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Messages - vtaeed

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General Stock Discussion / Re: how is it possible?
« on: December 31, 2012, 01:06 »
Forgot to say a big Happy New Year to everyone on MSG! :-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: how is it possible?
« on: December 31, 2012, 00:46 »
Hello all. It's Vahid here from the Envato marketplaces and I wanted to respond to your questions about the PhotoDune extended license terms.

Our extended licenses do allow the buyer to incorporate a PhotoDune item into a larger electronic item that they'll be selling, but as explained in our Knowledge Base, it needs to be of a larger scope and different nature to the photo. Thanks, sjlocke and fotografer for pointing this out. As like other microstock agencies which have a type of extended license allowing use of an item in electronic items for sale, the buyer can use a PhotoDune item under the EL in a larger digital project. Because the second project needs to be different in nature, the chain  of potential use in items for re-sale (ie stock) ends very quickly and can't go on infinitely.  Furthermore, buyers should not extract the work and use it stand alone.

The examples posted by the OP would be considered a limited repurposing under our extended licenses, which requires the consent of the original author.

To be clear, a buyer can never claim copyright in the item they've licensed. Also, the references to 'sub-licensing' in our licenses are only in the context of the use in a larger project or in a 'limited repurposing' (with the first author's consent).

We're tackling the project of improving our licensing in phases to make it more manageable. We know that our licenses aren't easy to understand and we're soon going to re-launch our licenses with new wording and FAQs. We've also taken on the feedback from many photographers that on the point of their work being used in larger projects for re-sale, pricing is their main concern. We recognise that there are different types of uses under the extended license, and that a 'one price fits all uses' approach to our extended licenses isn't optimal for authors and buyers alike. Although our upcoming wording changes won't address this particular feedback, we're going to consider whether and how to tackle this in future phases.

I hope this clarifies this and let me know what other feedback you have.

Image Sleuth / Re: Major Violation detected on Graphicriver!
« on: October 28, 2012, 17:42 »
Hello everyone!

My name is Vahid and I'm GM for our Envato Marketplaces.    :)

As you've noted we fairly quickly removed the items following the complaint - thanks for sending the information to us! 

Disabling an Author account however often takes a little while longer as our internal processes are followed through. These things just take time to do properly, vs a DMCA which is a pretty straightforward process.

Thanks again for sending such matters over to our support.envato.com site so that we can get on top of them.

Hi Leaf,
For sure we will honor it!  We currently have three authors with well over $1M in sales and two who will probably hit the $2M mark early next year. There are also lots hot on their heels.
We have also projected their sales trajectory, using the latest algorithms, to make sure we are there to meet them at the airport when they get to $10M!  Only thing left to work out is how to ensure great weather, anybody has any ideas on this front :-)

Envato / Re: envato and copyright
« on: January 23, 2012, 06:40 »
Thanks Microbius - completely agree with your sentiment particularly about "concrete action".

This forum response was only one of several outcomes following on our meeting.  Over the next couple of days we'll be investigating the complaints listed here and in parallel also be working on educating our community through several different avenues.

Envato / Re: envato and copyright
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:11 »
Hi Folks,

Thanks for bringing up the question of copyrighted assets in preview images. It's very clear that we should do more to educate our contributor community about licensing. I've just had a meeting with our CEO and legal counsel to work out how we can best do this.

It seems that images shown in some of the previews mentioned have most likely not been licensed properly. I've let our support team know, and the items will be removed from the site and the relevant contributors will be contacted.

For clarity, our policy on the marketplaces is that contributors are responsible for appropriately licensing images (and other assets) to be used in both previews and items for sale. We have provided a free asset library for some time for contributors to use, though it's fairly limited. And of course licensing stock photography appropriately is also a common and acceptable way to demonstrate previews.

When we are made aware of any item that is infringing someone else's copyright, we act to take down the item and notify the contributor.

When an contributor uploads an item for sale they must agree/assert that it is their own work or they have an appropriate license:

"Any images, sounds, video, code, flash, or other assets that are not my own work, have been appropriately licensed for use in the file preview or main download. Other than these items, this work is entirely my own and I have full rights to sell it on ThemeForest."

On our upload instructions and pages we provide links to documentation like this article "What images, videos, code or music can I use in my items?" http://wiki.envato.com/selling/tips-selling/what-images-videos-illustrations-or-music-can-i-use-in-my-items/

Misuse of other people's IP is not the intention of our marketplaces at all.

There's a lot to do to improve the marketplaces, so I'm grateful that the community pushes for action on important issues like this one.

I know some of you have already referred to our T&Cs regarding how seriously we take intellectual property, and want to assure you that you will see actions that back up our intent of respecting the intellectual property of others.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, we will be looking to see how best we can address the wider issue and educate contributors to keep their items clean and clear. I think we can do more to encourage them to use our asset library, creative-commons licensed photos, and of course licensed stock photography in particular.

In my experience a big push with the contributors yields good results. Most contributors want to do the right thing, and have most likely failed to understand the issues involved.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I'll add this thread to email notifications so I hear about any subsequent posts.


Thanks for the feedback guys.

For those that find this interesting, Mark (an Envato developer) posted on the PhotoDune forums about the background to the change.

@Stockastic: A Mensa puzzle was not exactly what we aimed for... hopefully it grows on you.  :)

Envato / Re: Eastern European Reviewers
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:57 »
"Well thanks to the hard work of Jarel our review manager and his fantastic team at MicrostockSolutions (MSS)"


MSS is based in Easter Europe.

Envato / Re: Eastern European Reviewers
« on: December 07, 2011, 17:48 »
Indeed - the review queue has been sluggish.  Where do all these photos come from!  ;D

As of this week we began to increase review capacity by 33% - that will take a little while to come on line so we've also throttled back the daily upload limit from 1000 to 500.  We'll continue to monitor the queue to see what else is required.

In other news, we've just hit 500,000 images over night.  Still small fry compared to the big boys :-) but a good base to work from.

Envato / Re: Improve the watermark
« on: November 29, 2011, 18:28 »
Hi! Vahid here from PhotoDune.

Thanks for point this out! ...and for trying PhotoDune out.  :)

We've had a hard time getting the balance between visible and invisible watermarks - and it seems we haven't gotten it right at least for many textures.  Do you have any thoughts about this issue of balance?

We'll have a think about what we can do other than err generally towards more visible watermarks. 

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