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Messages - Kerioak

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: New earnings schedule at Dreamstime?
« on: August 05, 2008, 03:03 »
Message posted at 08/01/2008, 06:15:24 AM by Achilles - member is an admin    

With credits being now more expensive than subscriptions, some buyers might switch. That's in fact one of the main reasons why subscriptions exist on Dreamstime: to allow buyers to adapt through price increases. The difference gained credit-based should make it up considerable for the difference. After 2.5 years of having subscriptions online, we no longer target a low percentage of one's portfolio. What we target is a bigger check at payout. We do these with both plans.

If a parameter starts to give bad results for a large part of the contributors is reasonable to think we will take measures. Same applies with any update, even on buyers' side. Take into account that we judge things at site level, for both buyers and contributors, your mileage may vary.

Would anyone like to translate this into plain English?

2 / Re: Bye Bye...
« on: August 05, 2008, 02:45 »
I change all my keywords and descriptions in March after they rudely refused to remove my images - and posted in their community area suggesting buyers go elsewhere. Since then have been sending the odd message and deleting images when I remember.  Last week I decided to send a few messages (left the window open and did it everytime I thought of it).  At long last both my portfolio and the message I left on the community board suggesting buyers licence their images elsewhere have been removed.

Perhaps they got fed up with submitters wanting to leave and deleted us all at the same time?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Waiting times
« on: May 15, 2008, 12:33 »
FeaturePics 90 days, FT exclusives 90 days after making them non-exclusive, Album 400 days

I would charge the same as I do for my non-stock work.  So much an hour/half-day/full day allowing in this for travel, expenses and editing time and whether you are providing hard-copy or digitial prints.

Off Topic / Re: Best way to set up your own photo website?
« on: May 06, 2008, 06:24 »
jalbum is a very versatile programme and has lots of skins, many with shopping carts, that you can download.  I just use it for galleries on my own site but would look first to it if I was selling prints automatically.

Adobe Stock / Re: Problems with logging in...
« on: May 06, 2008, 06:12 »
It was down for a while yesterday.  Try using or (whichever country you are in) and see if that helps.  If you log in from the front page your username can contain capital letters, if you are on the log in page you need to use all lower case, no idea why.

Microstock News / Re: Another victim...
« on: April 26, 2008, 05:19 »
I also had high hopes of NLS to start with and it might have worked if they had stuck to what they initially specified  - nature images with full latin names and the sort of detail you don't normally find on general stock sites but it ended up with all sorts of images and lost their specific niche

General - Top Sites / Re: Exclusive stuff hotting up....
« on: April 26, 2008, 04:12 »

I wonder which agency will be the first to charge higher prices for exclusive content - higher prices for exclusive also means higher commissions for the artists.  I'm surprised iStock hasn't implemented this already.

You can charge more for exclusive content on FT already as you start moving up though the bronze, silver, gold ranks etc - and get a higher percentage return for them

Adobe Stock / Re: Thieves at fotolia
« on: April 23, 2008, 04:48 »
That would only work if the same passwords were used for everywhere, if you have a different password/method for every site then it would not be a problem?


You can only re-sort keywords before submitting them for review, this feature does not work once the images have been submitted

Adobe Stock / Re: Thieves at fotolia
« on: April 23, 2008, 03:36 »
Hi Scott

Not sure why you put my post on here as I cannot do anything about deleting images?

I would guess that Dino's post regarding certain images reached them on Friday and those images were removed.  Yours was posted once the weekend had started for the US Support so nothing would have been done until their Monday.  I let UK Support know about it as they are ahead of the US timewise and it was dealt with very quickly

Adobe Stock / Re: bold keywords?
« on: April 12, 2008, 02:57 »
Try looking at the tags link - it might give you a clue

13 / Re: Closing Account @ Albumo
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:04 »
I have been trying to leave them but they won't let me - correction,  they will let me but they will retain my images for 400 days - I do not remember seeing this when I joined them and it contradicts other terms on their site anyway.

I have posted in their blog to this effect but they ignore it.

I am removing one a day as well, I did start changing the titles to links to the same image on other sites but that did not work.  However changing the title to abcd etc does stick but takes ages if you have a lot.

Microstock News / Re: Fun Little 160MP Camera
« on: September 27, 2006, 11:18 »
Looks just right to slip into your pocket or handbag and carry around with you  ;D

Photoshop Discussion / Re: Adobe Lightroom Beta 4 is now out :)
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:23 »
Download now before the Photoshop Lightroom beta 4 build expires February 28, 2007.

Does anyone know if this means that the programme will expire in February so you will lose anything you have put into it or the ability to download it will cease ?

New Sites - General / Re: GalaStock any experiences
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:20 »
On the site it says:

Image checking can take from 3 to 5 bussiness days

Maybe a bussiness day is about 7 times longer than a business day ?  :o

17 / Re: Istockphoto in now cost uneffective for me
« on: September 24, 2006, 11:42 »
Hi Phil and All

It may have extracted your keywords but it did not extract anything from mine and I have just spent 20 minutes uploading and going through the keywords on one image, and all those wretched tick boxes (long means length - I did not even mention hair !!) and then it tells me I have too many keywords but does not say how many over.  :-X

I give up - if they cannot make the site user friendly then I will stick to uploading to sites that have more consideration for their contributors.  >:( ??? :-X :-\


New Sites - General / Re: GalaStock any experiences
« on: September 24, 2006, 04:05 »
How are you finding the review time there, I still have some waiting since 5th September, and currently uploading to their limit of ten a day?

Hi George

Have visited your site with a view to signing up but have the same reservations as Judy -

"GreatStockPhoto hereby represents that it owns all rights and copyrights to all materials on our website, and all rights and copyrights to said website and materials shall remain the exclusive property, right and control of and under GreatStockPhoto and  Materials from our website will constitute and be defined as any photo, image, design, or layout represented on the GreatStockPhoto website"

Surely unless you buy the images (at great cost as they would not then be available for sale elsewhere) the copyright remains with the photographer/artist ?

General Stock Discussion / Re: April Sales
« on: May 01, 2006, 08:09 »
I am not going to put percentages - (or should I say I am not going to work them out :) ) This was my first full month for some sites.

However, in terms of (future) income

1st Fotolia (income)
2nd Shutterstock (sales/income - close behind FT but with about 4 times as many sales to reach the same figure)
3rd Dreamstime (sales/ income)
4th Featurepics ( income)
5th Istockphoto (sales/ income)
6th 123rf (sales/ income)
7th Bigstock (sales/income - a whole 2 sales !! and a whole load of duff reasons for rejections this month - looked like they just wanted to get though the queue)
joint last - Canstock and Big White Box - no sales

I am just looking forward to the time when I can reach enough sales to get a payout 8)

21 / Re: Anyone making the extra .05 cents?
« on: April 07, 2006, 05:47 »
If they are sending out CD's then surely the buyer's could just pass these around to other people and once they have been passed around a few times who knows where they will end up.  Not sure I like that idea

22 / Re:
« on: March 27, 2006, 03:44 »
They are going to implement one soon, but you could always go in via my link if you wish  - this way you can see what they offer in the way of home pages for their photographers :)

I understand that they have just added a "referred by" in their registration form as well.  This is a growing company that responds fast to customer requests


23 / Re:
« on: March 26, 2006, 10:00 »
I joined a few days ago, uploading is easy, reviews are fast and I have had my first sale of which I earn 70% .  The page does reload between each catagory you select but it does not take long.

Pages: [1]


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