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Messages - petrh

Pages: [1]
Pixmac / Re: First microstock with free keywording
« on: December 04, 2008, 12:39 »
i sold 100 photos GGREAAAAAAAAT :o)

Pixmac / Re: First microstock with free keywording
« on: November 20, 2008, 09:36 »
Can someone tell me any other futures for keywordign because i found only make keywording for free or know someoen anything else ?

Microstock News / Re: new site for finding keywords for photos
« on: November 18, 2008, 04:32 »
Yeah all experience are good but now  i am satisfaded with free keywording service on which write keywording for free. But on Istock i will sell more photos.

Pixmac / Re: First microstock with free keywording
« on: November 18, 2008, 04:29 »
Actually Canstockphoto has had a keywording tool for years.

I have loaded photos on pixmac and cannot work out how to add the keywords or select auto keywords. the page just sits there for me.

Well the fact that Canstockphoto has  a keywording tool is a bit different then when you send Images with title and place where they were taken and someone does keywording and categorization for you
and for free , at leas from my point of view.

So for example any my images have about 20 or more keywords but i hope that them sort that of priority.

Im not a member there so I dont know ( and I wonder) if they do a good job or they just throw 4-5 keywords , but they have my hat down for that move.   

Pixmac / Re: First microstock with free keywording
« on: November 17, 2008, 15:40 »
Yes i have photos with pending status but now are accepted and i am happy because i can not think about keywording and i get  it for free. Its great! Better than others. Good Luck PIXMAC!

Pixmac / First microstock with free keywording
« on: November 12, 2008, 17:50 »
Hi ! :o)

Yesterday i found site with free keywording you can just only upload photos and keywording make for you for free. I think thats great or not ?

Newbie Discussion / Re: why can't I start a new thread?
« on: November 12, 2008, 17:48 »
no its great idea how to stop bots! Thanks

Pages: [1]


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