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Messages - Amos Struck

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I wonder if it worth to start shooting with a DJI Phantom 3 Professional?

Any advice on this?


Remember all the excitement from the last Microstock Expo 2013 in Berlin? A fellow photographer just reminded me about all the great content in the 24+ hours of MEXPO video. This gave me the idea to give something back to this great microstock community which made that event so great.

So I spoke with my co-creator of the conference, Lee Torrens of Microstock Diaries, and minutes later the videos from both conferences (2011 and 2013) are no longer 199.

Theyre now all available free to watch here (with a registration!)

Some highlights:
  • 36h of high-quality videos covering both entire events
  • Learn from the best stock photographers and videographers on the planet
  • Learn in minutes what these guys took years to figure out
  • Find answers to: How to find niches to shoot for, what keywords to use, how to shoot effectively, how to optimize your workflow
  • Includes masters such as Yuri Arcurs, Andres Rodriguez, Simon Krzic, Bruce Livingstone, and Scott Braut, among many other
  • Covers topics of production strategy, metadata techniques, trend analysis and everything an ambitious microstocker could want
  • Also includes valuable insights for agencies and other businesses in the marketplace via the agency executive presentations and the 3-hour Agency Masterclass

Thanks again to all of our speakers, moderators, friends and business partners who have made both events so enjoyable and so packed with awesome value. Now get yourself a nice cup of coffee and start the show!

It's nice to have the list so thank you, OP, for that.

But in no way is it "surprising".  That was obviously a marketing ploy for the title.  Now if you were to tell me that foot fetishes was a trend, I would be surprised  ;D

Indeed the "surprising" was a bit of a clickbait...  :P

Looking at the top-selling photos and concepts from different agencies can be inspirational for those of us who don't think we know it all.

(I know this was originally posted in March but I guess there were a few new comments so glad it popped up when I looked for "new content") Thanks Amos.

You are most welcome - happy to help with some inspiration here.

Thanks Amos Struck:
All I do is aerial photos and aerial mapping ( vertical photos) with a few in microstock . But your examples in those type of photos gave me all kinds of ideas of what to take that would sell in stock. I guess you can teach a old dog new tricks.

Smiling Jack

Glad you got some inspiration from the trends. There are several really good images, especially the one from Yuri which was shot with the drone.

Many of the 50 were spot on.

If you list every possible trend in the market, surely you will get a few right.

All we do is asking the certain stock agencies for their trends. We always try to have a diversity in the type of agency such as Photocase or Stocksy compared with Asian based like Pixta.

Last year,we have asked image agencies for their take on the upcoming photography trends for 2014, and many of the 50 stock photo trends we published were spot on.

2015, we are going even further: 16 agencies replied to our request for their trends in photography, so we are presenting the top 80 photography trends 2015 and of course shooting ideas for photographers (some of them might surprise you).

Here are the 80 Surprising Stock Photography Trends 2015

What do you think about them? Do you think the certain stock agencies are right with their trends?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Best microstock news site?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:52 »
I agree this forum is the best source at least for contributors. Amos Struck has several news sites regarding Microstock (i.e.,, etc.) some are more geared towards buyers!

Thanks for mentioning my websites (there is a , behind which leads to a wrong URL).

You actually missed the one which is geared toward photographers: there we also have a newsletter which we use to keep you posted about the industry and about interesting news, interviews etc.

Thank you Holmes - very much appreciated.

Thank you everybody for tuning in and for your kind feedback. I think it was a great intro into mobile stock photography, we even had a live demo where Morgan showed how he edit his image with Snapseed before he uploads them into Fotolia Instant (maybe you have missed that Sean).

Watch the full Webinar Replay now!
[ Only available for 14-days ]

I think there is definitely room for a second webinar, who want to join?

Please leave your comment below the webinar reaplay and don't forget to join the mailing list to stay up to date for any upcoming webinars.
Just click on the big green button on the webinar replay page here

You can download Morgan's webinar presentation here (PDF 3.1MB)

Due the high demand, we have upgraded our seats for the webinar. We are almost at 200 attendees so far.

Register Your Seat Now->
(The seats are very limited!)

Update: We have 100 Live Seats and already over 140 Registrations... that really is a reason to join now to reserve your seat at the webinar.

Just to keep you up-to-date, 88 are already taken  ;) (remember there are only 100 live seats for the webinar).

Im proud to present our second Webinar, this time with Morgan David de Lossy, Head of Mobile at Fotolia.
This Sunday, you can learn how to make money with your smartphone photos.

Making Money with Smartphone Photos
This Sunday 8th of February (1:00pm EST, 10:00am PST, 7:00pm MET (Europe)
with Morgan David de Lossy, Head of Mobile at Fotolia

Register Your Seat Now!
(The seats are very limited!)

What you are going to learn in this free Webinar:
  • How to shoot top-quality images with your smartphone.
  • What themes and subjects will sell in 2015.
  • Basics of post-production on mobile.
  • The best smartphone cameras on the market.
  • What to avoid when taking photos with your smartphone.

Webinars Giveaway: You will have a 15 minute segment to have your questions answered by
Morgan plus all who attend will be entered in a drawing to win one of three personal coaching sessions with Morgan including a portfolio review.

UPDATE - Replay of the full Webinar now available:

Watch the full Webinar Replay now!
[ Only available for 14-days ]

Thanks, Amos. I'll try in Bangkok on Friday.

Bangkok will work without any problems. Enjoy Vietnam and drink a great coffee for me please.

Fotolia seems to be blocked in most areas of Vietnam. Have had the same issues.

Thanks everybody who attended the webinar. We have had a lot of fun and also great questions at the end of the webinar.  You can now watch the replay of the webinar here:

Don't miss the next webinar in January, when we go more into gear and how to start in stock footage.

Just a quick update on the seats 22 left  :P

We are also working on expanding the presention to have it catered more towards stock photographers. Robb will also try to include some thoughts on how to proceed as a single stock photographer without a big team.

Thanks for all your feedback, we really appreciate it.

Secrets just sound great as topic  ;D

No, seriously it's a pretty interesting presentation and Robb is showing his struggles as well over the years.

Why would you give away 'secrets' if you're already having a hard time turning a profit?

Thanks @Holmes for your kind words about the book. No worries we will not try to sell you any of his book in the webinar.

UPDATE on the seats: less than 38 left.

I have also put together some more background infos including a video-interview here

Only 50 Seats left

Cheers for your thoughts here Mantis, really appreciate them.

I highly recommend to write down your thoughts on the Webinar worksheet you have (hopefully) downloaded. We will have a 15min Q&A session at the end of the webinar and another upcoming webinar with more time for questions in 2015.

Thanks for the notice. I will fix it right now.  8)
These Germans  :o

UPDATE 15th Dec.

Only 60 Seats left.

Join our free Webinar with Stock Footage Millionaire Robb Crocker
"Secrets to Making Real Money in Stock Footage"

Be among the first to hear the secrets to making real money in Stock Footage from Stock Footage Millionaire Robb Crocker in our first free webinar on MyStockPhoto.
It will take place this Sunday December 21st at 1:30pm EST, 10:30am PST, 7:30pm MET (Europe). We will also have a 15 minutes Q&A session at the end of the webinar.

Register your Seat now!
(The seats are very limited!)

What you are going to learn in this free Webinar:
  • How to Make the Leap from Stock Photography to Footage
  • How to Find Yourself a Profitable Niche to Shoot
  • How to Predict what Footage Customer want to buy
  • How to AVOID Shots that will NOT SELL
  • How to Make Stock Footage a Profitable Career
  • Get the Chance to Win a Free Copy of Robbs new Book "Stock Footage Millionaire"

Plus: You will have a 15 minute segment to have your questions answered by Robb Crocker-
All who attend will be entered in a drawing to win Robbs new book Stock Footage Millionaire ( *3 Books Will Be Given Away).

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