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Image Sleuth / Copyright violations on Zazzle
« on: December 05, 2018, 23:30 »
just a heads-up:
a few days ago I found one of my images on Zazzle in this guy's Zazzle store: https://www.zazzle.com/walterbjedyk
I reported this through a link "Report this product" somewhere close to the bottom of every product page.
And today all his zazzle products with my image are gone and I received this from Zazzle:

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Zazzle takes all claims of infringement very seriously and we hope to resolve this matter amicably.
We have reviewed your claim and, per your request, the unauthorized product as outlined in your email has been removed from Zazzles marketplace. The designer has also been notified of the infringement claim.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.
Best Regards,

Not bad at all. However, they didn't shut down his store, which is sad because I strongly suspect that a least a good part of this guy's 1000+ Zazzle products base on stolen images.
So, please go and have a look and report copyright violation when you find your image(s) in his store.

Thanks for reading.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Darn Categories
« on: June 03, 2013, 03:05 »
is there a way to delete those darn standard categories permanently? I mean, I delete those build-in categories I don't need/want but after the next update they are there again. Is there an easy way around deleting them every time again?

Yesterday I found an annoying spam comment on my EULA page. Well, I thought, that probably got there much earlier when I was fooling around and comments were activated.

Today I found this very similar comment and now I am sure comments have been deactivated. So how on earth did the spammers get it in there and how can I block it? Did anyone else notice something like this? 

One recent case (http://www.microstockgroup.com/symbiostock-technical-support/why-does-a-backup-of-my-site-from-4-11-13-not-have-images) of lost images that have been uploaded and were already processed made me thinking. There wasn't sufficient backup on the side of the host to restore the site and the images. It doesn't matter how it happened, we all know s..t happens. So what should the smart Symbiostock Webmaster  ;D do to be prepared when bad luck strikes?

I will backup my wp database in cpanel and ftp the db file and whole wp root to my computer just before I do major changes. If disaster strikes I'd ftp everything back and restore the dp from file. After that my site would run as before those major changes failed. Right?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / How to fix your Menu
« on: April 11, 2013, 16:44 »
I see still quite a number of SY sites having this menu problem:

When I click (not just hover) on a parent menu item some more or less unrelated page gets displayed and the drop-down list with child items gets blacked out.

I have researched this and found it is not actually a bug but a misconfiguration. Here's a solution:

A parent menu item that isn't clickable can be configured (in Appearance > Menus) by adding a Custom Link to the menu that has '#' entered for URL (instead of some http://...). Then assign the child menu items in your usual way.

On every image page below the image and its description there is a credit line

by <my name> (profile)

which is fine. However, "<my name>" links to my site's homepage and "(profile)" links to the very same image page. I'd like to change that but can't figure out how. Who can help?

  • How can I change the favicon for my SS site? I couldn't find anything in the Wordpress/Symbiostock theme. Is a special Plugin required? If so which one do you use?
  • How to change the "above header menu" (upper right corner)? Configuration under "Appearance > Menus" has some effect but two menu items that seem to come with the SS theme show up and aren't even listed under "Appearance > Menus". Any ideas?

admin edit: changed the subject to be more descriptive.  If every thread with a question was titled 'a couple questions' the forum would be a mess.

Image Sleuth / wallpaperswiki.com: is this legit?
« on: January 24, 2013, 00:05 »
I just stumbled over http://wallpaperswiki.com/. :o Please check it out. Among tons of beautiful hi-res images (yours?) I found a few of my images there, too. No info at all about who is running this site and where all those images come from.

Can this be legit?

And if not what can I/we do about it?

Image Sleuth / Flickr and RF license
« on: September 21, 2011, 00:16 »

I just came across this Flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/64710715@N06/  :o

Check it out. You'll find that most photos are from various Microstock sites but mainly Dreamstime and Shutterstock. I found 3 of my images, which have been sold by subscription at Dreamstime the same day they were posted in this photostream.  >:(

Do you think this usage is covered by Dreamstime/Shutterstock RF license terms? Is it OK to post images on Flickr that aren't your own?  ???

I am not sure, so I'd like to hear what you more experienced microstockers think about this.

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