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Messages - Ukko
« on: July 15, 2022, 16:01 »
Antivirus detected BatchPurifier as a Trojan .
I have been using it for almost ten years without a single virus alert. I consider it a safe program. Unfortunately, I have no experience with the current version.
« on: July 15, 2022, 15:41 »
I use a program called BatchPurifier for this purpose.
« on: July 02, 2022, 06:09 »
I can only speak for myself, but yesterday I uploaded a couple of images to my portfolio and everything worked fine. The uploading process and editing the images is a bit of a pain, but that's the way it's always been. Try uploading with another browser if that would help.
« on: June 23, 2022, 12:17 »
Thanks Mat & Adobe! It's great that there is still one company left that values its contributors.
« on: June 23, 2022, 11:58 »
Hi guys.
So, for once, I'm not going to complain (that much). I was slowly starting to work on my June report, and I noticed my numbers on AS significantly improved. I started to make some year to date comparison, and I realized it's something pretty recent, as the first part of the year was pretty disappointing. RPD is still lower, but not that much compared to the first part of the year.
I wanted to know if I was the only one to experience such changes (and, if there are some guys from AS passing by, if they can tell us something about some recent news that could have impacted sales that well).
Similar thoughts here too! I'm also very pleased with the development of Adobe over the last year, with almost every month being better than the last. I also started from scratch with Getty and Shutterstock last summer. One observation I have made is that with adobe it takes time for a new image to sell, whereas with Getty or Shutterstock an approved image can sell immediately. It also makes you wonder how the images can sell so differently in these three major sites. On one site, an image may sell once, while on another it may sell hundreds of times. Anyway, what I'm particularly happy about is that RPD has also increased on all sites in the last three months.
« on: June 15, 2022, 03:59 »
I just closed my Pond5 account. 123rf is next in line. My guess is that in a year or two there won't be any decent office to work with. This can only be done as a hobby, not as a serious livelihood option.
« on: April 07, 2022, 23:27 »
Today I briefly had a banner in my Shutterstock dashboard telling me that there would be some exciting changes ahead. There was also a link I was supposed to click on for more information, but it only lead to the contributor FAQ page and I couldn't spot anything new there. Now it's gone again. Anyone else seen it? What do you think it will be? I really hope it's just something as harmless as the redesign of the dashboard page. 
Yep, it shows up for me too. It says "We are in the process of rebuilding our platform for better performance and ease of use. Exciting improvements are coming soon. Learn more about them here". The link takes you to the support page where I can't find anything new.
« on: April 01, 2022, 15:22 »
I feel like it is worth bringing community attention to - we are art people here and it is so sad that Depositphotos decided to use war as an excuse to earn some extra buck and spread hate. Depositphotos stopped payouts to all Russian and Belarusian contributors. There was no notice in advance, Payoneer and Paypal still worked in those countries - people just got emails that starting now they won't get paid but Depositphotos will keep selling their content. As I know they are the only microstock that chose to cut off contributors (and they are already in a pretty sad and bad situation already). No need to say that most Russians and Belarusians do not support the war and are nearly completely stripped of their savings and earnings. We are supposed to create art, not war. So very sad. I deleted my portfolio from this Depositphotos, don't want to support the owner who chooses a path of hate and discrimination.
If your country attacks a neighbouring sovereign state for no reason at all, causing a massive influx of refugees and thousands of civilian deaths, the least DP can do is suspend payments to that state. I think all Russian and Belarusian stock contributors money should be confiscated and used to rebuild an independent and free Ukraine. The Russian people themselves, by supporting Putin, have chosen the path back to the Dark Ages. I have absolutely no pity for you and I hope you like your new life in complete isolation from the rest of the world. Slava Ukrajini, herojam slava!
« on: March 29, 2022, 23:45 »
I am missing about 50 photos. Is this a glitch or something?
« on: March 18, 2022, 17:41 »
Thanks for the great offer. I think I'll give it a try...
« on: March 10, 2022, 03:26 »
"Russian photographers should be banned!" - this is pure nazism. American photographers supposed to be banned because of the war in Afghanistan? Israeli and Turkish because of the war in Syria? I guess that Russian photographers are leaders on microstock agencies and that many do not like that.
Putin has long been preparing a break from the global internet to turn more closely to a Chinese model to insulate it from the west. So stock agencies don't need to restrict Russian contributors, their own regime will soon block all links to the outside world. What a great country!
« on: March 10, 2022, 01:57 »
Ukraine has no allies in the West. All these ridiculous demonstrative support is just for the sake of PR. All collected charitable money will be stolen and all weapons sent will be lost. Such a country...
Russia will continue to function. The people will live freed from the western husk. McDonald's and KFC are gone. Will they worry about it when there is borscht and fried potatoes?
Most likely, after a few years of recession, we will get a strong country with a developed economy. Don't forget, there are very talented people in Russia, and if they are squeezed into a corner, they are capable of miracles.
Ukraine has its gates wide open to the West - unlike Russia, which has lost its reputation, all diplomatic and trade relations. All that remains for Russia as a credible trading partner is China, which completely sets the prices for Russian exports (i.e. pays a below-cost price for them). There are still two trains a day from St Petersburg to Helsinki, full of young, educated people who have realised the impossibility of life in today's Russia. These highly educated young people no longer have any faith in the Putin regime. That is why they are leaving the country in search of better living opportunities anywhere else but Russia. The effects of the embargo on Russia will be felt in a harsh way when new products no longer enter the market. In the West, when a product breaks down, a new one is bought to replace it. Russia will become the new Cuba - old equipment will be serviced over and over again even though its life cycle is long over. Russian media propaganda is clearly working on some of the people, as MrVector sees a bright future for his country. Apparently, a complete brainwashed cannot see anything but the lies produced by his own state. Fortunately, not all Russians live under this delusion, so there is still a little hope.
« on: March 10, 2022, 00:25 »
All the consequences of inflation: Economic recession, rising prices (especially energy costs), loss of household purchasing power, rising unemployment, labour migration etc...
« on: February 18, 2022, 16:43 »
I just had a closer look at Yuri's portfolio on Dreamstime, and he has 740 video files (4K) in addition to really high-quality and well keyworded images. With that portfolio, you'd make hundreds of dollars a day on Adobe Stock - instead, he's making three peanuts a month on Dreamstime. After that, there's not much interest in uploading your own mediocre images to Dreamstime.
« on: February 18, 2022, 10:17 »
Even though Yuri has only been on Dreamstime for a short time, I'm still surprised that he has so few photos sold. However, I think that says more about the agency than the quality of his images, which I think is the best on the market.
« on: February 04, 2022, 04:10 »
Thanks Mat & Adobe - very much appreciated!
« on: February 04, 2022, 03:58 »
Very informative analysis and a great summary for beginners like me. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
« on: December 16, 2021, 11:26 »
I'm having the best month ever in Adobe so far but not so good that I could afford to buy even a used Hasselblad camera. Maybe one day my earnings will be at that level.
« on: December 14, 2021, 10:57 »
Just wondering what anyone thinks of the current situation, the future of and Microstock in their opinion. One vote, what would you tell someone you know, if you were being an honest friend?
Sell all your photographic equipment as soon as possible and forget about it - and never bring it up again.
« on: October 08, 2021, 12:04 »
Hi, i'm new on Wirestock. I would like to know, how many dollars you have to reach in order to withdraw from Wirestock? Thanks!
I'm not there myself, but it looks like the minimum payout amount is set to $30.00. I'm sure someone can confirm this.
« on: October 08, 2021, 06:07 »
Reading this thread, you get the impression that SS is like a paradise on earth. Everyone is making money like crazy.
« on: October 02, 2021, 12:49 »
It was refreshing to see what kind of photos others are taking and submitting. You have a lot of images/footages of different subjects and they all seem to be of very good quality. Thanks for sharing these great photos!
« on: October 01, 2021, 15:30 »
Cool, Arcangel just reported a sale earning me a cool $158 net for this image. Updated the report.
Tres bien!
I've probably never seen the Eiffel Tower from this angle. This is different from all the other pictures taken by tourists that the internet is full of. No wonder this picture was chosen for the cover of the book. You have done a great job, congratulations!
« on: August 11, 2021, 13:32 »
Mediocre photos now have a new chance. I think this is a good offer. Thanks Mat & Adobe!
« on: July 04, 2021, 11:52 »
Thanks Alex, great info as always!  A normal month for me, but I'm at amateur level. Btw, Does Steve no longer post his monthly report here? I'd be interested to know how he did in June.
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