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Messages - Luuk
« on: April 26, 2024, 03:27 »
The common rule is that if a company is located outside of Europe - like ss, adobe, etc. - no VAT is applicable if you live in Europe.
For tax purposes you declare the amounts payed by the agencies as net income. Keep an exact record of what is payed to you, no matter if you are a business or private person.
If an agency resides in Europe, then VAT is applied, but the ones I work for always give me a VAT included specification.
« on: February 19, 2024, 08:39 »
Thank you Mat,
As I got all the creative apps I have a question:
I already have a subscription for photoshop and lightroom on the same account, will this payment stop automatically or do I have to cancel this subscription?
« on: June 09, 2023, 04:35 »
And again 4 ridiculous rejections out of 6 for 'quality problems'.
Perfect photos - never had this in my 12 year doing fulltime stock, my rejection rate has always been 0 to 1%
« on: March 16, 2023, 05:18 »
I do all kinds of landscape photography from The Netherlands, but since about a year the keywords dutch, holland and netherlands arent in their vocabulary system anymore, quite hilarious  Only non usable suggestions like dutch culture or holland, a place in the USA Things like a Dutch train or greenhouse are no longer possible, because dutch, holland or netherlands cant be added anymore.
« on: November 22, 2022, 08:10 »
Oops, sorry,
See I could download the old one, where - if you have a tax treaty - line 10 can be left blank
« on: November 22, 2022, 08:07 »
Trying to update my W8-Ben form but see some things have changed.
Does anyone know that if there is a tax treaty between the US and your country (like me: The Netherlands is automatically printed on line 9), you still have to fill in the yellow box on line 10 for 'Explain the additional conditions in the Article and paragraph the benificial owner meets to be eligible for the rate of withholding'? Other items on line 10 cannot be changed.
I think it is ok to leave it empty, or should I add something like 'Royalties - Images'?
« on: September 17, 2022, 07:06 »
Just looked around, first portfolio I saw sells stockphotos from other authors:
https://www.pictorem.com/profile/Shamudy (did a tineye search on some photos, all other authors)
I dont know how bad this is at FAA, but this doesnt give me a good feeling about uploading artwork.
You're right to question that artist. The usual world traveler, which we know is unlikely. Same happens on FAA and stock sites.
What we can see on FAA is recent sales "activity" and I don't follow like I did years ago, but I don't see the Public Domain images getting any sales. And for myself, the sales have dropped off this year and I get the usual postcard, small print or a T-Shirt now and then.
Still Pictorem is one more outlet and uploading is easy. I'll make that a Winter project. I can't see just giving up without at least trying?
I wish I could have photographed all the places he has been to, he must have been all over the world... I think I will try pictorem as well, just being demotivated lately of all copied artwork I see around. I had 3 sales on FAA early this year for a total of $450, other than that nothing over $5 for 3 years now.
« on: September 16, 2022, 05:46 »
Just looked around, first portfolio I saw sells stockphotos from other authors: https://www.pictorem.com/profile/Shamudy (did a tineye search on some photos, all other authors) I dont know how bad this is at FAA, but this doesnt give me a good feeling about uploading artwork.
« on: August 05, 2022, 05:36 »
My acceptance rate has been 95-100% for many years, now this week 80% is rejected for 'quality problems'.
This is not a 'quality' issue.
« on: January 13, 2022, 05:18 »
Had the same problem for months; no serious reply from 123rf support. From one day to another my password was rejected, never could receive password reset mails.
Eventually I asked my hosting provider and he 'white listed' all mail from 123rf.com, that solved the problem.
« on: April 06, 2018, 04:36 »
My Canon 5D Mark II now is about 10 years old and it still is an everyday work horse (I do stock fulltime).
I am thinking about upgrading this year to the 5Ds or the 5D mark IV, but I am wondering if this would yield better sales because of the larger image resolutions both offer; otherwise I don't see a benefit.
Problem with the 5Ds is that my 100-400mm L and 24-105mm L aren't good enough for that resolution.
It's a lot of money anyway...
« on: May 11, 2017, 14:01 »
The list states they also look for all kinds of cars, rv's etc. but when you submit these (I do a lot of vintage cars photography), with brands etc. removed they are almost always rejected for Intellectual Property Violation.....
Did you have the car sign a model release?
Always! T-Ford #221, Chevrolet Corvette #675, written and signed in oil
« on: May 10, 2017, 04:30 »
The list states they also look for all kinds of cars, rv's etc. but when you submit these (I do a lot of vintage cars photography), with brands etc. removed they are almost always rejected for Intellectual Property Violation.....
« on: March 20, 2017, 11:32 »
Thank you franky
« on: March 20, 2017, 11:16 »
I keyword my images with adobe bridge, but deepmeta doesn't read the 'date created' field when importing photos.
With all batches from the last weeks it sets all my images at 12-2-2017, whatever the date they are made.
Anyone else having this 'problem'?
« on: February 24, 2017, 10:30 »
The taxes are simpler; the amount you earn in a year is taxed as income, VAT is another story in the EU.
If - for example - Adobe charges me from Ireland for my cc membership, I have to add VAT to the receipt in order to comply to EU regulations, if Pond5 pays me from Ireland in dollars without any receipt I get confused....
Hope you will receive and post a good answer
« on: February 24, 2017, 09:02 »
lucagavagna: I have sent them this question, got a reply 'you can view your earnings in your contributor area...', simply ignoring the VAT question I wrote them.
Video-StockOrg: that's very interesting, if that's the case it would all be ok. I think it is also strange that they pay in dollars from a EU account.
Anyone else also sharing Video-StockOrg's accountant view, to be sure we are ok when not going to deal with VAT?
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:08 »
Since a few months Pond5 pays me through an Ireland paypal address. As I am from Holland and having a VAT number, I suspect I have to comply to european VAT rules and either way Pond5 or myself have to add VAT to the earnings, or am I wrong?
Problem is that Pond5 issues no receipt whatsoever, I can only see the amount of dollars that has been credited to me. Dutch (and other EU) taxes - as far as I know - probably would like to see a receipt with some VAT explanation.
Any advise on this from other EU contributors? How do you book these earnings?
« on: September 29, 2016, 10:50 »
I am trying to sync, but the page just refreshes and comes up again blank. I already have an adobe cc account, but it doesn't seem to accept my fotolia login - also, to be sure - I changed my password on fotolia, didn't have success with that either. And, btw, the login is pretty much insecure: the browser address shows the username and password unprotected when submitting: https://contributor.stock.adobe.com/nl/onboarding/sync-fotolia-2?username=******&password=***** (the * are your current fotolia username and password) Edit: I always use google chrome on my mac, just tried with safari, now everything went ok and I am synced, so maybe this can help if you run into problems like I did.
« on: August 16, 2016, 04:36 »
Maybe I have to think about selling these specific photos elsewhere (rm) in the future, difficult, difficult...
« on: August 15, 2016, 12:14 »
That's my point, it is really confusing. It has happened 2 times in a year now (and those are the ones I noticed in my little village!).
In an earlier post (452117) I mentioned that istock had licensed this file with an extended license 'products for resale'; now, a few months later, I see this photo sold as greeting cards in my local book store. I don't know if it was this license that 'permitted' this use, it can also have been licensed through ss, 123rf or dreamstime as editorial or just being misused. I don't want to complain about possible abuse of the photo (probably useless), but what bothers me is that I choose to upload certain photos as editorial because of their content, so that I will not be held liable if problems occur.
As said, I also have some beautiful photos waiting to be submitted as editorial, but I am afraid - due to their content, nice vintage cars with people in a beautiful setting - these will also end up being printed on greeting cards and other commercial items. I have had issues with the first greeting card, because the owner of the car came after me, until I explained how I uploaded this photo as editorial, and telling him the licensee was wrong, not me, things were eventually ok.
It really confuses me, are we indeed protected with an editorial license (I still think so) or can these EL's cause problems in terms of liability for us as contributors?
« on: August 15, 2016, 10:13 »
both istock and dreamstime permit licensing these photos with an extended license for use on a.o. t-shirts, postcards, greeting cards, mugs, mousepads, posters, calendars. So, a customer can easily download these photos with an extended license and use them accordingly, wrong or not... that's what I am having trouble with. And where do we stand in this case?
« on: August 15, 2016, 09:39 »
Last week I saw one of my editorials printed as a greeting card for sale in my (very small) village, so I can imagine that it happens more often (this was the second one in 1 year I saw used this way). I sometimes shoot special vintage cars and upload these pics to ss, istock, 123rf and dreamstime as editorial; brand names and people are visible on the photo's, that's why I only want them licensed as editorial.
But both with istock and dreamstime you can select an extended license with all editorials permitting resale a.o. on t-shirts, postcards, greeting cards, mugs, mousepads, posters, calendars. Actually, it looks that any commercial use is permitted as long as you download these with an extended license.
The greeting card shows volkswagen beetles with license plates taken on a car show. This week I have taken really beautiful shots of vintage cars with people driving these cars; I now doubt if I should even upload these pics because they show the drivers in the cars... I don't want to get sued by these people.
I don't get this. Isn't this illegal use of editorial photos? And what about liability, where do we stand as photographers?
« on: May 13, 2016, 02:54 »
Thank you, will do that, I was just wondering if anyone else was having the same issues
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