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Messages - synthetick

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Very good month. My efforts there are paying off.

They are stored as thumbnails. It says so when you upload them. They aren't used for training purposes. Firefly is trained on Adobe Stock and public domain images.

I do high end motion graphics work and make fractal art and after 6 years of my previous Intel Mac I have updated earlier this year to an M2 Studio and it seriously rocks.


" We can't get enough of this deluge of Ai content, there is a need for a limit and I will present this petition to Adobestock if we reach a significant number of signatures. "

I just signed the petition of Antonio Gravantes StockPhoto, who for those who don't know him, is a professional stocker who has managed to close many fake accounts on shutterstock and AS and I think that this initiative that he is now trying is important regarding the massive AI content

It's a well-worded petition and I just signed it.

Earlier today someone posted on Discord a bad AI image that they had come across (bad in terms of both the image itself and the metadata) and Diego Gomez from Adobe responded that the image has already been deleted but if anyone finds others like this "please send us the details through the Contact Support link https://contributor.stock.adobe.com/en/contact, so we can review it." It's good to know that this avenue is open for reporting to Adobe.

Yeah, don't disregard or write off iStock/Getty. Currently I earn almost as much from them as I do from Adobe, despite the lower royalty rate, and despite having a smaller portfolio on iStock.

I have not seen any rule on Adobe where it says it was forbidden to use other people's work as a prompt.
Do not get me wrong, I think what is happening to you is very clearly moraly wrong (but this was absolutely to be expected with AI), but it's not explicitly against Adobe's rules.

This is forbidden by Adobe in several ways.
There is the warning that we all get that you can't use other artists' work as a reference in your prompt when you upload an image.
Furthermore the Adobe Stock Generative AI guidelines state "Dont: Use an image, vector or video you dont have the rights to as a parameter for your generative AI prompts." (https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/generative-ai-content.html)
Also in the Adobe Stock contributor Guidelines (https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/submission-guidelines.html) under "Prohibited Activities", there is listed "Copying other artists files or keywords".
Also in Adobe Stock's license agreement (https://wwwimages2.adobe.com/content/dam/cc/en/legal/servicetou/Stock-Additional-Terms-en_US-20200615.pdf) they prohibit the use of watermarked comp images for any purpose other than "for previewing how the Stock Asset may look or sound in a production or Project."
And even if someone licenses the images from Adobe they are still not permitted to use it for any AI purpose: "You must not:.. use the Stock Assets.. for any.. machine learning or artificial intelligence purposes."

Imo, I think you are wrong to suggest that this is "not explicitly against Adobe's rules".

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 03, 2024, 06:43 »
Who will they buy next? Any guesses?

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 02, 2024, 06:41 »
Hahaha! That phrase "exciting news"! How many times have we seen that now?! It always means the opposite.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: May 01, 2024, 07:29 »
I have made a similar lifetime amount on SS but sadly these days it is a very poor earner. However I did have a very good sales day a week ago when I got several EL's and cart sales on the same day! It (briefly) felt like the old days!

They rejected an animation of a crying emoji (100% my own design), but I thought the email was quite funny because under the rejection message there was the picture of the crying emoji which looked like it was a reaction to the rejection.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe has blocked my account
« on: April 28, 2024, 07:15 »
On the Discord server we have a rule that blocked accounts are not to be discussed. One of the reasons for this is because it instills too much fear in contributors who have nothing to fear. Another reason is that no-one can help you other than contacting Support using the link they have provided.

Matt:  I've had illustrations rejected by Adobe because:

- Non compliant use of another artists name.
- Undeclared Generative AI Content

This is not true - I don't use and have never used AI.

Do I risk getting banned from Adobe from incorrect AI rejections?

This happens to me occasionally when I submit fractals and 3D renders and the reviewers think they are AI. Last time it happened I just re-uploaded the image and it was accepted. On other occasions I have written to Support with the file numbers and the files have been accepted. This is not the sort of thing that people get banned for.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Firefly 3 Beta and Adobestock
« on: April 24, 2024, 00:26 »
From what I have read, you are allowed to use features that are labeled as preview commercially, but not features that are labelled as "beta". So that means that you can use Firefly Image 3 (preview) to create images for Adobe Stock but you can't use the generative features in the April 2024 Photoshop Beta.

I didnt experience the days before digital but I was an iStock video exclusive from 2008 until 2014. I got into doing Stock when I was a freelance motion graphics and vfx artist. I was struggling to juggle deadlines with parenting toddlers and Stock was a life saver for me. The final straw was when I was working on graphics for a TV show that was live on air at 8pm and it was 6pm and the producers were still sending through changes they needed, and my 2-year-old had chicken pox. He was sitting on the floor of my home office crying miserably and I couldnt leave what I was doing to comfort him. After that I decided I had to do something less deadline-focused. I feel so lucky to have found Stock in its heyday as it enabled me to fit my work around being a mum/mom, and still earn the same amount as before. (Obviously that is no longer the case, but it was good while it lasted.)

AI-only contributors were paid the Firefly bonus?this is new,have you been able to personally verify this?

Here is the quote from Mat Hayward on September 14 2023 on Discord: "All content that is on Adobe Stock goes through the same strict submission guidelines and moderation process, which includes Generative AI images. This content enhances our dataset training model, and we decided to include this content for the commercially released version of Firefly. Contributors of generative AI were included in the bonus payment."

I have said this (on Discord) from the moment when I found out that AI-only contributors were paid the Firefly bonus. It makes a mockery of Adobe Stock claiming to be ethical. They pass it off by saying that any AI content submitted and approved to their site has been designated by the contributor as non-infringing. But most of that AI content has Getty Images and Shutterstock and other stock agencies' watermarked images in its dataset.

@InJuisticeForAll On the Discord server Mat Hayward has said they used Ai images to train Firefly.

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS just screwed up the site again
« on: April 18, 2024, 07:09 »
No, I haven't found a way to change thumbnail in the new interface, so I switch back to Legacy. But it's absolutely horrible when changing the thumbnail of a vertical video because you only get a horizontal section of the middle of the video.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: March downloads are up
« on: April 17, 2024, 06:19 »
4.3 times more downloads than March 2023 and 3.7 times more revenue :)

Adobe Stock / Re: Filter Adobe Port for AI only?
« on: April 16, 2024, 02:34 »
there's also this one to find files that have never sold:


In my Home feed I don't get any notifications of new posts on the AI Generated Stock Photography board. Is there a setting I need to change? Maybe making this post will help!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: March downloads are up
« on: April 14, 2024, 07:27 »
Looks like I earned 7.54 after "washington" deductions.

A few more months waiting for a payout.

Must be the lowest ever.

Huh? I don't think the royalties have been announced yet. Just the downloads tab has been updated.

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 sales picking up in March 2024
« on: April 14, 2024, 06:00 »
There is a delay of several days from when the sales are made and when P5 reports them, so they are probably mid-week sales not Sunday sales.

Some useful insight into how much companies are paying to stock agencies for datasets:


"Rates vary by buyer and content type, but Braga said companies are generally willing to pay $1 to $2 per image, $2 to $4 per short-form video and $100 to $300 per hour of longer films."

It seems to me that only a very tiny percentage of this is being paid to artists.

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