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Topics - malamus

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I was wondering if anybody can tell me the difference between macro and micro stock sites?

Also if there are any other types of stock sites, (small, normal etc) to gauge a better understanding of the stock landscape


Hi All, and Merry Christmas.

I am very keen in returning to contributing.

I was exclusive with iStock and now I'm looking to bring all the new skills and tools I've learnt in the past years back to them and build a bigger and better portfolio (I remember the "good old days" at IS! but my interest with them dwindled).

The last time I can say I was actively contributing was back in 2011 which may as well be 20 years ago! since then I have been a photographer in my day job and taken on private projects which has introduced me to working in studios with other pro togs and the use of professional models over the years.

As my portfolio on IS is amature (but amassed +9000 dls with -500 images) i think I can really introduce a new level to my port, generate a decent income and have fun and learn more.

I recognise a few names on here that I remember helped me out in the past and hope they and other members can educate me on the current climate, so to speak.

Background and intro over!

Main questions really are as follows:

What are the major changes in stock photography?
Where (apart from here) is the community talking.(I hear IS no longer has a forum) where do we critique images, find inspiration, help others etc?
What are the trends (ie analog look is in, cheesy high key is out)?
Why has the i$tock app stopped working?
do contributors meet up and collaborate?
Finally as I've been away so long I think its safe to assume I don't know the correct questions to ask, so if you have any helpful tips or advice its very much appreciated

I hope to be submitting again soon and talking with you in the future

iStockPhoto.com / Istock late payment AGAIN
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:25 »
Is it just me this time, last week payment was late for a lot of people, this time I can't find any threads


I opted in to the PP programme about 1-2 months ago. I know its all very slow, but how will I be able to see if and what images are available on the PP sites and how well they are doing

Thank you

iStockPhoto.com / Getting baby scan images accepted
« on: August 06, 2012, 03:53 »

how do people get possession of a digital babyscan image to submit to IStock. I can only think of 3 ways and only have access to 1.

1st, are we able to request the digital file from the hospital (quality issues)
2nd, scan the image the give you (I don't have a scanner, but possibly a shop would do it)
3rd, take a photo of the image (this I could do)

Is the third option viable and if so, are there any tips to get the best quality out of a photo of a photo

Thank you


From what I have learned, shooting below/facing up an object/person makes it/them look like the hero/strong. shooting down gives the opposite. low key = moodie. I understand these concepts

But I was looking at FTs newsletter at some cherries. It was a great shot and then I saw the two softbox reflections either side of every cherry and now I'm finding myself asking Why this shot works with such unnatural lighting. I realise this is somewhat a subjective question but I imagine there is phsycology/schema involved, At least the answer I am looking for.

Any ideas, (I would like to post the image but there are so many similar i won't).

Do I have to credit Istock or the photographer, both or none if using an editorial image purched from Istock

(I have to ask here as you are all great, this is a great forum, and I'm banned from the IS forum)


Hi, I would like to ask "When can copyrighted images be used without concent" (assuming all images are copyrighted as soon as they are taken, that means all/any image)

I'm not interested in your opinions here, just facts, and I am talking about the UK.

I read that one could use (take from the web) images, of a playstation for example, without concent from the copyright owners, sony for example, and provided the image is used in the context of reporting in a newsworthy fashion in newspapers and the like, about exploding playstations for example, that fell into some kind of allowable use.

I understand that for advertising and promotional this is not allowed, but for reporting and newsworthy content do other rules apply and where can i find them

Links to creditable sources of information are very much appreciated

Thank you

iStockPhoto.com / Has the IS Monkey script stopped working?
« on: July 26, 2012, 06:34 »
Hi, I used to have a script (which was awesome) installed on IS that would tell me if I had already downloaded and image. Of late I have noticed that images I have purchased in the past are not being flaged up by the script. Has anything changed that I am not aware of

Thank you in advance

I used google image finder to locate some of my images and there is this guy who has a web portfolio. On his site he is displaying website pages he has created and one uses my images, clearly as a mock up, but watermarked nonetheless. is this allowed?


design portfolio with the watches


Can a buyer make changes to an editorial image purchased on IS. by changes I specifically mean change the days left on the london olympic clock


(can't ask this on IS)

If this were true, what would you choose.

please indicate if you shoot FF or crop.

(I'm hoping this will get me thinking differently)

iStockPhoto.com / Is Thinkstock proving to be benificial?
« on: July 16, 2012, 08:27 »

This is a similar thread to the E+ one. but relating to Thinkstock and the Partner programe

I had decided to keep all of my images off thinkstock and partner programs a while back because I thought my Istock sales would deminish if they were for sale elsewhere cheaper, and offering a lower royalty.  Much time has passed since then and I would be gratefull of your opinions/results in adding images to the partner program.

Should it only be for images that do not sell at IS?
Has anybody had positive results from making all their files available on thinkstock?

Hopefully this will guide me in maximising my profitability at IS and give me some clues about opting files in to thinkstock

Thank you

iStockPhoto.com / Is E+ proving to be benificial?
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:45 »

I had decided to keep all of my images available at the lowest price possible a while back because I thought Istock would be killing sales by increasing the price. Much time has passed since then and I would be gratefull of your opinions/results in adding images to the E+ collection.

Should it only be for images that you feel worth the extra?
Has anybody had positive results from making all their files E+ (less DL more )?
Does it work best to make you best sellers E+ or are they best sellers because they are kept to a low price point etc

Hopefully this will guide me in maximising my profitability at IS.

Thank you

iStockPhoto.com / dropping the crown at IS
« on: July 12, 2012, 04:19 »
Has anybody of late dropped their crown at IS to explore the other sites, willing to share there news, success, etc.

I do realise this is an old subject, but considering recent events at IS I'm looking for some current info on what likely to expect now, or could anybody point me in the direction where people are discussing this.


on istock, haven't looked for it in ages and now have no idea where it's hidden


Hi all. I'm looking for tips or a site that explains how to create this type of effect (image 959858 on ft, and in particular 5547354 on IS) Its the temperature (gells?) and precision (gobo?) of the light that has me. I just brought 2 studio lights and want to move away from the "sterile" & typical isolated on white look.


iStockPhoto.com / image quality of a Nikon 18-55 vr
« on: May 21, 2012, 06:07 »
Hi again. I'm posting in the IS part as the images will be submitted to IS so its their standards that will be the target.

On a DX I have a 50mm and 105mm leaving me short in the wider angle area. I also own a 18-55vr and I am wondering what  the pitfalls of this lens for stock are and if there is any tips/situations to avoid for using it (I used to own the 12-24 which was great , but sold it to prepare for going FF)


Hi All.

Ive been away from the stock game for a while (first child, another on the way, new house and all that important stuff!) and I didn't do to badly for my self. Ive been out for just over a year to 18 months I guess and have a question you guys might be able to answer.

Istock standards, have they rased the bar by much in the last 18 months.

I remember starting with a d80 and kit lens and boy it was hard to get an image accepted, then I upgraded to a few primes and a d90, as a result acceptance rate was flying. That camera is long in the tooth now (as tech gets better) so should i expect a hard time again or should I reinvest in some more up-to-date gear (d800- d600?)



Back in Feb 2010, because I mistakenly wrote from my self (malamus) using the company buyer account (LL) here is the mistake ( http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=180261&messageid=3118701#post3118701) I wrote this to Istock in December...

At present I do have access to another account created and funded and owned by my employer, I am employed as a graphic designer, who needs to be able to purchase images on behalf on my employer. But due to my exposure to iStock I decided to become a contributor my self and create the account malamus-uk. Is this OK? I don't see why not. here is the link in which it appeared ( http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=282442&page=1)

There was no answer given, just a lot of banter. This morning I (malamus-uk) received a site mail threatening the closure of my Istock account as a contributor with no reason given. It appears that recently, the company I work for's account (strictly a buyer) has requested a refund on mis-purchased files. here is the link ( http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=330630&page=1 ) Is this a scare tactic?

So are buyers allowed to contribute, and more accurately, as a contribute am I allowed to purchase files on behalf of my employer under their account.

I have tried very hard not to be rude in forums, but with all the hard work I have put into photography, to be treated this way is annoying. Also I cannot be responsible for the closure of my company's account.

Does any body have any advice? (appart from lobo whos advice is close one account) not an option unless I am happy to give up all my hard work as a contributer.

Newbie Discussion / uploading to multiple sites or not?
« on: September 20, 2009, 14:44 »
hi all, this is my first thread here, and I hope you can be of some help

I've started uploading to multiple micro stock sites rather than just the one, hoping to increase income. One site, that will remain anonymous, uses a subscription program, and as a result drives higher downloads, but less income per download.

My question is, (as many of you will have experience), will uploading the same images to rival sites  damage my downloads revenue. ie. My images will be available cheeper else where.

What is your theory on this


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