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Topics - Megastock

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General Stock Discussion / Going non-exclusive - 2 yrs later
« on: September 16, 2013, 09:00 »
So in September 2011, I left being exclusive at DT, not because I wasn't happy, but mostly because the terms were too exclusive and there were something I wanted to do with my photography that didn't fit within the terms of being a fully exclusive photographer.  At the same time, it seemed like I might see gains as a bonus.  I'm part time at this, but at this point have tens of thousands of sales with over 3K images.  What is interesting (in a bad way), is that looking at my year over year income (graph of the 12 previous month's of income, a month at a time) it is pretty obvious that I've lost money in the transition to being non-exclusive.  The arrow below shows the month I dropped exclusivity.  I pretty much sat flat in total annual revenue for about a year and now see a steady climb in income.  The interesting part is that the slope of the graph is identical to before when I was exclusive.  So I basically just put my growth on hold for a year :(  Of course, I can't say how I'd be doing if I'd stayed, but I still see positive growth on DT, if I compare to any previous non-exclusive month in the last two years.

Food for thought :)  No guarantees you'll do better as a non-exclusive!

Anyone else find it ironic that this mostly pro assignment article was illustrated with a microstock image from iStock?  Especially considering the anti-micro comments :)


I can't imagine anyone using this article as the basis for a career changing decision!

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