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Messages - sarkee

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Artifacts and noise problem.
« on: July 03, 2007, 10:26 »
Well it turns out I'm an idiot. My camera does up-rezz, it up-rezzes the original 9mp to over 17mp. I can't take the credit for realizing it though, PhotoStorage told me in a rejection yesterday. So I owe PS a thanks and a spot on my christmas list for not sending automated rejections.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Artifacts and noise problem.
« on: July 01, 2007, 05:57 »
I enjoy doing this and hope to be in it for the long haul, which is my main worry. I'm concerned at my reputation more than anything, my images may be getting accepted at some sites but being new I don't know much about any of them, I presume the ones that are accepting will accept pretty much anything and I will just end up with a lot of poor quality work published on microstock sites. LO seems to be the exception of the sites that have accepted some images, they were picky in a good way, their rejections came with reasons I could see and understand and hopefully improve upon. It would be nice to know errors were purely down to my inexperience and I wasn't hampered by the camera up-rezzing.

I just need to decide now whether I should stop uploading for now or send down-sized work until I sort a new camera.

Oh well, if this game was easy everyone would be doing it  :P

General Stock Discussion / Re: Artifacts and noise problem.
« on: June 30, 2007, 18:58 »
Thanks for the advice Hatman, I'll have to see what I can do.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Artifacts and noise problem.
« on: June 30, 2007, 15:59 »
Thanks for the reply Hatman. I will see if I can find more information but what you say would make sense as I have had a lot of "rezzed-up" rejections and on one image was asked to down size by 50% so sounds feasible. Another camera is probably not an option at the moment so would a 50% down-rez fix this problem for now, do you think?

Until I win the lottery :)


General Stock Discussion / Re: Artifacts and noise problem.
« on: June 30, 2007, 11:58 »
I use photoshop 7 to edit my images including noise filtering. My early photos were mainly rubbish because of poor lighting, took me a while to realise the importance of light. I use a Fuji FinePix s9500 camera 9mp and shoot in RAW. I would rather avoid ruining my chances with IS, I will probably be better off getting my acceptance rate as high as I can with DT and LO and use them as a measuring stick for my abilities. I'm a long way from being happy with my finished images so probably should have practised a bit more first but I was eager to upload.

Ho Hum all good fun :)

General Stock Discussion / Artifacts and noise problem.
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:42 »
Firstly hi all,

I'm new to stock photography and have been browsing this forum for a few weeks so thanks for what I have learned so far.

I have been sending photos to microstock sites for the past week or so and am slowly building up a small portfolio on each. I'm fairly new to photography in general, not just microstock, but I'm learning as I go and enjoying it so far. 123rf, BS, DT and FP were reasonably easy to get work on, although looking now I'm not to keen on some of the images I have on them. PS and LO were a little harder but I learned a lot whilst trying, especially from LO they were quite good in there suggestions for improvement. I submitted to SS and SX way to early and have a while to wait before I can try again. My problem at the moment is IS, they have mainly turned down my applications because of noise and up-rezzing (although I haven't up-rezzed) their last response says it's my last chance and I should check to see if my "RAW converter, Graphics Image Editor or Camera is not interpolating/upsampling your photographs by default" as far as I can tell none of them are but I am new to digital software and cannot be sure. My main question is if I lower my image sizes in photoshop might this solve any sign of up-rezzing? I think IS are being pretty good about it especially since they are going so far as to suggest what might be my problem but being my last chance I need to get it right if possible. A large number of my rejections to all the sites have been for the same reasons so I obviously have a problem somewhere.

Sorry for writing a book, I got carried away and now I'm not sure I'm posting in the correct section  ???.

Thanks for reading  ;D.


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