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Messages - EssexVIG

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: New conspiracy theory! Hooray!
« on: October 04, 2018, 11:33 »
Be afraid, even the ears have walls ;>)

There are 2,115 images, 22 pages shown as being for sale at this moment.
Now slightly off topic, I recently posted a shot of a wall in Verona that was covered in lovers messages and it was rejected as Non-Licensable Content (they do have many shots of the same subject for sale however). So how can you have shots of the items on this page, when it would be fair to say they are registered designs without any doubt. Any answers???

I go along with most of the above comments; nice photo, but I did not see any steaming coffee cups or multiple hand shakes, which, from what I understand, is the kind of image that sells. However I have similar photos and they do sell, not in volume, and the return probably does not justify the time spent tagging and uploading. But once uploaded the work is done. If you can include people in the shots, then sales do improve. I have a fairly average shot (the sky is a bit blown out) taken at a glacier viewing platform of the backs of a group of tourists and this has sold, whereas good shots of the glacier have not. Good Luck  :)

You say you are looking for sales of $3-500/month, not sure what the bulk of your sales are, but 25 cents seems to be the norm for myself, so given that, to get $300/month I would have to sell  a total of 1,200 photos! So I think you would need to rethink the size of your portfolio unless you are confident that you have shots that are a cut above the rest.

SS making sales here despite small port.
AS small sales small port, too picky
Alamy Too picky Wont bother any longer
Deposit photos Reject photos that sell, losing patience.
EyeEm Not my market. Wont bother any longer
Twenty20 Wont bother any longer
IStock Ridiculous keyword rejections. Wont bother any longer.
500PX Wont bother any longer
Photo4me Wont bother any longer

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