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Topics - gaja

Pages: [1] 2
Illustration - General / Good flatbed scanners?
« on: October 24, 2012, 13:05 »
I've got some simple pencil drawings on paper, and would like to try to scan these for stock. Do any of you have good experience with a not to costly flatbed scanner?

General Stock Discussion / Buying logos
« on: October 02, 2012, 05:39 »
Did iStock ever get 'round to selling logos? I'm looking for somewhere to buy one. Any tips? My budget and project are tiny.

Off Topic / Layoffs and available jobs
« on: January 18, 2012, 17:21 »
Re: the other thread about layoffs at iStock, several of you were talking about the difficult economy. I live in the opposite country, and hear people complaining every day about how difficult it is to get hold of enough qualified staff. The main problem is the lack of engineers, my town alone needs 150 engineers ASAP. But also other types of jobs have vacant positions. So if you know someone who is willing to weather a lot of storms, endure dark winters and expensive beer, but like having a steady job and making good money, tell her to have a look at

Fluent English skills are mandatory, and a positive attitude towards learning Norwegian is appriciated. Although we declined to join the European Union twice, we have agreed to all the EU laws anyways, so if you are an EU citizen it is relatively easy to get all the papers and permits in order.

4 / Price rise at Canstock
« on: July 13, 2011, 10:00 »
Subscriptions have finally been upped to 0.30 bucks. Thanks!

Off Topic / World skiing championship is about to start in Oslo
« on: February 23, 2011, 12:47 »
Here is the unofficial song:

Polkabjrn & Kleine Heine - i like to ski

I think it describes the Norwegian winter sports culture quite well. :lol:

6 / Increase in sales
« on: February 09, 2011, 14:23 »
I've had more sales in January and February at SSP, than I had in all of 2010. Is it only me, or have they gotten hold of some good customers (runaways from Istock?).

Illustration - General / Good tutorials for very simple vectors?
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:29 »
Could you please recommend me some good basic tutorials for making very simple vectors? Like the letters A B C, or stick figures. I will never become an artist, but would like to learn a bit more about how vectors are created. I use photoshop, and have got access to Illustrator.

I know how to do a clipping path with the pen tool, but thats about it. I tried to trace a rock carving, but got stuck on what to do when you got several lines that couldn't be connected to each other.  :-[

General Stock Discussion / Fair trade logo
« on: September 15, 2010, 15:27 »
I'm no designer, so I don't know; but is it very difficult to make fair trade logo that microstockgroup could let some of the sites display on their site? GL has made their own, but a badge that shows that this site is supported by the microstockgroup could maybe carry some more weight?

The criteria are simple in my book: Minimum 50 % of the sale price goes to the photographer. The sites that qualify are

I looked through my port, and I'm not sure any of my pics are suitable for such a logo. But if one of you designers think this idea is good, you are welcome to use any of my pics (for free of course).

The sites could pay a small fee to microstockgroup, that could be channeled into the Kiva programme?

Yaymicro / 10 free photos from YAY
« on: July 08, 2010, 08:34 »
Yay has a campain now, where you can download 10 pics for free if you register in July via this link:

If you are already registered at YAY, and want the same offer, send an email to [email protected]

My username there is kavring, if you want to give me referrals.

DepositPhotos / Copyright infringement
« on: May 24, 2010, 08:30 »
This file, a replica of a 1000 years old statuette, was declined by DP due to copyright infringement. I didn't know copyright extended that far back. But I'm probably a direct desendant of the artist, so maybe I should write them a PR? It was dug out of an Icelandic marsh, so I have no idea what the name of the artist was. Is that a problem?

11 / Removing exclusivity
« on: April 09, 2010, 07:10 »
I've decied to start selling a few pictures as RM, and therefore have to stop being an exclusive to Dreamstime. It's a pity, but I don't want to limit myself that much. Had it been possible to keep RF pictures exclusive and still do RM, I would have. At least for a while. I'm very excited about the new possibilities, and curious about how my pictures will do on other agencies.

What do you think; does this subject belong in RF, or RM? Will it ever sell many enough times to justify selling it as microstock, or is it special enough to find a customer in RM?

A picture of a little girl with hearing aid, eating an apple. The first in a series of many, and I'll try to get more of the hearing aid in later shots. That's the problem and positive thing with the modern hearing aids, they are almost invicible. But you see the type of picture: happy little child in everyday situations, with hearing aid.

General Stock Discussion / Drop exclusivity to branch into RM?
« on: January 31, 2010, 17:30 »
I'm in the fortunate position to have access to a lovely little model with hearing problems. So in the next years I will be able to take quite unique pictures of her using hearing aids, being tested by doctors and audiotherapists, learning sign language etc. I don't think these pictures will sell in huge quantity, but rather should be sold as RM. Do you agree?

But I'm an exclusive photographer at Dreamstime, and comfortable that way. My husband has tried to upload pictures to other agencies (not people), and DT sells better for our style of pictures than Istock (so far).

So what to do? Is it time to take the big leap into the scary world of a thousand different agencies? Do the hearing aid pictures belong in RF or RM? Are there other macrostock agencies than Alamy open to amateurs?

14 / Application pending approval
« on: December 07, 2009, 14:04 »
How long does it normally take Istock to review an application? More than a week?

General Stock Discussion / Keywording age groups
« on: September 18, 2009, 18:53 »
English is not my first language, so I get a bit confused about when I should use the different terms. When do you keyword  picture with baby, toddler, preschooler, etc.? Is baby up to one year, or two? Can I lable a picture with both preschooler and toddler? Are child and baby conflicting terms?

Off Topic / Pixar's lamp is a copyright infringement
« on: September 06, 2009, 14:23 »
The little lamp that jumps around in the intro of Pixar's films is based on a norwegian design from 1937 (Luxo L-1). The Luxo company still produces lamps, and this particular lamp has sold 25 million times all over the world.

The company has protested against the copyright infringement, but haven't taken it to court as long as it only was a animated figure. Disney are now selling lamps based on the cartoon. Of course the company who made the original lamp are protesting. Disney has even given the copy the same name as the original lamp!

Norwegian article where you can see pictures of the original:
The copy lamp:

Photo Critique / Do I need to adjust my monitor?
« on: June 25, 2009, 16:36 »
I got some images reviewed today, and all the shots I took on a beach were rejected. I can see that I should have done some spring cleaning on the beach before this shot (hence the rejection for composition), but I can't really understand that it should be rejected because of a low color profile? My monitor is not the best or easiest to calibrate visually, so it could be the problem. Do I need to get a new monitor, or is the entire problem in the person in front of the computer?
(I didn't see the point in including a 100% sample, since the rejection reasons were color and composition).

If you're feeling a bit grumpy today, you're welcome to point out all the other mistakes in the rest of my portfolio too.

Off Topic / Sometimes the snow comes down in June
« on: June 03, 2009, 10:00 »
Saturday we had 30 deg C and sun. Monday it started raining, yesterday snowing, and today we have 5 deg and more snow. For next weekend they are predicting 2 deg C, so it might be below freezing in the night.

That's a Scandinavian summer for you. I was planning to take som pics of my kids enjoying the summer, now it will be more pictures of sad and dirty children in thick wool and raincoates.

This is waiting right outside my kitchen windowfor me to photograph it;
What would be the best way to capture these 222 mountain tops? I find a lot of tutorials and information on panorama photography, but what is your favorite?

20 / What is going on in DT forum?
« on: March 24, 2009, 16:19 »
Suddenly they are getting entertaining, with people threathening to leave, swear words and arguments. Have the moderators left the room, or is it that time of the month? Is it like this every evening? No wonder some posts get deleted in the mornings...

One example:

21 / Tattletell - or not?
« on: March 14, 2009, 17:42 »
I usually do a couple of searches when I plan to upload new photos. To check if the subject is well covered, if it's selling, and if there are any keywords I've forgotten. And every time I get a lot of pictures that are completely off topic.

I'm sure most of you've seen the same thing. What do you do? Click the report-button, leave a message for the photog, or move on and forget about the whole thing?

I've noticed there are quite a few medical images on the stock sites. A search for x-ray on shutterstock gives 1700 results, and maybe half of these look like just plain shots or scans of the originals.

But who has the copyright of such pictures? The hospital, the doctor/nurse/midwife who took the picture, or the pasient? Since I'm so "lucky" that my kids that have been in and out of hospitals, I have quite a few nice images. Can I just upload them without asking for permission?

I guess there is no reason to attach an MR? E.g. to a brain scan. ;)

Newbie Discussion / New plateau on my learning curve
« on: February 17, 2009, 15:37 »
My AR is horrible, and I have been studying hard to get it better. The last few weeks I have gone from technical rejection reasons (light, focus, composition), to "this is not what we want", "this is not a stock photo", "we have to many of these".

For the early problems it was easy to find books and manuals, and correct the mistakes. Now I'm a bit more frustrated. If I try to take the same type of pictures as the best sellers, I get the "to many"-reject, when I try to find a niche (science), I get a "not what we want"-reject.

I guess one solution could be to try more than one agency, to see if they all agree that my pictures are not fitted for stock. Are there some other micro stock sites that are more fond of scientific photos?

Also, my editorials sell quite badly, should I upload them somewhere else?

Norsk / Dansk / Svensk / Ta bilder av norske hus
« on: February 15, 2009, 18:45 »
Jeg har prvd finne ut om jeg kan ta bilder fra nabolaget her og selge dem som RF. Nr jeg sker p google virker det som om man m ha PR for hver eneste bygning, men jeg kan aldri tenke meg at det er s strengt i Norge?

-kan jeg selge bilder av huset til naboen uten PR?
-kan jeg ta et bilde nedover gata her slik at man ser litt av hvert hus, men uten fokus p et enkelt? Selvsagt uten at man kan kjenne igjen omrdet
-er det forskjell p private og offentlige bygg (f.eks. kommunal leiegrd)?

25 / The strangest rejection reason yet
« on: January 26, 2009, 08:35 »
Picture added further down on the page.

Title: Child with Erb's Palsy showing how big she is

Rejection reason: She looks like a normal child.

I don't know if I should be happy that my little girl has worked so hard and gotten so well that people who haven't seen this type of injury before don't notice her disability, or if I should be annoyed over the prejudice against handicapped people. Maybe I should add som drooling the next time...
What I'm trying to illustrate? The muscles in the left arm are not fully developed, so she has trouble lifting it as high as the right one, and it's rotated outwards.

And just to be perfectly clear: I have no problem with rejections; the picture is in no way perfect, lighting is my biggest challenge, and suggestions on how to make it better are greatly appriciated.

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