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Messages - thx9000

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Is anyone else noticing a difference in sales data reporting? For the last two weeks it's like the data is being reported in the morning and then the afternoon. A batch of sales, then silence until afternoon, another batch of sales, then again nothing until late evening or even next morning. Some weekdays with weekend level of sales, then a normal/great day. I used to have a pretty steady number of sales and now it's all over the place. Definitely not used to so much fluctuations and the summer slump is still yet to come

Thread hijacking alert  ::)

I completely sympathize with OP, copycats are despicable but Adobe's reaction is outrageous. Img2img is way worse than using names in prompts. Creating a whole portfolio so blatantly based on someone else's should be an immediate ban.

Some years ago I found part of my portfolio available for download in hi-res on one of those russian sites. I notified Adobe support since the files still had their Adobe ID numbers. Their response was similar to the one given to OP - how could I be sure the files were downloaded from Adobe. It was like talking to a brick wall...These days they don't even bother to answer. The fact that you have to go through Discord to escalate speaks for itself. Soon they'll go the Shutterstock way and cut all communication channels

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 05, 2024, 11:23 »
Of all the acquisitions over the years has any actually seen growth after the fact? It's like they're buying agencies only to stifle them slowly. Shutterstock stopped innovating a long time ago and focused solely on putting more and more weight on the camel's back. One of these days it's going to be the final straw, fellow camels

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 19, 2024, 06:24 »
Sales were lower than average in January which is expected for that time of the year. February though has been completely abysmal so far. It's like they flipped off the switch for big sales. So you're not alone

Could there be delays in reporting sales?

I don't think reporting delays make sense in Shutterstock's business model

20K clips - 280$ so far in February, last year around this time in February it was 3000$+ whats going on?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Video sales make the bulk of my earnings but big licences are completely gone. My biggest sale in february is for 12$...
Maybe they are trying to shift clients for video from SS to Pond5. It wouldn't make any sense but who knows what grandiose strategy they have in mind

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 18, 2024, 06:34 »
Sales were lower than average in January which is expected for that time of the year. February though has been completely abysmal so far. It's like they flipped off the switch for big sales. So you're not alone

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock steals sales. Control purchase
« on: February 12, 2024, 03:24 »
The hunch I developed about SS over the years is that they basically give you a "salary" based on your portfolio quality, size and current uploads. Most of the sales are real but they would hide or add fictitious sales in order to keep you in the tier you've been attributed to. So many times my monthly sales would be below average and then several big sales would make things right. Or I'd be having a great run of sales for 3/4 of the month to then completely dry up and again finish around average. You really can't ignore this pattern after spending over almost 15 years with them.

The right way to test SS would be to have some sort of contributor association which would hire an external agency to perform the role of hidden random customer and then share the results so the association could actually confront SS in case of fraud. Otherwise we're only driving ourselves crazy with conspiracy theories and meanwhile SS are laughing all the way to the bank

Adobe Stock / Re: Genuine illustrations marked as AI
« on: February 09, 2024, 07:02 »
A month later the images are still mistagged. I never got an answer from support either. Looks like things are on complete autopilot these days

Adobe Stock / Re: Am I human
« on: January 17, 2024, 13:14 »
Agree, this is starting to become annoying. First the site regularly logs you out so you have to log in again and again with confirmation emails. Then you have to check(or not) the AI box when filling the metadata. After that on submission you have two more AI disclaimer boxes and now as the cherry on the top this captcha, wth?


I am European and I like all of european contributors I recveive in USD on my PayPal account. So This is what i do.
 I opened an account on a FX broker (that suport Paypal), inside the Broker I create an MT4 USD account and another MT4 account in EUR.

Then I send my money in USD from PayPal to the brooke. Its like an instant payment (literaly take a new seconds) in USD to my MT4 USD account. And then I convert my money from the MT4 USD to the MT4 EUR account. That way i have a much better rate conversion rates then PayPal. And even better if involved more money. The only issue is that I have to send it back again to PayPal but in EUR that time, (you have to withdraw from the broker to the same way you deposit the money) And finally withdraw from PayPal to my Wise account in Euros or another EUR Bank account, ias free.

Is seems a lot of work, but its really easy, sometime I do a small FX trade to justify having an account on a Broker and thats it.

Best regards to you all


Sounds interesting. Which fx broker in particular?

Adobe Stock / Re: Genuine illustrations marked as AI
« on: January 09, 2024, 05:33 »
Managed to find around 20 illustrations, jpeg and pngs and reported them to support. I also found some of the AI generated photos I submitted are somehow accepted as illustrations. What a mess

Adobe Stock / Re: Genuine illustrations marked as AI
« on: January 08, 2024, 11:45 »
If you are referring to this, it means "adobe illustrator".

Not reffering to this at all.

Adobe Stock / Re: Genuine illustrations marked as AI
« on: January 08, 2024, 09:15 »
Same case. But u have to report each image id. i do not want to check all these thousands. So i let it be.
My port is not so big and this is definitely going to affect my sales so I'll try to find them all. Some files are submitted before Adobe started to accept AI content and are marked as AI post-factum so it's undoubtedly a bug on their side. Or maybe it's on purpose and it's their way to fill the AI collection with niche quality content

Adobe Stock / Genuine illustrations marked as AI
« on: January 08, 2024, 08:38 »
While preparing a new batch of submissions I just noticed a lot of my recent illustrations are marked as Generated with AI :o. I have a small number of photos generated with AI which are marked accordingly but have never created or submitted AI illustrations. This is a really low blow and I urge every fellow illustrator to check their portfolios for this. I'll contact support immediately but I'd love to hear from Mat Hayward about this

I just canceled my account. They were already worse than paypal before that change. It's about time Shutterstock and Adobe introduced some new payment processors. It's not 2010 anymore

Shutterstock.com / Re: New files don't sell
« on: November 16, 2023, 06:10 »
There was a very sharp decline in sales for me beginning of this month. Very unusual for this time of the year. Must be another search engine tweak or the cumulative effect of their clueless management

I have seen a sharp decline both this month and last month when compared to the rest of the year.
True but I got some large single sales the second half of the month which kind of softened the impact

Shutterstock.com / Re: New files don't sell
« on: November 15, 2023, 10:31 »
There was a very sharp decline in sales for me beginning of this month. Very unusual for this time of the year. Must be another search engine tweak or the cumulative effect of their clueless management

Adobe Stock / Re: Account blocked - another story
« on: November 02, 2023, 12:28 »

I'm just wondering one thing that I really can't understand:

"given your considerable experience in microstock,didn't you realize that you were uploading content that violated the upload guidelines?"yes,you knew but you did it anyway.

As I wrote I am not aware of any images in my current portfolio which would violate the upload guidelines for AI.

I don't know this,but what I see is that your problem doesn't seem to me to be related solely to AI.

I say this because in the response that you received and that you reported here,it does not seem to me that there is reference to the fact that you have violated the guidelines regarding AI,but that you have violated intellectual property rights.

I had another look at the message from contrib support and it definitely says AI content:
Your account was blocked after we noticed that you have submitted Generative Ai content that is not within our guidelines.

You have submitted files that refer to famous artists, people, characters from popular culture, and/or other existing subjects such as video games in the image, title or keywords. We take intellectual property rights very seriously and your uploads are a violation of these rights and thus violate the upload guidelines.

Your account will remain blocked until further notice.
Edit: Sorry for the confusion: I had omitted the first line in my earlier post because I had already talked about it being triggered by AI related images.

I meant exactly this when I wrote: "your problem doesn't seem to me to be related solely to AI".

the real problem is that you submitted content that infringes intellectual property rights,whether they are AI content or not.

did you reference other artists in the prompt?Have you created AI content that featured famous people or characters?Have you included names of well-known characters,people or artists in the description or keywords?

I don't even want to know,I'm just telling you that you were blocked for one of these reasons.

However,in my opinion,if it was an isolated mistake,you will probably be unblocked.

if there is anything else,I don't know,only you can know.

To resume your statement:

You don't know but maybe, probably, not entirely sure something something but then you don't even want to know and finally you don't know because only the OP can know.

Why did you even bother with this drivel?

Adobe Stock / Re: Account blocked - another story
« on: September 24, 2023, 07:28 »

I am wondering about it too. From the first glance I was unable to find any images missing.

So you dont even know which images where in question?

No  :-\
This is ridiculous, what's the purpose of the whole procedure if they didn't even make a point what was wrong or even if you were in the wrong at all. Just a random slap on the wrist and it will probably cost you thousands. For giggles...

Adobe Stock / Re: Account blocked - another story
« on: September 20, 2023, 09:18 »
These bans are becoming alarmingly common now. The whole procedure seems arbitrary, especially considering some of these contributors have a long, spotless history with the agency. Myself I started finally working with AI after a long hesitation and now apparently I'm putting my whole portfolio at risk because having a proven track record means nothing and inadvertently tresspassing some deliberately vague guidelines could be the end of it. Click that checkbox, put your head on the chopping block and hope the axe won't come down

Adobe Stock / Re: Account blocked - I need help please
« on: September 14, 2023, 07:12 »
3 week block could be several thousand dollars. But in any case it is nearly one month income missing.

If there really was NOTHING wrong with the port, then Adobe should seriously consider compensation. Because then it must have been their algos that made a very serious mistake.

This is the most important buying season. You don't just lose the sales you also lose on the lightboxing of your files for future sales.

I am amazed that Adobe is not understanding that stock is not a hobby for the producers but actually their main income. At least for the old timers who have been uploading for years.

There must be a different way to handle this problem.


- Notify the contributor that their account is under investigation. Give them a case number and communication place to ask questions.

- Give then a time frame estimate when a human will look into the problem.

- Until them let them access their account, their money and also give them the ability to delete files themselves.

- After the process is complete give them a real report what happened, what the problem was and how it was resolved.

Couldn't agree more! An additional negative impact is the lost "search juice": your images will rank deeper because of less downloads in the blocked weeks.
Additional? I'd argue that sinking in the search would have far greater impact on your income than a month or two without pay.

I usually check my sales only and completely missed this. 300$+ here. Pretty nice if real but would also want to know what it comes from

Shutterstock.com / Re: No Payment
« on: September 07, 2023, 14:56 »
I received the notification mail that my payment has been calculated an hour after I received the actual payment  ;D

Talking about cutting the branch you're sitting on. But others are doing it too so let's hurry and cut it off before the others  :o
I can only imagine the smoke coming out of their ears trying to figure this one out  ;D

A lot of 2.8$, 5.32$ and 8.4$ sales these days. Overall volume is larger and 28$ sales have become a rarity but also had a 70$ sale last month. Now I can proudly say I have witnessed a unicorn  ;D

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