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Messages - LockStock

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Adobe Stock / Re: Review time
« on: July 25, 2023, 04:02 »

Thanks Michael, I appreciate your courtesy very much. To clarify, yes, there is a large volume of generative AI content coming in which has created a backlog in the moderation queue. As mentioned, we have recently set upload limits to give the moderation team a chance to catch up in the queue. We are looking at up to 5 weeks in some cases for review times. I'm hopeful we will get that wait time down to a more reasonable level in the weeks to come.

Thanks to most of you ;) for your patience,

Mat Hayward

Unfortunately review times are well over 5 weeks now. In fact, they are over two months now. So review times on AI images are still going up and not down as hoped for. Seems like the deluge of AI content is still increasing and they are not able to catch up and review files within a reasonable time period. Not sure why they dont simply hire more reviewers to tackle the increased volume. Seems like a simple solution and the right things to do. Presumably contributors are losing money from the heavy delays in getting the content online and so is Adobe.

Adobe Stock / Re: Review time
« on: May 13, 2023, 22:47 »
My images over 30 days in the queue now, possibly closer to 40 days. Site doesnt show upload date, but also originally uploaded and submitted on the same day.

Adobe Stock / Re: Review time
« on: May 10, 2023, 11:08 »
Im over 30 days now. The status went from saying how many days ago I submitted my content to saying Submitted last month.

Adobe Stock / Re: Review time
« on: May 02, 2023, 12:52 »
Taking up to 10 days to review content seems reasonable, but I have some content in the queue for closer to 30 days now. So I eventually contacted contributor support. Then I received the standard reply about a high volume of uploads and review times being longer than usual.

I also recently submitted content to another large site and it was reviewed in less than 24 hours.

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