography is quickly becoming a less and less viable option to make a living. Even for the best and most talented among us. :-(

2 / Re: Closing account
« on: March 17, 2017, 10:08 »

Does anyone know how to disable your media for sale using the new ESP portal?

If you mean deactivate, we're no longer allowed to deactivate our own content. You need to pull a support ticket and request that the file be deactivated and give the reason why. They may or may not deactivate the file. Generally, legal concerns are considered a valid reason. Other reasons are at the discretion of istock.

The only way to ensure that your content is deactivated is by closing your account.

3 / Re: Closing account
« on: March 13, 2017, 09:16 »
I think we may be at a tipping point after these recent changes. I just learned on FB that a black diamond contributor dropped their exclusivity.

To me, that's a pretty big deal when someone who has sold hundreds of thousands of files is fed up enough to take that step.

4 / Re: iStock a shadow of its former self
« on: March 06, 2017, 19:02 »
DJ, I misunderstood your post and I've removed the reply. Sorry, I meant well.

5 / Re: what a balls up of a royality statment
« on: March 05, 2017, 20:26 »

Hmmm, they were up to at least $275, soon after launch (I looked because I could hardly believe someone had suggested it!)

There is an update at the fundraiser explaining they had to cancel it because istock employees aren't allowed to accept gifts.

Why they would throw a party to celebrate this monumental screwup is beyond my understanding.

6 / Re: iStock a shadow of its former self
« on: March 05, 2017, 20:21 »
revised because of misunderstanding.

7 / Re: ESP iStock Historical Royalties report
« on: February 26, 2017, 18:00 »
Mine are different too.

Also, the amount reported for 2016 doesn't match the amount reported on the tax form I received from Getty so I haven't filed my taxes yet.

You can't delete files on your own anymore. You need to send in a contributor ticket request telling them which file and why and and they may delete it, but it's not guaranteed. Generally copyright concerns are considered a valid reason.

The only way to make sure your files are deleted is to close your account.

I think the stock industry in its present form has about 3-5 years left with royalties constantly declining because of too much content and a price war between the agencies.

At some point it won't be worth it for small contributors to justify the time and expense to produce content.

I also expect a shakeout with more consolidation and some agencies going out of business. Getty has an enormous amount of debt so it remains to be seen how they will fare.

People are still frantically uploading while there's some money to be made but most are losing ground. At some point the music will stop. Be prepared for when it does.

10 / Re: ESP
« on: February 25, 2017, 16:39 »
What is "Downloads Year To Date" in Account Management > Profile ?

2017 credit+subscription or credit+subscription+partner program downloads ?

Is It reliable ?

I just had a thought since you asked if the counter is reliable:

I wonder if all those $0.00 test downloads are being added to the YTD Counter?

11 / Re: Royalty Statement Clarification
« on: February 25, 2017, 14:16 »
I have no idea what's going on or what these people are doing. Just received an additional clarification of the original clarification lmao!!  I give up. So long as they fill my PayPal with something I'll be happy
Gosh, that must be music to their ears, and three plusses.
So at least four people who don't care if they get paid the correct amount so long as they get paid "something".

Exactly. And that's why the race to the bottom continues.

It's sad, but I think we're entering a new vicious phase of the price war between the agencies and unfortunately, the contributors will be the casualties. I doubt the most recent pay cut will be the last one...

12 / Re: ESP
« on: February 23, 2017, 09:37 »
Wow 89 pages statement!
I must admit there is a lot of info to browse through. These stats are annoyingly late,  but I find more details about sales than on any other site.

The best way to not give information and overwhelm you with information

Not the case here. I am not an iStock fan at all. But I have to admit that if I tweak and filter the associated excel file, I get all information I need and more. I can make it look like a Shutterstock report, like a Fotolia report. etc.
Yep but a one month old one.......

I'm sure they are trying to provide real time stats, but it's very, very difficult to do. It's like cold fusion or a cure for cancer. Hopefully, Getty scientists will one day make a breakthrough...  ;)

13 / Re: I don't understand Getty
« on: February 23, 2017, 07:03 »
qHero and DeepMeta are actually independently developed to make the upload process easier, they are not developed by IS.
While using DeepMeta, the only thing that really slows me down is the useless IS curated dictionary or whatever they call it. I can't login in DeepMeta3 so I can't comment if it's any easier than it used to be, but by jusdging by the current ESP upload IS is still using that.

The old Deepmeta was awesome and a joy to use, but 3.x had to comply with this new ESP thing and has made everything ten times more complicated than it needs to be.

I've stopped uploading so I don't really care anymore.

So the royalty statements are out... that's great, but I'm new to this and I can't find the answer to this... why do some sales result in a $0 commission? How come it shows the sale amount as negative? Ugh. If someone knows I'd love to know.  I feel ripped off. I worked hard to make those images!

Maybe the $0.00 ones are files that were used for promotional purposes. I don't think we get paid for those. Anyone know?

Apparently they are where a buyer downloaded the file twice during the allowed timeframe, maybe a faulty download the first time. So far, all the ones I can see have a duplicate download of the same file next to the $0 record (immediately above or immediately below), with exactly the same details except that the other one has a royalty value, so that could be right.

I thought there was a deal a while back where bloggers or something could embed files for free, with the hope that they would buy from Getty when they later needed files that required licensing. It's been a while, so maybe I'm remembering wrong.

If these are duplicate downloads, is that being accurately reflected in the download counter that determines rates for exclusives? I can see a lot of howling if counters are dialed back...

So the royalty statements are out... that's great, but I'm new to this and I can't find the answer to this... why do some sales result in a $0 commission? How come it shows the sale amount as negative? Ugh. If someone knows I'd love to know.  I feel ripped off. I worked hard to make those images!

Maybe the $0.00 ones are files that were used for promotional purposes. I don't think we get paid for those. Anyone know?

16 / Re: ESP
« on: February 22, 2017, 09:04 »
What an unbelievable mess.

Was this designed by people who have any background as creative contributors, or by a bunch of bean counters who think this is the way we should run our business?

17 / Re: ESP: All Invites have been sent out
« on: February 14, 2017, 13:40 »
I have never received mine too and my portfolio is 18.000 and their share is 8.000 $/month with me....
i'm getting tired of them and their policy to ignore photographers
I'm starting to want to do a law suit against them , any photographer who a quite big portfolio or revenue (around a 1000$ min) is welcome to contact me to join our forces ...
i am actually in Colombia for a trip until mid march
From this date i will post a thread on this forum and start action
like contacting lawyers but also by contacts all the french magazine that i know (and from my 30 years in this job , i know a lot ) to warn them of the situation you can do the same on his side ...
it's time for a massive attack and make them know what are the French exception artist support and cultural law
don't be afraid you have nothing to loose regarding their new deal and don't believe because they are Goliath you can't be David ....

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I remember reading here that we're not allowed to sue them per the ASA. Perhaps Shadysue can clarify? Thanks.

Getty Connect income isn't for "sales" of images. It's a share of advertising income from ads appearing where somebody (blog etc) has been allowed to embed your image from Getty. Their argument is that these embedded images only go to uses where somebody wouldn't normally have purchased a license for images and, therefore, is extra monetisation for your work. Just Google "Getty Connect for contributors" and you should get the full info. It's a bit like someone coming to my blog and clicking on one of the Google ads there -I get a penny or so per click.
I am taliking about actual sales not getty connect.

You're right. Many contributors have been reporting actual sales (purple bars) that were for mere pennies.

19 / Re: DeepMeta v3 Coming soon...
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:18 »
Finally managed to log in and download deepmeta 3.0. I'm watching the tutorial and to be quite honest, I don't like the new version at all. The old one was much more intuitive and easy to use but I guess he had to cripple the program to accommodate ESP. I wonder how much money they wasted on all this? Guess that explains the latest round of paycuts for everyone...

You're probably mostly referring to the way Batches are handled?
I must admit I've been struggling with this. The ESP site is 100% focused around batches: it's your starting and endpoint. This makes sense for ESP, being an upload portal.

With DeepMeta, I don't want to lose the "portfolio management" part. I know there's very little (if any) management left in V3 at this point, but to me, V3 a new starting point, and I'm determined to go beyond what DM 2 could deliver.

This is why I still have flat lists of Files and Releases in there. Contributors will want to see stats and work at the level of their portfolio as such, not necessarily in the context of batches.

I realize I have a long way to go, but I'm not a quitter ;)

All feedback, positive and negative is totally welcome. Don't hold back ;)

Don't get me wrong Franky, I do appreciate Deepmeta and your years of support, refusing to accept any kind of payment from contributors. I'm glad Getty did the right thing and put you on the payroll.

My frustration is with ESP which is much more cumbersome and less transparent than what we had. I log in, and am greeted with a big nothing, a nuclear winter of zero data. I can't even see any of my portfolio. Did they solicit any kind of feedback from actual contributors before rolling this out and foisting it on the community?

Granted, the old upload interface was istock's Achilles heel, but with Deepmeta 2.X, uploading, tracking portfolio and performance was a joy. Deepmeta 3.X, as it stands now is a step back into the dark ages. Again, not your fault, we're all Getty's handmaidens in this with no say.

I'm hoping things will improve, but at the moment, I have zero motivation to upload, especially in light of ever dwindling sales.

Again, thanks for your hard work, if you had a hundred siblings to run IT, things would be ok.

20 / Re: DeepMeta v3 Coming soon...
« on: February 04, 2017, 12:40 »
Finally managed to log in and download deepmeta 3.0. I'm watching the tutorial and to be quite honest, I don't like the new version at all. The old one was much more intuitive and easy to use but I guess he had to cripple the program to accommodate ESP. I wonder how much money they wasted on all this? Guess that explains the latest round of paycuts for everyone...

21 / Re: how to image deactivation?
« on: January 20, 2017, 09:34 »
"...but I do tell people where to find information..."

Sue: I, for one, appreciate all your helpful and informative posts. I think you should be moderator on istock forums.  :)

I don't like this either. I've seen lots of photos in use where the credit simply stated "istockphoto" and no name of the contributor at all.  :(

23 / Re: Amounts disappeared from Stats Page
« on: January 01, 2017, 18:21 »
I am not uploading any new footage to Getty/iStuck anymore! I am so glad I am non-exclusive now in photo and video!!!!!!!

Wow! I remember you used to be one of istock's biggest supporters on the forums!

24 / Re: Amounts disappeared from Stats Page
« on: December 30, 2016, 14:40 »

The sales info is moving off the iS site, but allegedly will be better, if later. Hmm.

First the forums, now the stats. Do you think they'll eventually just phase out the istock site altogether and just roll it all into Getty?

25 / Re: Amounts disappeared from Stats Page
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:28 »
This is very frustrating. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find even the most basic info about my earnings.

I sure hope the promised "improvements" next year make things more transparent...

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