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Messages - kenwood

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1 / Re: alamy refunds
« on: January 04, 2025, 05:24 »
None because I think (and this is just a theory) you need sales to get refunds.  I've given up on Alamy, little to no volume most months.

These sales were from images uploaded almost 10 years ago.  I gave up on them when they keep reducing actual payout via increasing and different commissions. 

2 / Re: alamy refunds
« on: January 04, 2025, 05:21 »
Original sale date in March 2023
Sale refunded in December 2024

That is almost 2 years.  What is your worst alamy refund experience?

That is VERY long time.  I had couple of refunds, but usually within few days of original purchase.
Did your sale from March '23 clear and you got paid, then account debited in '24?

According to the report on alamy I was paid in Dec 2024, and then was debited in the same month.  When I followed up with alamy on this transaction, they said they were unable to obtain payment from the customer hence the "refund".  Out of curiosity I scrolled thru my balance page and notice a number of sales back in 2023 were not clear.  I am expecting more refunds in the future.  It appears to me customers do not need to pay when they download an image from alamy and its up to alamy to chase payments?   

3 / alamy refunds
« on: January 02, 2025, 06:37 »
Original sale date in March 2023
Sale refunded in December 2024

That is almost 2 years.  What is your worst alamy refund experience?

4 / Re: your biggest sale on Alamy? and when was it?
« on: October 31, 2024, 09:11 »
Over 10 years ago, sold a night photo of las vegas for around 1k.  Back then I only have a few hundred photos online and was shooting with a canon 40d on a walmart tripod.  Now I have much better gears and skill with over 30k photos online, yet my revenue is half of what it used to be (net is even worse).

I tested out the x360 before and don't think its quality is sufficient for stock.  The 1 inch version might be better.  At this point for me 360 camera is just a fun toy to play with.

Pond5 / Re: Why is it so painful to upload to Pond5?
« on: June 28, 2023, 08:37 »
Recenly started uploading to pond5 and could not find a reliable way to do so.  Tried to upload about 30 files on the web, it fails after 10-15 files were sent.  I see this problem every time.  With filezilla, after successful transfer of the first few it will keep reuploading the same file over and over.  Provided observation to pond5 support they blame it on me, even though I had no issue uploading to other stock sites using web or ftp.  The problem is obvious and I have a suspicion on whats wrong.  For example, the repeating FTP upload problem was documented as a potential server setting issue as described  Only took 2 min of googling but pond5 support never bother investigating further and just blame it on the end user. 

7 / Whats the longest you have seen a refund from?
« on: October 26, 2022, 15:35 »
Almost 2 years later

(24 October 2022)    Sale refunded - Original sale date (17 December 2020)

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: February 28, 2022, 17:04 »
One thing stock agencies can do is to only sell embrassing photos of putins.

It sounds like alamy customers are abusing the refund policy.  Instead of fixing the policy, alamy chose to reduce contributor payout % in order to recoup the lost revenue.

I was casually browsing my sales history page and notice a lot of licenses were refunded and repurchased with the same term, at a lower price, some as far back as half a year ago.  Based on my estimate, this affects about 20% of my sales in the past 12 months.  None of the single digit sales were refunded, only for licenses above 50.  Is this a common for others contributors?  Is this a standard practice in the stock industry? Does it mean after a license sale I could be waiting half a year before getting paid? 

11 / Re: Alamy sale for 7 cents
« on: December 31, 2021, 09:44 »
Also notice a bunch of 0.15 sale, but how do you tell it is for China? 
And the commision is quite ridculous: 40% distributor and 60% (of net) alamy distribution commision, the net result is 76% commission

12 / this license
« on: October 10, 2021, 10:40 »
Not an expert in image licensing, but does this sound a little too low?

Country: Worldwide
Usage: Editorial, Website and Social media, any size, single placement and design, worldwide, in perpetuity
Media: Website, app and social media
Print run: Unlimited
Placement: Any - print inside, electronic, online
Image Size: Any size
Start: 09 October 2021
Duration: In perpetuity    

$ 0.21

Is there a single commercial release that is accepted by all major agencies?  I normally use the getty one, but I only submit to a one place and am unsure if it is accepted by others.  Looking for an unversial one, for both photo and video work.  If there is a fee app thats even better.  If not I can turn it into a pdf and use some app to sign it.

Some good info in your channel, impressed at the level of details and thought process provided. 
I didn't know agencies may accept the same image with different crop ratios.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Time For A Veteran To Walk Away
« on: October 02, 2021, 18:12 »
Maybe you can write a book about your adventure on selling stock videos full time some day.  I m sure a lot of people would be interested to read about it.

Agreed with the other comments.  I was in paris years ago and intentionally walk around the tower to find more interesting angle but did not come across this spot.

Pond5 / What impacts ranking?
« on: June 30, 2020, 22:12 »
Let's say two contributors uploaded 2 clips, and tag with exact same description/keywords etc.. how does pond5 decide which clip displays first to the end user? 

18 / Re: 10 years in alamy, should I give up?
« on: December 22, 2019, 09:45 »
sales attachment

19 / 10 years in alamy, should I give up?
« on: December 22, 2019, 09:44 »
Revenue flat, as sales climb in a steady pace.  The work involved to keyword and upload works out to be lower than north american minimum wage. 

It also depends on where you live.  If you live in a third world country, 1-2k in usd a month should be enough to cover most of your expenses plus more.  But if you live in a place where the average housing price is 2 million, then 1-2k is obviously insufficient.

VideoBlocks / Re: Payout keep being postponed
« on: January 31, 2019, 12:22 »
Interestingly I also face this tax form struggle when I first started uploading to them.  It took 3-4 months and a lot of emails back and forth to get it the way they wanted it. 

VideoBlocks / Re: Sales dropped down by 90% on storyblocks
« on: January 22, 2019, 17:50 »
Same here. Havn't had a sale since Oct.  Used to get a few each month.  I stopped uploading to storyblock or videoblock whatever you want to call them.  I don't think they will survive.

He is either an idiot for not reading/understanding the t&s, or a smart business man who just gained free publicity using a fishy story.

I used to get a few sales each month from videoblocks and my last sale was back in Oct. 

25 / Re: refunded
« on: December 23, 2018, 16:15 »
Happens all the time.  It was either a purchase mistake, or the buyer found a cheaper way to license the image.  My main concern is that if it is the former case, the buyer already have the downloaded image.  If the buyer gets caught using it, what is the penalty?  The worst case he just pay for the usage cost.  Let say he pays of 1 year of usage and the image continues to be used 5 years later, who is keeping track of it?  The policy of letting buyers refunding images, won't work.  The one suffering at the end are the contributors.

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