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Topics - michmac

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Adobe Stock / Card payments being reversed at Fotolia.
« on: January 24, 2009, 05:31 »
There appears to be a massive increase in buyers credit card reversals at Fotolia at the moment. The one I had yesterday was backdated to Feb 2008 and other people are reporting reversals of payments from 2007. Anyone else think it's unfair to penalise contributors for what looks to be a Fotolia accountacy error? Chargebacks are normally rectified in a maximum of 12 months.

Newbie Discussion / Hello from a 'sort-of' newbie
« on: October 04, 2008, 05:30 »
Just thought I'd say hello to you. I started selling microstock on the Fotolia UK site around a year ago, just for fun, and have now decided to expand my portfolio. I have found that Fotolia is providing a lot more sales but also many more rejections for me of late and so have had a read through this forum to find a few more microstock sites. I'd like to say thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge and experiences; it has been invaluable to me as I have much to learn. Can anyone recommend a good UK-focussed ms site? Best wishes and increased sales to you all. Michelle.

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