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Topics - dnavarrojr
« on: June 17, 2014, 16:25 »
Canon T4i DSLR camera body plus Canon 18-55mm kit lens. Both in outstanding shape and with a very low shutter count (I shot video for the most part). Also including Four batteries, Two Battery Chargers, HDMI cable, USB cable, 16GB fast memory card (can record video or take pictures), and all lens/body caps. $499 shipped CONUS via PayPal. 
« on: June 27, 2012, 04:14 »
I'm trying to create a poller for RevoStock and I can't figure out how to account for a line-break/carriage return.
Earnings Account:</td> <td .................>
There's a line break between the closing TD and the next opening TD. I tried using \b but that didn't work.
Which RegEx engine does the toolbar use? Is there a link to documentation for it?
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:44 »
I had to re-install Windows, etc... and when I re-installed the picNiche toolbar, I can't download any custom pollers and the picniche.com web site appears to be down.
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:33 »
I honestly haven't looked much yet, but do the MicroStock agencies take the more artsy shots or strictly commercial appeal? For example:  I've sold several prints of this in a gallery along with similar art portrait shots and I'm curious if it's worth submitting to ShutterStock, Dreamstime, etc...
« on: April 02, 2011, 16:28 »
I did a video shoot with an actress yesterday and I just noticed today that when she filled out the model release, she left out her phone number and email.
My first question is... Are those two items required? I can imagine instances where you shoot a homeless person or something who doesn't have either. She did fill out her correct address.
My second question is... If either or both are required by ShutterStock, Dreamstime, etc... could I fill that info in, or does it have to be in her handwriting?
TIA for your help.
« on: March 16, 2011, 19:37 »
Can anyone point me to a release for Crew? I'm doing my first big photo/video shoot with several actors and a couple of crew members. I have talent releases for the actors/models but I need a release for the crew, both of whom may be operating cameras.
« on: January 25, 2011, 22:35 »
I have a magazine that has offered me $250 to license an image for an article. I'm wondering if that's a good price point for single use and does not include web rights (just printing in the one issue of the magazine). It's a regional magazine, so we're talking 100,000 copies. I tried to negotiate but it was $250, take it or leave it.
« on: January 24, 2011, 21:32 »
My fiance talked me into shooting photos for a bridal fair runway show that her work was putting on. The models and businesses represented in the show want copies of the images and I need to find a legal release form which gives them limited right of use and stresses my copyright.
I tried Findlaw and a few other contract related sites and couldn't find anything specific to my needs (or close enough for me to modify). Any recommendations?
I've seen wedding/portrait photographers advertise that they provide such a release to their clients, but I couldn't find any examples.
« on: November 11, 2010, 16:49 »
Can anyone recommend any good/useful WordPress plugins for photographers? Besides the photo gallery stuff, I have that covered.
I've been trying to find a plugin that allows me to create private galleries for clients to review their photo sets via password, but no luck so far.
« on: November 11, 2010, 16:40 »
Canon 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM lens (yes, it has image stabilization). $400 + shipping & insurance. Contact me with your address for an exact price on shipping. Payment and shipping will be handled through PayPal so that you get a shipping confirmation. Ships from Topeka, Kansas. Here is a link to details and reviews on BH Photo: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/397663-USA/Canon_0345B002_EF_70_300mm_f_4_5_6_IS.htmlIt is used, but in excellent condition. Everything works great, auto-focus and IS. Includes the Lens, a UV filter, and a lens hood.
« on: October 27, 2010, 06:08 »
A friend of mine decided to start offering prints of his best photos directly from his web site and he's making extra money. However, he has to do all the work. A buyer purchases a print from his site and he has to get it printed then ship it to the buyer himself.
I've sold some prints at the farmer's market and some local art fairs and I'm wondering if there are any print service companies that handle printing and shipping... and hopefully easily integrate into a web site.
Does anyone else do anything similar to this?
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:04 »
So, for whatever reason... Most of the photographers in my local camera club are Nikon shooters. So I call Nikon to see if we can get a rep to speak at our convention next year. They promise to come up with someone, then never return any of my calls for the past month now. I call Canon this morning and within 30 minutes they call me back and offer me 4 speakers at their expense. So guess who will be demoing cameras at our convention?  The Nikon people in our group are very loyal, but they're extremely pissed that Nikon blew us off.
« on: July 23, 2010, 19:35 »
Is anyone entering photo contests as an additional revenue source? It never really occurred to me, but my fiance made my enter some photos at our local county fair and I won $90 cash. There was no entry fee and it cost me $16 in prints and foam board for mounting.
I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to enter other contests. A quick search on Google and I found about 10 or so with digital submission and no fee for entering.
« on: July 23, 2010, 16:57 »
Hmm... My editorial images seem to be selling well on ShutterStock. That kind of surprises me, I didn't expect such popularity. Still not selling better than my illustrations, but darned close. All my editorial stuff is "news" type images (train wreck, police stand-off, troops coming home, etc..). I see a lot of buildings, general shots with logos, etc.. submitted as editorial but I haven't tried any of that. Just news type stuff I catch while out and about.
Anyone else doing well with editorial? I'm going to start submitting some sports stuff (college and pro sports) and see what happens.
« on: July 13, 2010, 23:19 »
Does anyone sell directly to newspapers or TV stations? If so, what is the rate which you sell your photos and/or video?
Over the past few months I've been able to get some really good photos and footage of local events where the event was over by the time the local media outlets arrived. I've sold photos to the local paper for $10 to $40 each and footage for $100 to $300 per event. And I'm wondering if I'm selling low.
I always insist on their non-exclusive contract so that I can sell to other media outlets or as stock. Although, I've made comparatively little money off editorial so I'm wondering if I should sell exclusive for a few extra bucks (typically 30% to 50% more).
AP and UPI don't buy from independents. So I'm wondering if there is other established editorial media distribution besides microstock.
« on: July 13, 2010, 12:25 »
Happy birthday, I guess. One thing left out of the timeline on their post is "Bought by Getty and abandoned all that ShutterStock originally stood for".
« on: May 06, 2010, 22:05 »
Does anyone use a "quick release strap" on their DSLR? Have you ever had an issue with it coming "unclipped" by accident?
I use the strap on my camera quite frequently when I'm riding my bike and out shooting stuff hand-held. But when I put the camera on a tripod it gets in the way quite frequently. And now that I'm using my indiSlider all the time it's constantly in the way.
Taking it on and off is a major PITA, so I'm thinking of getting a Quick Release Strap, but a friend asked me if they ever come apart by accident, which set off alarm bells because I carry my camera around my neck when I go bike riding.
If you have one and haven't had any issues with it coming apart accidentally, which brand/item are you using?
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:05 »
Dang... I didn't realize how hard it is to find stuff on most microstock sites...
I need an image of an old world map, something that looks like it's from the 1800's or very early 1900's. I've been wading through all kinds of (in my opinion) unrelated items to try and find what I need for a couple hours now with no luck so far on DT, IS, FT or SS.
I've actually had better luck using Google images, but I can't find the author of the image so that I can get a legal license.
I gotta wonder about the frustrations of people who buy on a regular basis...
« on: April 13, 2010, 10:15 »
Everybody in this part of Kansas grows tulips for some reason... In the city of Topeka, it's "Tulip Time" where people can visit various local parks and view the special gardens. I was out taking photos and video on Sunday and caught the eye of an editor for the local paper. She asked me if I could email her some of my photos, so I sent her some watermarked thumbnails that night. She emailed me back yesterday asking if I wouldn't mind letting the paper use a few of my photos if they gave me full credit in the article, so I said "sure" and sent her the 4 they asked for. Two were in this morning's paper and in addition to them crediting me for the photos, they included the web address of my blog in the byline. I'm all smiles today...  Oh, on an additional note... I am loving my new Canon EOS T2i. I have taken some great photos and video with it and although I've only had it for around a month, I've already had stuff submitted for stock sell.
« on: April 09, 2010, 21:15 »
I know someone's gonna tell me I sold it for too little, but the final paperwork is done for the license of an illustration I did:  A book author for a science textbook saw this image on Flickr and contacted me about licensing for his book. I'm getting $2,500 for the first print run (50,000 books) and $750 for each 25,000 books printed afterward. And it's going on the cover of the book. I should be getting my first check next week. This is the third time I've licensed an image directly from Flickr (and the second time for this image).
« on: April 01, 2010, 16:53 »
Pond5 is giving away $500 prizes daily, plus additional daily $2500 prizes at NAB. And they are giving away a 27-inch Imac. My affiliate link: http://bit.ly/3k6TxANon-affiliate: http://www.pond5.com/promoNo purchase necessary, just log in each day to be eligible for that days drawing.
« on: March 04, 2010, 01:46 »
Has anyone moved from an iPod Touch to an iPhone?
I currently have an iPod Touch with a ton of apps on it and I'm getting an iPhone 3GS this weekend. I'm wondering if there is an upgrade path, or if I am gonna have to re-purchase all of my apps.
« on: March 04, 2010, 01:43 »
Finally bought my first DSLR, specifically for video. The Canon EOS Rebel T2i. I wrote up a review on iSyndica ( http://www.isyndica.com/blog/2010/3/3/canon-eos-rebel-t2i-review.html) from a "noob" perspective as opposed to all the pros who've done reviews. I am really enjoying this camera and I've finally started producing video clips good enough for Stock with it after a couple of days of learning how to use it. It's a fantastic camera for the price. I hope to have some"side-by-side" video comparisons with my HF11 camcorder up on Vimeo by the weekend.
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:39 »
I am looking for a recommendation on a decent Point and Shoot camera that has fairly good low-light support. My mom's camera is on its last legs and she mostly uses it indoors with normal home lighting. She's looking to spend under $250, but I'd chip in a little if it's a good camera.
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