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Messages - Dumc

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can you guys tell me it free collection was for Photos or Videos?

Check out the name of the topic, dude...

36 accepted. I can't remember how many I have nominated, aout 400 or something.

just got the cashmoney.

happy with result

36 accepted. I can't remember how many I have nominated, aout 400 or something.

Canva / Re: Canva Tax Forms
« on: February 20, 2024, 14:03 »
So how much taxes do Canva withold. I remember filling out tax form and it should be like 5% yet I got 30% less from my monthly earnings?

"Withholding Rate
Royalties - Copyright: 5.0%"

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 19, 2024, 15:14 »
This month:

SS: 50dls, $9
Adobe: 185dls, $210

Yes SS is dead for quite some time now.

I got 14$. Yeeeeej

I got 200$ at adove for comparison.

I got 14$. Yeeeeej

I got 200$. Pretty happy

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Free Collection $5 Payments Are Back
« on: June 26, 2023, 09:17 »
I got paid today (33 selected, 34 last year)

Edit: 276 files eligible

Bigstock.com / Re: eMail from SS through Bigstock...
« on: June 22, 2023, 11:29 »
Look like I'm ritcher for 10$ overnight. Dont have a clue where it came from. Also can find button, where it shows my sales.

EDIT: I found it, its at the bottom at the page.

Apparently I got 10.50$ for some reason, it doesn't look it was image sale.

Crestock.com / Re: Crestok has just filed for bankruptcy
« on: June 13, 2023, 10:32 »
Yeah, I was browsing through my comments today and I saw that I posted sth. about crestock so I went and check the site. Apparently I had 1 $32 sale this year.

$18 missing to reach payout so I guess atnoher 10 years and maybe I'll be able to get my first cash-out at crestock. Contributor there since 2014.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: May 31, 2023, 12:33 »
My earnings are growing. Last year, my average monthly earnings from January - May were $138 ($97 same period in 2021). This year, $273, so double. I didn't upload much in between, maybe a few photos but I added PNG files, when they started accepting them. About 60 of them. RPD - who cares, even if it's lower (probably is), final amount is all that matters.

P.S. Go Adobe!

Edit: This month also being BME.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: May 29, 2023, 22:37 »
...At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is total earnings at the and of the month.

If you think about this a little more, which month are you thinking of - this month, May 2024, May 2018...? I'd argue you can't think so narrowly and look at only one month.

It isn't hard to come up with scenarios where you have great monthly earnings, but only for a short time before the whole business model collapses. Watching trends that give an idea of where things are going, or opting out of trends that long term are not good for contributors, may help us as a group.

Every month in a year. I thought it was obvious. Sorry, my bad.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: May 26, 2023, 14:12 »
There was some discussion of Adobe sales in another thread, so I thought I'd update my tracking of the change in the mix of custom versus subscription sales and falling RPD (I only have photos and a few illustrations; no video).

Both downloads and $$ at Adobe Stock continue to beat last year's numbers, which is obviously good. May isn't over yet and already the numbers are 15% higher in $$ and 33% in DLs over all of May in 2022 (and May 2022 was 25% higher than 2021, so it's not just a rebound situation).

Revenue per download continues its decline and the proportion of "custom" downloads (versus "subscription") grows. There isn't a drop at the bottom end of royalties, which is good news. I still very occasionally see a 33 download although none this month. Otherwise it's 38 and up for everything. This week I saw a custom royalty for $16.50 which I assume is a very discounted extended license (that'd be a $26.40 royalty at list price for an EL). If I exclude that one license, May 2023 has an overall RPD of 64 versus May 2022 at 78

In May 2022, subscriptions were just over twice the number of custom downloads; subs RPD was 74 and custom RPD 87
In May 2023, custom were just about equal with subscriptions (6 more custom); subs RPD was 66 and custom RPD 63
If you go back to May 2021, subs were 7x custom and the overall RPD was 80

Looking at the year to date, the RPD is 70 - in 2020, the overall RPD was 95. I guess the question is whether the volume of downloads can rise enough to offset the reduced royalties, assuming these trends continue.

Thanks for the interesting analysis. One question - has the increase in total DL outpaced the increase in size of your port - either in comparison to previous port size or compared to Adobe as a whole? In any case - total revenue going up is good. Prices dropping not so much. I am also glad to see the bottom isn't dropping as it is at many other sites.

Worthless analysis. At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is total earnings at the and of the month.

Shutterstock.com / Re: What a cool SS, how well he sells
« on: April 12, 2023, 13:18 »
Highest sale this year on SS. And only one above $4

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: April 01, 2023, 14:03 »
Another BME (March) on Adobe with 460 sales and 310 (without any big sale, just regular sales). Back in the day, earning 140 on Adobe was considered  very good month for me , so, thats quite an increase in sales and earnings.

SS in March: 140dls, $45. SS is becoming new 123rf for me

Alamy.com / Re: Is Alamy off line today?
« on: March 20, 2023, 09:38 »
Perhaps Alamy has changed some internal link structures. My saved bookmarks for Contributor Dashboard are not working. If I start at Alamy dot Com and click through the My Account and login access, all works.

You're not wrong. Tried alamy.com and it works

Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down
« on: March 20, 2023, 05:15 »
What does applies and exports means?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: March 20, 2023, 04:32 »
I'm heading towards new BME.

I have 1560 files online, this year 876dls, earnings 648.
SS this year: 340dls, $92, SS became such a joke

EDIT: Go Adobe!

Second EDIT: I don't upload much anymore, added some PNG files, that I had for Canva, had some good success with some of those files, one of them sold 170 times to date, uploaded on 5th of November.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: March 20, 2023, 04:28 »
There are sales, I think it's because I put my video in a free library. Advertising works.
Yes. There are sales. I did not put any videos in any free library.


Conclusion: You have to thank people who agreed to have some of their files in "free section" for your growth.

Alamy.com / Re: Is Alamy off line today?
« on: March 20, 2023, 04:25 »
Down for me too, for about 2 days now


iStockPhoto.com / ESP Ticket
« on: March 08, 2023, 12:50 »
Where do I open a ticket on ESP? Can't find it.

Nevermind. Found it.

Adobe Stock / Adobe sales
« on: March 02, 2023, 14:24 »
So, how are your Adobe sales going? I'm seeling like crazy last few months. With 270 (and the highest sale was 14 for video) february was by far my BME there.

At the same time, I made 35$ at SS in february, lol, $0.10 sale after $0.10 sale, it's just pathetic. Out of cca. 20 video sales this year, the highest was $2,25$, most of the rest were like $0.25. Disgusting really

Alamy.com / Re: your biggest sale on Alamy? and when was it?
« on: March 02, 2023, 05:10 »
Responses are totally on-topic, lol.

Canva / Re: Canva earnings are continuing to go down
« on: January 18, 2023, 14:11 »
I had 125 single sales this month so far, about 120 of them were from same file. Anyone else had something like that?

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