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Topics - 7Horses

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At the moment my stock earnings are mostly paid in $ but living in Europe I'm paying costs on my paypal conversion in .
What do you think of getting our fees paid in crypto currencies like bitcoin or ethereum ? Stock agencies are by nature internet competent so adapting to crypto can not be that hard.


Warning: Only for nerds -
As a traditional IT professional and amateur stock photographer I came along this '' project.
Having no knowledge about cryptocurrencies but being curious about it I opened an account last week. It was fun to dive into the world of blockchain however the project is still in a embryonic stage and I'm impatiently waiting to be able to upload and process my first picture to test. Probably we will see this technology in what format whatsoever in the stock business sooner or later.


MicrostockSubmitter / Alamy not working
« on: June 13, 2015, 13:41 »
Uploading to Alamy gives an "FTP - login" error
Any idea what to do ?

123RF / 123RF You have no downloads yet this month
« on: October 11, 2014, 05:10 »
Since two months 123RF is dead for me. Today 11 Oct, monthly download statistic is still showing "you have no downloads yet", In September my total was 1 download. Anybody else facing this problem ?

i finally took the plung and did a test install of symbiostock on my windows 8  laptop
I installed - wamp - wordpress 3.6 - symbiostock theme and childtheme (following the instructions) and got the site up and running.
I could upload some pictures edit them and assign categories.
The search shows there thumbnails but when i click on a thumbnail the image can not be found
I get a page saying
"Oops! That page cant be found.
It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?"

Any hint where to search ?

6 / Problem login Dreamstime
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:10 »
This morning 8 o'clock Belgian Time I can not login to the DT page. After entering username en password I return to main page. Anybody else with issues or is it just my account ?

Selling Stock Direct / received email to sell photo
« on: October 23, 2012, 14:57 »
Today I  received an email enquiry but honestly, I think this is spam. Anybody any idea ?

> Hi,
> I found your site & was intrigued by your photography.  I thought your site might be a good fit for a text ad I'd like to put up.  I can pay you through Paypal if that's alright.  If you're interested at all, please let me know, and I'll send you some more information to look over.
> Thanks,

> Karen :)
> --------------------------------------
> Karen McManus

As linux user (ubuntu for the moment) I'm using only soft available under that platform. This excludes all the major application like lightroom or photoshop and also  the soft from nikon since these softs doesn't work on linux. My basic software used for the moment is :
darktable as raw converter and editing
picasa as library manager
prostockmaster (older version) used for tagging
luminance for hdr
gimp for special editing

Are there other linux users on this forum ?  And what is your workflow ?

123RF / My pictures on Inmagine without reference to my name
« on: December 29, 2011, 15:31 »
I know 123Rf is owned by inmagine and i saw some of my images there. But is it normal that there is no reference to me the photographer.
Will i be paid 50% if an image of me is sold there ?
Since Alex is involved in both sites can he make something clear on this ?

Some more links to pictures of me

Did some more investigations seems pictures are coming via Alamy on Inmagine without reference to photographer ?

10 / Editorial images
« on: December 29, 2011, 09:19 »
On Alamy one can only upload editorial images as "Rights Managed" with restrictions set. Is it still possible to upload the same images to other stocksites like DT, also editorial. (on both sites non-exclusive of course). ?

11 / no salses at canstockphoto
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:11 »
As newbie I've started submitting to canstockphoto and 123rf about the same time. On Canstock I've 59 pictures in portfolio on 123rf 48. Sales on CS just around 0   ???. Sales on 123rf 9  :D. Does any newbie had some sales on CS ???

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