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Adobe Stock / Multiple Accounts
« on: December 16, 2024, 16:00 »
since someone mentioned this in another thread,perhaps it is time to open a discussion on this topic which I believe is important to understand whether it is worth it or not.

This is a question I've been wondering about about it for a few months,is it worth having multiple accounts or not?

since it is possible to have an account for video,one for AI,one for photos and I believe also one different for vectors,is it better to concentrate everything in one or have 2 or 3 different accounts?

Is it possible to find the time to keep up with all these accounts?Is there a convenience or not?

ATTENTION:it is not possible to create multiple accounts for AI or for the same type of asset.

from Adobe Account and submission guidelines:

"You may create more than one contributor account if you wish to track different asset types in separate accounts, e.g., video submissions versus image submissions,or generative AI submissions versus traditional photos or illustrations. Also, if your account gets close to an online portfolio of 1 million assets,we recommend you open a new account.

We dont permit multiple account creations to submit similar or identical content to inflate sales,or to bypass upload limits for generative AI content.Duplicate or multiple created accounts that violate this rule may result in the accounts being blocked or terminated".

my idea was to open an account only for AI and one only for videos and continue the current account with photos, illustrations and vectors.

What do you think?Do you have any experience with this?

Adobe Stock / Adobe quarters and years
« on: July 27, 2024, 06:44 »
I did some calculations,and came to some conclusions.

I calculated the number of sales,because in my opinion it is the most important data,of course the earnings are what count in the end,but in the microstock the earnings can vary depending on the licenses sold,so the only thing that in my opinion can give a solid data is the sales number,this number must absolutely increase year after year if I work actively.

here is the percentage increase of the number of the sales in my first 2 quarters between 2023 and 2024:

1Q +36,2%
2Q +18,8%

I wanted to have an even broader vision,and I calculated the percentage of annual growth,even if I had always calculated the differences between years,I had never calculated the percentages in detail.

here are the growth percentages in the number of sales since 2019:

2019-2020 +60,9%
2020-2021 +62,12%
2021-2022 +22,8%
2022-2023 +110,6%
2023-2024 +27,5% (half-year)

so considering the situation in general,I think Adobe Stock can be a gold mine if you have time on your side,because I believe that we also need to make a projection into the future and see if we will then have time to enjoy the fruits of this work.

then in the end it's all subjective,it depends on what you're looking for in the microstock,I'm looking for a solid income,certainly not to become rich,but to earn enough.

so as i said,in my opinion,Adobe Stock can be a gold mine if you start at 30 years or maximum 40 years,because you still have more time,over 40 years instead,it depends on what you are able to produce,and in what quantity,because the time left to enjoy the fruits of labor is less,you simply have less time,it's not negativity,it's simply a fact,reality.

so in conclusion,as far as I'm concerned,if I can have an annual growth in number of sales of at least 80% every year for the next 4 years,in 4 years I can start to have a good income from Adobe Stock,if instead the this year's growth percentage or some of the next 4 years will be less than 80% I don't think I can continue,not actively,maybe some uploads if I feel like it a couple of times a year.

so for the moment until the end of this year I will continue consistently,and then at the end of the year I will evaluate,if I can achieve at least 80% growth in sales numbers,I will continue next year too.

Happy MicrostockDay to me! :D today marks 6 years that I started in Microstock.

It's often difficult to understand how lucky we are to have Adobe Stock.

You understand this when after having worked for 4 and a half years with Istock,you receive an email in the middle of the night in which you are informed that all the work you have done,all the sacrifices,all the time,all the effort made to improve,they were destroyed in a second,without any valid or truthful reason that could justify this.

Adobe can block our account,yes,but then after a month or two at most,it is unblocked,unless a real and intentional violation of the terms is proven and verified,but often even in this case,you can get out of it with a simple warning,then if the violation of the terms is repeated another time or two,Adobe will certainly permanently and definitively block your account.

Is Adobe Stock perfect?probably not,nothing and no one is,but their commitment to trying to be so is certainly closer to perfection than any other agency there has ever been.

today I have been a microstock contributor for exactly 6 years,and a couple of years ago,when I received that email from Istock,I had lost all hope,since I had finally managed to improve my hardware and was aiming to improve myself and my future,just then I received that email that completely destroyed me.

I still earn little,I'm nobody,but I'm improving quickly,but today,I have a completely different perspective of my future,a hope,a reason,and all this thanks to me first of all because I didn't give up,but also thanks to Adobe which makes it possible,today,for me to dream and hope for a better future.

I will make it,I know I can do it and I will! :)

thanks so much Adobe!

keep it up!  :D

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