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Messages - gnirtS

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Data Licensing
« on: Yesterday at 12:45 »

However, you can log in, delete the data catalogue then opt back out.

I am very confident that even opting in for just one second will make Shutterstock take all your files to train their AI. That's all they need.

Quite likely but remember they trained it on most of our content without asking and before offering opt out so they already have most of it.  I also dont trust them not to use it DESPITE opting out.

Does anyone know how to report an AS account for selling entirely stolen content when the reporting person is NOT the copyright holder?
Quite a few have now appeared on the FB group, as usual from Pakistan using videos stolen from iStock Exclusive and others.  10s and in one case, 100s of videos.
How do you go about reporting this account?  DMCA isnt going to work as you're required to be the original copyright holder.

SS deal with it via their infringement email but how do you do this on AS?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Data Licensing
« on: Yesterday at 06:55 »
You CAN delete from the catalogue but ONLY if you're opted in (which is cynical and ridiculous).

However, you can log in, delete the data catalogue then opt back out.

All of the image thieves i see are from India/Pakistan/Sri-Lanka.
The various FB groups have multiple posts from these every single day.

Shutterstock really doesn't give a toss about stolen content though.  Its own engine SHOWS the identical stolen or rotated images from 4-5 accounts under the current one yet it's not checked at all during upload or "review".
Non-sensical or garbage AI descriptions aren't checked.  There's clearly no human at all involved in the submission process now.

I suspect to SS a sale is a sale no matter what account.  The chances of any real legal fallout from allowing it are absolutely miniscule and simply not worth worrying about, so they just let it go.

DMCA was and has been weaponised by malicious actors against legitimate contributors on there as well, again due to the way their procedures, lack of verification and non-existent support works.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe has blocked my account
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:17 »
Slightly related note but elsewhere people are complaining of "download bombs" and Adobe blocking their account shortly afterwards and not responding to any attempts to contact them to ask why.

Now a lot of these are genuine rule breakers - on FB and elsewhere you see people (primarily Pakistan and sub-continent) openly advertising to "buy" images from contributors using stolen or corporate accounts to boost rankings and provide earnings.  These accounts then are blocked and fair enough, good.

However it does seem to be a minority of people who ARE genuine, havent used the services of these people who have had excessive downloads in a day or several days that have triggered whatever alarms Adobe has and seen their account blocked.  If someone has used stolen credentials to raid their account and the contributor is unaware then it really isnt that persons fault.  It also seems a good way to "get rid" of someone by using the same tactic on their account.
I stress this looks like a tiny minority of people but it does seem to be happening.  The lack of any communication or response from Adobe using any of the recommended contact methods seems to be the biggest problem making it near impossible for them to find out why or how to restore their account, or at best, it takes months.

Adobe Stock / Re: adobe submissions
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:12 »
Since Lightroom gained the ability to export in priority order i never really have a problem with this.

I paste from my spreadsheet into LR and its exported already in order.  For submission i just need to select, choose a category and release if needed and submit.  I spend very little time in the interface as a result.

It was much more annoying before when you had to export photos THEN go into Bridge and paste in the priority ordered keywords.

Its useful for Alamy too - the supertags are likely the same as the Adobe top 10 so it makes it easier to select those on uploads.

The random Captchas now are very annoying.  Especially as i fail them half the time.

We need to remember here that Adobe as a business looks out for Adobe.
Agencies with the introduction of AI are moving from being media companies into being data companies.  Our content is nothing more than a small pile of bytes in a vast data set.  The data set is what they need to train the AI and its the AI they see long term as the thing generating their money.

For all of these there's a time when they hope they wont NEED contributors - they're annoying, resource intensive and need paying.  Once they have all the data needed from them they have no further need for them.

Arguably with the vast amounts of AI bloating Adobe's library they're already further down that road than even Shutterstock.  A quick look on FB now shows most "contributors" on there are just text spamming AI generators using stolen or corporate accounts to produce thousands of images a day, use AI to upscale these images, AI to keyword and just upload in bulk.  There's no actual image creation any more.  Its feeding text into an engine.  And those are outgrowing actual, user created content maybe 10:1.  Its purely a quantity factory that is automated as much as possible to reduce the effort and time required as much as possible.

123RF / Re: Has 123 disappeared?
« on: May 29, 2024, 18:23 »
I don't understand how there are still people who waste their time uploading images and videos to agencies like this one.

Because it takes no extra time at all when images are already prepared for other agencies.  My script uploads it to them the same time as the others, i dont do any form of on-site editing of keywords, i just click process > select all > submit.
Takes maybe 30 seconds.  The earnings are small but its still a few free tens of dollars a month for 30 seconds work.

If they required any extra effort on top of that i wouldnt bother.  But for now its seconds at most.

123RF / Re: Has 123 disappeared?
« on: May 29, 2024, 07:43 »
Looks like their review queue is full and then that stops processing FTP and uploading images to add to that.

Ive had hundreds stuck in review for months, now the overflow is still showing in the FTP directory, never get processed (stuck on 20% for weeks) and as a result thats full too so cant upload anything at all.

Anyone got any thoughts on what output gamma we should be targeting for Rec.709 4k/HD footage?
I know its "anticipated viewing environment" but in reality on stock and microstock its probably a mix between screens, mobile devices with some for broadcast so not quite that simple.  In addition the videos themselves are first shown to a buyer on a web page so likely a 1.96/2.2 gamma sRGB screen so can be brighter/washed out making them less appealing.

My current scenario is my monitor (DCI P3) is calibrated to gamma 2.2 because i do a lot of still photo work.  Should i then be outputting my stock video from resolve for 2.4 (or using a CST instead?) or keeping a full 2.2 workflow?

Does it actually matter?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Anybody getting reviews?
« on: April 10, 2024, 06:58 »
SS went from 10 days or so to "less time than it takes to eat a packet of crisps" last week.
Now it back to normal - a few days.

AS for me is 2-3 days still for photo and video.

Shutterstock.com / Re: What a cool SS, how well he sells
« on: April 03, 2024, 23:15 »
I'm putting a 99% likelihood on this sale being fraud.

I'm just hoping i don't wake up one morning and find my entire account suspended for suspicious activity.  There is no way that video is worth 1% of that fee.
What codec was your video loaded in?

Only just saw this on a random scroll.  ProRes.  Nothing special about it.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Anybody getting reviews?
« on: April 03, 2024, 23:13 »
Last few days they've gone the opposite and "reviews" (whatever that means any more) are near instant.
Had 130 reviewed in literally the time it took me to open and eat a bag of crisps.

That said, they accept anything now as the FB groups show.

Videos still seem to be taking a normal few days.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Search Webinar
« on: April 01, 2024, 22:46 »
You can find an Adobe Stock livestream archive here: https://www.behance.net/adobestock/livestreams

-Mat Hayward

Thanks.  Im being awkward again - i cant see anything before Oct 2021.  These webinars were before then.  Are they available on there too as the original replay link doesnt seem to work?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Yay my photo is used as a book cover
« on: March 29, 2024, 00:55 »
One of my pasttimes is to go to book shops and flick through the first page after the cover to see where the image was taken.

I do see plenty of SS image used on covers (as well as Getty, less so AS), but it's usually as some part of composite with another image or more from the larger and more artistic agencies, Arcangel/Trevillion.

I don't think any serious publisher would use a SS or microstock image on its own knowing full well a competitor or even random business could start using it on let's say a toothpaste ad (or much worse) thus diminishing its uniqueness.

So, I think for a simple image it's OK to be paid little even for a book cover as it may not be strong enough to be used on its own. Plus it's RF subs and probably already sold 100s of times anyway (and buyers know this).

I find it difficult to justify it that way.
With an extended license, e.g. for print, the degree of commercial use is usually higher.

You have to distinguisch between an use for some random news / blog article as a gap filler or an use for print like a book cover.
A good book cover contributes significantly to a higher revenue amount, the commercial use aspect is much higher.
The same applies to print on demand stuff like t-shirts, etc.
So 10 cents are just extremely ridicilous low because the buyer will earn for sure thousand times more.

Ideally the extendend license would guarantee that the image is not used hundred of times but only the one buyer owns all rights.
The main problem is that no one is tracking the copyrights or the use restrictions (just like a half million prints, lol!), so such agencies just sell everything for some cents.

I agree that the licensing terms are too broad and vague for micros RF. Once we upload our images to microstock it's almost impossible then to track the usages and go after infrigement. The cost outweights any potential benefit except for a few rare cases.

We don't have to upload our images to these micros, there's always the option of going Alamy RM exclusive, that way we get a nice report everytime there is a usage and a clear procedure to go through to tackle infrigements (where the contributor can also earn from claims).

I'm happy at Arcangel as I know that the minimum I'll earn from a book cover is $75 net and as high as 4 figures. Once there is a sale I receive a report with type of license, the book title and author.

Even the Alamy reporting isnt great.  Theres a ton of licence abuse there.  If you only have 1 or 2 sales it might be possible to track and audit but for most people with 100s of sales or more a month across many platforms its simply not possible.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Anybody getting reviews?
« on: March 28, 2024, 00:04 »

"Sorry you are having a problem with this.

Unfortunately, review times are currently around 7-10 days, which is unusually long. Shutterstock will be working to clear the backlog as quickly as possible and our images should be reviewed shortly.

Apologies for the current delay and thank you for your patience in this matter."

They'll probably clear the backlog by just dumping the entire queue to reject (ie data licensing).

Years ago when they had huge review queues they fixed it by bulk rejecting.


That is generally my experience (not making 20k to 50k a month though!), having been a video contributor since 2008, and earning a reasonable full time living from it until subs and other changes hit video sales.

Example would be SS.  Prior to subs and 4k video sub my average income from a sale was $40.  Now its $8.

Ive seen no noticeable uptick in sale volume at all to begin to address that shortfall.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Search Webinar
« on: March 25, 2024, 21:52 »
Yes it's an old thread but just curious if the overall guidelines contained in here are still applicable or have there been any backend changes to AS/Search/Keywording in the meantime that we need to be aware of?

There have not been any significant changes to how search works at Adobe Stock. You still want to list the most important/relevant keywords in order of importance. The most impactful keyword should be first. The top 10 keywords have the most weight in your search results.

Good luck,

Mat Hayward

Thanks for the response - thought it was worth checking a few years on in case things needed to be changed.

As a side note - are the videos supposed to still be playable?  On the links i can rejoin/click watch reply but end up with a blank screen and rotating circle forever.  The video never seems to play.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Search Webinar
« on: March 22, 2024, 23:58 »
Yes it's an old thread but just curious if the overall guidelines contained in here are still applicable or have there been any backend changes to AS/Search/Keywording in the meantime that we need to be aware of?

Adobe Stock / Re: Request for Clarification: Account Termination
« on: February 27, 2024, 08:41 »
Some people here are suggesting that Adobe doesn't investigate properly and shuts down accounts without sufficient evidence, but maybe the long time that it takes them to investigate accounts (and then either unblock them or terminate them) could indicate that Adobe is being very thorough. As contributors we really have no idea what level of fraud is going on.

Im sure the level of fraud is now astronomical and growing exponentially - faster than they can cope with.

Rather than risk innocent contributors lose weeks/months of money (potentially thousands) for a false alarm with no recourse, assuming no clear, obvious copyright issues id like to see the account still active for sales and earnings held in escrow for the duration of a review.
If the review finds them innocent they get that money and no image ranking is then lost.  If it finds against them its used by Adobe to cover whatever is needed.

Adobe Stock / Re: Request for Clarification: Account Termination
« on: February 27, 2024, 04:51 »

I reached out to Mat Hayward three days ago but haven't received a response yet. If anyone here has alternate contacts or can assist me in reaching an Adobe representative, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Have you tried the Discord group?

Adobe Stock / Re: Request for Clarification: Account Termination
« on: February 25, 2024, 22:08 »
I suppose there could be some kind of personal attack or revenge motive to pick someone out to harm their income?

There are discussions on some groups that a tactic can make a very good denial of service type attack if its a personal grudge.  At "best" they lose it forever, at "worst" they still lose it for weeks/months while its investigated.

Theres also the other possibility that they have content worth stealing OR picked at random to steal most of the content to reupload as their own at a later date.  They do target random accounts just as a form of content mining.

The whole thing is rapidly becoming a swamp of bad deeds and seemingly monitoring/enforcement hasnt kept pace with the exploiters.  I suspect the problem here is the result of a rapid increase in fraud attempts from specific areas and a rapid increase of new contributor accounts resulting in automated systems flagging an account and no staff available to human review in any sensible time frame (if at all).

Adobe Stock / Re: Request for Clarification: Account Termination
« on: February 25, 2024, 04:50 »
There have been contributors in the past - even back in the fotolia days - who manipulated the algorithm with downloads from another account or via "friends". Even fotolia moderators were banned for a longer period of time when this was discovered.

The FB groups for AS/SS (they advertise on all of them) are full of people advertising "account with xxxx credits - i'll buy your stuff for ranking" and other things going.
Its very prevalent.  And yes, so is the free trial thing.

Mainly Pakistan and India but certainly elsewhere too.

Accounts are either free ones, obtained using stolen CC credentials, stolen login credentials or obtained through someone's work.

Its getting to the stage i think agencies might genuinely need to consider a contributor block from certain areas or at the very least a much much tougher vetting, review and monitoring regime.

Some of these flagged accounts may genuinely be innocent victims - mistakes do happen and im aware of a few.  BUT the vast majority of people on FB complaining were breaking the rules, got caught and arent happy about it.

Sad but entirely predictable that AS is chasing Shutterstock in the race to the bottom.  An effective paycut for contributors.

Very little point uploading 4k here now if its just going to be sold off for pennies.  Might actually be worth deleting existing 4ks so it doesn't eat into sales from P5 and elsewhere.

Shutterstock.com / Re: What a cool SS, how well he sells
« on: December 15, 2023, 10:13 »
I'm putting a 99% likelihood on this sale being fraud.

I'm just hoping i don't wake up one morning and find my entire account suspended for suspicious activity.  There is no way that video is worth 1% of that fee.

WOW, congrats, never seen such a big sale, wondering if was sold under clip packs, enhanced video or cart sales.

Its down as a "Cart Sale".

But a 100% chance of being fraud/scam/error as it sold again today for a similar amount. 

(Previous record for me was $500 but that was legit).

Something bad is going on here.

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