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Messages - Dodie
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« on: December 29, 2021, 11:45 »
The strange thing is that it only shows up in Firefox I think (perhaps safari too?) It doesn't show up in Chrome or microsoft edge
I am using Firefox and I don't see it, it must be something else.
« on: December 08, 2021, 12:02 »
I've sold eight photos so far today on Shutterstock for $4.28. This has not been added to my Unpaid Earnings which is supposed to be Updated approximately every 15 minutes.
I have the same problem, today's sales are not showing up in earnings summary.
« on: October 13, 2021, 03:16 »
that place was a cess pit, everyone was rude under the guise of 'just honest critique', it was not, it was a place full of bigheads seeing it as an oportunity to completely trash anyone with a subpar photo. the place was not to help people but to put people down, all under the leadership of rinder,, who is a bang average photographer himself, and just manages to use one filter setting on photoshop for every portrait image he ever took. and barry blackburn couldnt take a proper photo himself but thought he was the authority on giving critique, yet all he could write was OOF. and i could go on and on. might as well post the thread where 'seasoned' photographers were bikkering over the colour of the sky. one said cyan the other said blue and it caused ww3. so many 'classic' threads, but in reality it was all just blown up egos thinking they were better than everyone else. who was that guy from UK, couldnt figure out where he ended and rinder started, so far he was up rinders anus. so many vile persons on that forum. i think the only level headed person on there was that ex cop, shot some nice food stuff, but then turns out he conspired with rinder about leaving the forum only to come back again, leave again and then got banned or something, the drama queens. hahaha, what a soap opera
Not that I will ever miss the "show-me-threads" but you are doing exactly what you describe others have done, you are rude! You could speak your mind over there too but it is much safer under the cover of anonymity, isn't it? I see you are familiar with the SS forums' history, at least a part of it. What is/was your name over there?I bet you are one of those: bigheads seeing it as an oportunity to completely trash anyone ........... to put people down...........
« on: October 09, 2021, 08:33 »
Are we MSG old-timers living through the "Invasion of the Shutterstockers"?
I don't think there will be an invasion as most old "Shutterstockers" are MSG old-timers too, usually under another name.
« on: October 01, 2021, 06:17 »
Thank you. It's nice to be talking somewhere where you're not likely to be told off like a naughty school child if you criticise. Thank you too whoever first created this forum. Great idea to be independent.
Well said above: wait for it! Besides those who can't stand being contradicted, there are the yeasayers who drive you crazy with their constant flattery.
« on: September 25, 2021, 05:37 »
And each time you had the option to walk away.
If you didn't, it means that you are still OK with the contract. In @Noedelhap words, SS is still helping you build your house. 😉
I've read several times the word contract, used by some people.What are you talking about, there is no contract, never was. We are neither employees nor partners.
We agreed to accept SS's TOS (terms of service) which means they can change anything they want and we all are free to walk away any time we please. All the rest is just noise, as said above.
How do you define Terms of Service? Because Wikipedia defines it as "legal agreement", which, then again, it defines as a "contract". Also, did you read Shutterstock`s ToS? They define the relationship between them and their contributors as the one of a "contractor" in their ToS.
When reading the first paragraph of SS's Tos, everybody can understand what they understand by legal agreement. Wikipedia's definition (or mine) is not relevant, unless we insist on contradicting each other. Yes, I've read every change in their Tos in the last 10 years but I didn't learn it by hart. Unfortunately, many people don't read it and turn the forum in social media. I would be interested to see the part where SS clearly calls us contributors as contractors. In fact there could be (are) some special contributors who are contractors but not the average contributor like myself.
« on: September 25, 2021, 04:49 »
And each time you had the option to walk away.
If you didn't, it means that you are still OK with the contract. In @Noedelhap words, SS is still helping you build your house. 😉
I've read several times the word contract, used by some people.What are you talking about, there is no contract, never was. We are neither employees nor partners. We agreed to accept SS's TOS (terms of service) which means they can change anything they want and we all are free to walk away any time we please. All the rest is just noise, as said above.
« on: September 16, 2021, 02:14 »
Mat explained this in the first post of this thread: Hi Everyone,
At this moment, we are making upfront payments for the 3rd wave of selections for the Free collection from the images you had previously nominated. If any of your images are selected for this wave, you will see your balance go up automatically within the next couple of hours. We will be sending you an email in the next day or so with the number of files approved and the amount of credits added to your account balance.
We are handling this 3rd wave differently than the previous 2. The selected files will remain in your paid portfolio for a short period of time yet to be determined. We are paying for the use in advance to simplify the process on our end when transferring images into the free collection. As always, we are closely watching the collection to determine what, if any impact there may be on the paid collection. By paying in advance, we can move the images at the appropriate time in a more seamless manner. It is worth noting that the 12 month period in which your nominated assets are available for the Free collection begins the moment the payment is added to your account.
Thank you,
Mat Hayward
« on: August 16, 2021, 09:47 »
Or maybe she is very reckless.
Reckless ???She must be either plain stupid or she tells the truth. Probably we will never find out but everything is possible.
« on: July 10, 2021, 11:03 »
Quote from: Uncle Pete on July 10, 2021]Back to your original and my disagreement. You are looking at the first week of July and already seeing negative changes, because of the free images? Give it some time and not the potentially one of the worst weeks of the year. What is your problem man? I just shared my thoughts just like so many others. You don't need to agree with me, neither do I. If you want to sound credible about other agencies, quote someone who speaks from experience. I really appreciate Joe Ann's input here on the forum but she never participated in DPC, on the contrary, so the wrong example. I dropped DP, 123, and the rest, years ago. I found P5 for photos, a hopeless effort. DT I might make payout by 2024? But correct, new Crapstock is going to all without any concern for ethics, bottom feeders, or that one of them might be out of business in a year. Oh yeah, this business is the best place for concerns for ethics. "No honor among thieves", right? I wish I had $0.10 for each time you criticized people for contributing to agencies you don't like and these unethical people like myself just don't listen to wise advice. Wish you a nice day!
« on: July 07, 2021, 14:02 »
Whether you accepted this deal or not, it will hurt us all. Don't fool yourself, buyers will always take the free image, if it represents their needs, no matter the quality.I hope I am wrong. I am already seeing the results (one free image), I had just six small downloads this month, none today, I haven't seen this for a long time.
Lets look at the calendar and the "already seeing results" observation. Wow, July 1-6 anyone who watches downloads would recognize a long July 4th weekend is always terrible for sales. You are seeing what you want to see, because you don't like the idea of attracting new customers, with a minimal free offer.
This isn't anything about devaluing our work, it is about bringing in new buyers.
Yes, discounting for purposes of competition is terrible for everyone. We can all see how that works with other agencies, lowering prices and values. No one wins. Well the suits will win, because if they can get volume up and make it appear they are making more money, they get the bonus. In profits, even the company loses by that strategy. Easiest way to make more money is cut the cost of goods. Pay us less!
Anyone here still submitting to Deposit? Why? Talk about devaluing our markets and assets.
DP offers this:
A collection of 1,227,123 files: Get unlimited downloads for just $4.99 Get access to a library of 69,427 free files
While Adobe is simply trying to attract new customers. I'll suspect they make money from the CC subscriptions, and images are a minor side expense. We still get paid the same as they promised when they raised the commissions after buying FT. What other agency has held our values, since 2014 and not cut commissions?
I didn't understand all of your comment because, as usual, you are jumping from one subject to the other (no offence) but I will answer some of your questions. 1. " This isn't anything about devaluing our work, it is about bringing in new buyers." We've been feed up with this from the beginning of times and it never happened. 2. " Anyone here still submitting to Deposit? Why? Talk about devaluing our markets and assets." You are always talking about agencies you don't submit to. DP is my third agency, it earns me more money than DT, so why not? Also, the DPC of FT earned the most at this agency, much more than the raised commission of AS but how could those who didn't participate know about this? I wish you are right this time and we will be invaded by new buyers. Btw, aren't you uploading through Wirestock?
« on: July 06, 2021, 14:49 »
Whether you accepted this deal or not, it will hurt us all. Don't fool yourself, buyers will always take the free image, if it represents their needs, no matter the quality.I hope I am wrong. I am already seeing the results (one free image), I had just six small downloads this month, none today, I haven't seen this for a long time.
Sounds like you dont upload much and that would be the main reason. Some upload hundreds assets a week or even day. Your old photos will be burried with time if you wont be fighting for your posittion in that competition. Its way to soon to say what is the impact of free collection, it will take months to see results. First batch last year brought some new customers and i saw it in my sales. BTW This month for me is normal no change in sales... so yes too soon and i got aproved 50 free photos
You are right, I don't upload a lot, still it's 10 years now that I am playing this game. During these years I've seen portfolios with only a few hundred images earning more than those with 10-20k assets but I agree, its probably too soon to say what is the impact of free collection.
« on: July 06, 2021, 13:48 »
Whether you accepted this deal or not, it will hurt us all. Don't fool yourself, buyers will always take the free image, if it represents their needs, no matter the quality.I hope I am wrong. I am already seeing the results (one free image), I had just six small downloads this month, none today, I haven't seen this for a long time.
« on: July 01, 2021, 10:27 »
It's really hard to believe that so many people are so excited about getting $5 for an image that will be free for a whole year. Tres bizarre. Even more bizarre one of the so called top microstock photographers is lining up at the trough for this. Times must be very tough indeed.
You have about 10 comments in this thread, all of them treating others like they would commit a crime. Why is it so hard to understand that everyone is free to decide for himself? We got your point but you can't force people to do things your way, by no means can you pick on someone and judge him for his decision.
« on: July 01, 2021, 08:20 »
Did they pay you already for the images that are accepted in the free collection?
I see there is a new button: "Filter by Price Tier", that shows the free images.
No payment yet.
« on: July 01, 2021, 04:45 »
Did they pay you already for the images that are accepted in the free collection?
I see there is a new button: "Filter by Price Tier", that shows the free images.
« on: June 25, 2021, 06:58 »
Thanks for the input. The filter for nominated assets remains in place by design. This way you can still see what is currently nominated. After the first selection is complete for the free collection (in the next week or two), you will also be able to filter and see only images in the free collection vs. paid. The images that are not approved in this initial round will continue to have the "in review" indicator in the dashboard as the approval process will be ongoing through the summer. The approvals will happen incrementally to make sure that we don't add too much content at any given time.
thanks again,
That raises a question for me that i don't believe was addressed here yet.
Are the nominated photos while in "review" still sell as a paid ones for contributor? And if that so what about 4 or less downloads in last 12 months rule? What if while in review they will sell more than 4 times? Will they be removed from nomination/review state ??
I think its very important as if we wasent paid for it yet they dont belong to Adobe free collection, basicly agreement isnt validated yet.
I think this answers your first question: Yes. Your nominated Adobe Stock asset will remain available for licensing in the paid collection unless and until it is approved and moved to the free collection. https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/free-collection-contributor-information.htmlThat with more than 4 sales is not a hard and fast rule, IMO. I don't see any disadvantage in an image being sold while waiting, if you nominated it for free anyway.
« on: June 20, 2021, 01:50 »
... Is the 5$ payment subject to withholding tax or not?
That's a difference between 5$ and 3.5$ per asset (assuming 30% rate), which is quite substantial.
Please share info before nomination deadline
that's between you and the IRS (insert other tax agency) - ALL income is subject to 'withholding' & no one pays 30% in the US
anyway , in the US, the highest rate is 24% and that's only for income over $80,000.(extremely low by international standards!!) eg, it's only 12% for any income from $9,876 to $40,125 (10% for less than that). So if you make $81,000 you're only paying 24% on $1,000
The question was for non US residents who are paying their taxes in their own country and are paying extra to the IRS. It's not up to AS to do your taxes but it should be up to AS to provide a tax form for taxes payed (IRS) for images sold in the US. SS and other agencies do that in order to avoid double taxation. This was a rightful question and it has nothing to do with how much taxes do Americans pay, who cares?
« on: June 19, 2021, 11:13 »
So what I did: I manually selected the images that are 1. lower quality and 2. don't sell at other agencies either. Let's see how many of them make it to the final selection.
So I'm still very careful here, and take for the vast majority of my images the long run instead of instant gratification.
I think that is what most contributors did.
« on: June 19, 2021, 10:15 »
Sorry if this has been answered, couldn't find the info.
Is the 5$ payment subject to withholding tax or not?
That's a difference between 5$ and 3.5$ per asset (assuming 30% rate), which is quite substantial.
Please share info before nomination deadline
This is a very good question. I am with 10% but that counts too.
« on: June 19, 2021, 05:51 »
No chance in hell I am going to ruin some of my bestsellers by offering them for free. If it's worth it for you, then good for you, take the offer. But for me it's a question of "Do you want 500$ for that image or 5$"? And that's not a hard choice for me. I have nominated a few images that don't sell well anywhere. In these cases 5$ is better than 0$. Doubt Adobe will pick them in the end. But I am not going to give away any image that sells regularly for me on other agencies for free for a meager 5$.
I don't know your port but I am convinced that $500 for an image these days is more like a fantasy even for the best contributors. I am not for giving away anything for free but I understand that for a contributor with say 10k images caching in $1k upfront for 200 images that just sit there for many years is a good choice. In a few years, not so many, we will be proud and thankful if someone chooses them for free. After all, nobody is forced to do anything they don't want to.
« on: June 17, 2021, 03:57 »
Gorodenkoff (~2,000) https://stock.adobe.com/search/free?creator_id=200571845
Lightfield Studios (~6,900) https://stock.adobe.com/search/free?creator_id=206713618
Pressmaster (~5,000) https://stock.adobe.com/search/free?creator_id=280047
That is absolutely crazy. It's amazing anyone else can still make money these days. And imo, they're not too smart for giving that kind of content away.
That's why I'm very wary of this whole 'nominate your assets for an upfront royalty payment' thing. It's like a trap most people are wandering into blindly, lured in by instant gratification.
In the end, the only real winners are the agencies. When the price war is over, there will be a handful of powerful agencies left. Only the strongest creatives and some hobbyists will still make some money, a few pennies per download. The once fertile lands of microstock will be a barren wasteland, devoid of any real money-making opportunities for the majority of us creatives.
You have both the question and the answer in your posting: "nominate your assets for an upfront royalty payment' thing. It's like a trap most people are wandering into blindly, lured in by instant gratification. " The guy from the first link has 200 free images ($1k) from his 10k port probably because he agrees with you in what "The once fertile lands of microstock will be a barren wasteland, devoid of any real money-making opportunities for the majority of us creatives." Unfortunately that is how the future looks like.
« on: June 16, 2021, 14:08 »
From Mat, earlier in this thread
Any plans to include other content beyond photos?
Currently, we are refreshing the photos in our free collection. We may have an option to nominate additional asset types in the future. I will be sure to post updates in MSG if that comes to be.
I know Jo Ann, they say the same thing in the FAQ too. Still I have about 10 illustrations eligible, mostly backgrounds and not just me. It's just the usual inconsistency from these agencies, I think.
« on: June 16, 2021, 12:56 »
Adobe has recently added a lot of new images to the free collection, including illustrations and vectors, so I'm not sure why they aren't allowing "regular" contributors to add content other than photos.
They allow illustrations (rasters), I have several of them eligible. I don't know about vectors.
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