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Messages - SpaceStockFootage

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Off Topic / Re: Biden
« on: Yesterday at 02:19 »
Are you basing that on anything specific, or is that just a personal opinion.... because all the approval ratings and things like the economy/unemployment etc, would disagree with you? I don't think there was anything overwhelmingly positive about Biden, or even slightly positive to be fair, but if there needs to be a president between Trump and Trump then a relatively neutral, benign placeholder that doesn't let anything decline much further... works just fine for me!

But yeah, if you're pitting Biden against Trump for who's the worst president... that would be another example of Trump 'winning'.   

Off Topic / Re: Biden
« on: February 04, 2025, 23:32 »
Doctor, who are you to question the words of a counterintelligence officer?

And when presented with an accusation of wrongdoing by Ukraine (from a Russian counter-intelligence officer) I'm sure you'll demonstrate your usual level of bias-free commentary, and accede to their superior wisdom?

General Stock Discussion / Re: DeepSeek
« on: February 01, 2025, 14:17 »
Always refreshing to read a different type of crazy every once in a while. A well earned respite from the stoker2014 show!

General Stock Discussion / Re: DeepSeek
« on: January 31, 2025, 03:59 »
So it wasn't Taiwan leaving the UN?! Make your mind up!

General Stock Discussion / Re: DeepSeek
« on: January 31, 2025, 00:15 »

But because of the idiotic policy of the US at that time, Taiwan was expelled from the UN. The idiotic policy of the US led to the emergence of the Chinese monster in the end.

So Republicans led to the emergence of the 'Chinese monster', as they were in power in 1971. Excellent... sounds like you're finally starting to understand.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 28, 2025, 21:59 »
So... "Biden gave Russian Na.zi putin permission and the green light to occupy and genocide Ukraine" is a factual statement because... Biden said things to Putin, and nobody knows what things he said to Putin, but it's possible that one of the things he might have said to Putin is that 'you have the green light to occupy and genocide Ukraine'?!

I've heard it all now!

So because Trump also said things to Putin that I don't know about, I can also make up absolutely anything and just present it as fact?! This is fun!

Trump should be sent to the electric the chair because, not only did he give the green light to Putin to invade ukraine and commit genocide, he also signed an agreement to work with Russia to develop time travel technology so that the US and Russia could go back in time and eliminate every ukranian that ever existed. They'd then stop ukraine from ever being created in the first place, thus eliminating its very existence.

It also came to light that trump absolutely despises stoker2014, an infamous member in some stock photography/video forum. He said that although he loves the poorly educated, stoker takes things too far, and portrays his fans in a bad light. trump was of the opinion that stoker might be a Biden plant to make him and his supporters look bad.

How do I know all this? Well, trump and Putin have had a bunch of phone calls and meetings over the years, and although I don't know everything they spoke about, they probabaly said all that stuff at some point. So it must be true.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 26, 2025, 02:21 »
You just don't know that World War III has been going on for 10 years. They didn't tell you that on your local TV.

It's considerably closer to 11 years than it is 10... maybe they didn't tell you that on your local TV.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 24, 2025, 21:16 »
So... answering a question in the off topic section is fine, but answering a question in the off topic section by providing a source for your statements... is off topic?!

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 24, 2025, 12:50 »
SpaceStockFootage, I don't respond to nonsense and trolling. Especially since I have no desire to engage in your education.
The US elections showed the attitude of Americans towards the Democrats and Biden.

Yeah, it showed that a slight majority of the country would prefer Trump as their next president. That's pretty much it. For some completely insane reason, you seem to think it showed that all Americans want Joe Biden to be sent to the electric chair.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 24, 2025, 05:19 »
which  progressives have ever supported violent offenders? evidence please
The evidence is the entire policy of Biden and the Democrats over the past 4 years.
Be specific.
1. Support for the flow of illegals into the US.
2. No deportation policy.
3. Friendship with totalitarian china.
4. Lifting sanctions against terrorist iran.
5. Inviting putin to attack Ukraine. Biden, even before the full-scale Russian invasion, said many times that russia would not be punished for genocide and the murder of Ukrainians.
6. Ineffective sanctions against Russians.
7. Failure to supply Ukraine with the necessary weapons.
8. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were killed.
9. No policy aimed at terrorists in north korea.
10. No fight against drug cartels that import deadly fentanyl-based drugs into the US.
etc. etc.

1. Support for the flow of illegals into the US.

What support?

2. No deportation policy.

Well they seemed to do pretty well without a policy... deporting more than Trump

3. Friendship with totalitarian china.

Define friendship? What exactly did Biden do that Trump didn't, and vice versa... that somehow indicated friendship?

4. Lifting sanctions against terrorist iran.

Biden implemented more sanctions against Iran than Trump.

5. Inviting putin to attack Ukraine. Biden, even before the full-scale Russian invasion, said many times that russia would not be punished for genocide and the murder of Ukrainians.

How did he 'invite' Putin to attack Ukraine?! I'd be very surprised if he ever said ''russia would not be punished for genocide and the murder of Ukrainians". You got a link for that quote?

6. Ineffective sanctions against Russians.

What would you suggest? What additional sanctions will Trump be implementing?
7. Failure to supply Ukraine with the necessary weapons.

What obligation does he have to supply Ukraine with any weapons? Has Ukraine supplied necessary weapons to Isreal and/or Palestine? If not, should Zelenskyy go to the electric chair? If not, why not?
8. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were killed.

Did Biden kill them? Surely if they had sufficient weapons already then it wouldn't matter... so they don't have sufficient weapons. Which, logically, means that no world leader has provided sufficient weapons to Ukraine? So do they all need to be executed? Every world leader? Does the fact that Zelenskyy didn't have sufficient weapons in the first place mean that he should be executed?

9. No policy aimed at terrorists in north korea.

You sure about that? Does Trump have a policy aimed at terrorists in North Korea? Did he? Or was it just the odd meeting, handshake, pat on the back, telling the media how much they love each other and then back to business as usual?

10. No fight against drug cartels that import deadly fentanyl-based drugs into the US.

None? So the DEA just sit around playing minesweeper and solitaire in the office all day? The amount of fentanyl seizures doubled under Biden.

I'll ask again... where do you get your 'news' or so called 'facts' from? Is it some crazy Facebook group or weird Youtube channel with the word 'truth' in the name? Do they intersperse their lies with the occasional flat earth and anti-science content?

ProRes codecs are all mov files. Unless they're MXF files, but that's not really something to worry about when it comes to stock. H.264 codecs can be MP4 or mov files. Or mkv, but that's not all that common a format for the stock agencies.

Off Topic / Re: California is burning!
« on: January 14, 2025, 22:42 »
cascoly, I think after Trump's inauguration there will be a criminal investigation into the Democrats' policies and the guilty Democrats will be jailed. The public will finally know the truth.

But you've had a sneak peek of this 'truth' in advance... somehow?!

Yeah, I'd be curious where you're getting your news from as well. Obviously Fox is out as they seem like Biden's best friends compared to some of the nonsense you're spouting. Newsmax and OAN... maybe, but they still seem a bit tame compared to your political leanings and insinuations. It's probabaly just some insane Facebook groups or X accounts.

But please, tell us exactly what Biden has done to deserve the electric chair? I mean, I'm assuming you feel that Trump shouldn't be jailed for all the things he's done... so the electric chair for whatever you think Biden has done?! What are we talking here... depraved serial killer, mass genocide, does he have a walk in freezer filled with the bodies of his victims just off the oval office, etc etc?

We should have a specific stoker2014 thread in the off topic section, and every time you say something ridiculous, we can post it in there. Maybe you could just post all your stuff in there from now on... save us a job. If ever anyone is feeling down they can head over to the thread and have a good chuckle.

Off Topic / Re: California is burning!
« on: January 12, 2025, 22:33 »
Let's just all make stuff up shall we...

So the fires were started by Trump and the Republican Party. They went for one week into January as they knew the fires would most likely be out two weeks later when Trump takes power, at which point LA would be at its lowest point... and from there the only way is up. End of Biden's presidency... LA in ruins. Beginning, middle and end of Trumps presidency... assistance, rebuilding, drop in unemployment in all fields of construction, massive improvements to fire preparedness across the board, a flourishing LA etc etc (which would have been almost exactly the same no matter who the president was, but hey... he'll sure as hell take credit for it all!).

...there, my nonsense makes just as much sense as your nonsense! So does that mean we should send Trump to the electric chair? Sorry, I'm not 100% clear on the rules you've established in your fantasy world.

Off Topic / Re: California is burning!
« on: January 08, 2025, 23:04 »
:o :o :o

Raging flames driven by a fierce windstorm scorched a rapidly growing area of Southern California, destroying homes, forcing at least 30,000 residents to evacuate and choking the sky with smoke, with officials warning that the worst was yet to come.

Is there anyone from California?

What are Biden and the Democrats doing?  >:( >:( >:(

Just checking... are we allowed to post "What are Trump and the Republicans doing?  >:( >:( >:( " for the next four years when ever anything bad happens?!

15 / Re: Shuterstock about to get eaten by Getty
« on: January 08, 2025, 08:39 »
I see that Getty is acquiring Shuterstock, which means that the Shuterstock board is selling their company. The merger name is nonsense, the letter clearly states that Getty will control everything.
I think that Shuterstock's revenue will fall, and the royalty percentage will be the same as Getty's.
This is bad news.

It's a merger. The letter doesn't clearly state that Getty will control everything. If the Shutterstock board were selling their company, then Shutterstock shareholders wouldn't own 45.3% of the shares of the new company after the merger... and there wouldn't be six Shutterstock board members on the board of the new company. Sure, Getty is getting the better end of the stick, but they're worth more so it makes sense. But hey, just make stuff up as you see fit... it's what we've come to expect by now, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  It's a refreshing reprieve from reality.   

So Getty, Shutterstock, Pond 5, and Envato (plus all the other smaller agencies that Getty, Shutterstock, Pond 5 and Envato have bought out over the years) all owned by one company?! Cray cray! Give it 5 years and they'll be bought by Disney or Amazon!

Off Topic / Re: Movie Juror No. 2
« on: January 03, 2025, 22:27 »
I thought the acting was good and the overall production value was excellent, but the plot was obviously a cunning ploy to elicit sympathy for Ukraine, perpetrated by Donald Trump and JFK Jr.

Why else would Fauci try and get it banned? I mean it's set in 'Georgia' for crying out loud... could they be any more obvious?

And I have a friend who works in a movie theatre and she saw the manager talking to some guy in a black suit and shades handing him a package, then I saw the manager sprinkling some powder on all the popcorn and he told all the staff to keep their mouths shut. When all the customers left they had kind of blank looks on their faces, which is common with mind control drugs. Need I say any more?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Motionarray
« on: January 02, 2025, 01:20 »
The owners of motionarray (an isralie company) seem to be about lying, and thieving. They "demanded" people agree to a new contract, "promising" more sales (but in essence were licensing content cheap, selling "ai" data), now they talk about stealing more money from people...

Den of thieves.

So just like the majority of every other stock site who's done exactly the same? Apart from the promising more sales part... pretty sure none of them have ever done that.   

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 he is definitely dead
« on: November 11, 2024, 23:19 »
I never get 40% commission anymore, it's turned into a myth.

Just imagine you get 40% of the Net License Revenue rather than the list price... and you'll almost always get 40% commission!

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 he is definitely dead
« on: November 01, 2024, 04:39 »
Last month was my best month on Pond5 since October 2022.

DepositPhotos / Re: PNG files
« on: October 28, 2024, 22:53 »
It's pretty standard when they introduce something new...wait until there's plenty to choose from before announcing it. If they added a png filter straight away, then people would be a bit disappointed if they only got 1, 10 or 100 images to choose from.

Yeah I'm sure Trump's policy of 'America First' is really going to see weapons and funding skyrocket if he gets elected! And a guy down the pub told me that Trump said he hates Ukraine and Ukrainians, so obviously that's 100% true. Wasn't very nice of him to say that.

Then you just earn less money that will gradually decrease over time. Not really the best outcome.

Opting out is an option at Shutterstock.

Didn't work with Shutterstock and I don't think it will work now

He's on about striking due to their changes to royalties. Hardly anybody did it and it didn't make any difference.

Off Topic / Re: I Work In WNC Here Is The Truth
« on: October 15, 2024, 17:09 »
Sorry, I must have missed the part where he refuted the presence of people hunting FEMA operatives. Love the fact that you questioned his post about all the news sites saying 93 deaths though... how predictably contradictory of you.

And jeepers creepers... give it a rest with the whole Ukraine Russia thing! If you want to talk about it (and you should, it's an important issue!) then that's absolutely fine, but a post about the situation in North Carolina is not the place for it. Somehow it seems to be Space Raider bags getting smaller... Ukraine. Taylor Swifts hair being slightly shorter than normal... Russia. The series finale of Lost being slightly disappointing... Ukraine. Make your own post and talk about it there.

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