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Topics - Imagenomad
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« on: November 19, 2013, 03:54 »
...Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year. We need another neologism - perhaps "candie", so that candid portraiture is once again an acceptable form of photography...
« on: September 05, 2013, 05:28 »
I'm not sure if this is on the Symbio roadmap or not but I've just seen on PhotoShelter that Stripe have expanded their service to the UK and Ireland. AFAIK, they still don't cover mainland Europe. https://stripe.com/blog/introducing-stripe-uk & https://stripe.com/blog/stripe-irelandFrom their FAQs, "We're also available in private beta for businesses in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany and The Netherlands. We're actively working on adding support for other countries."So is there the possibility of integrating Stripe into Symbio in the future?
« on: August 09, 2013, 01:53 »
Hi guys
Right. As you may have seen elsewhere, I've only really got my site running properly in the last couple of weeks. I'm on WP 3.5 and the standard latest Symbio theme/child theme combo.
Has anyone had any major issues with the WP 3.6 upgrade?
Chers Russell
« on: July 26, 2013, 05:44 »
I've had glitches with Network List from the start and I still don't appear properly on the Symbiostock Network Page. Click my Sitelink or Avatar and if you'll go to my site's homepage rather than my Author Page. Click on "Author Page" and you'll still get taken to my site and not my Author Page. So, AFAICT, no-one can directly access my Symbiocard. Now I've disappeared from Cascoly's List except for one mention. My obvious concern is that because of the Symbio Network problems that seem to have affected me from the start, my content continues to appear inconsistently, if at all, in searches. If other Network Members don't realise I exist, I'm also not going to have any incoming links (should someone want to link to me). There may also be other problems that I am not aware of. Any ideas?
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:21 »
Can I have the views of the panel please. When I set up my JustHost account, I added in Sitelock for security (I though that with it being WP, a belt and braces approach to security was wise). I ended up going for the middle ground package (costs ~90USD) and a scan last night picked up this -- For the newest issue that you have having with the XSS (Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability. That is caused by a weakness in the code of the Wordpress in itself. On your site you have the search bar on the top right. The code weakness is in there. Cross site scripting vulnerabilities is a quite serious issue as that is where hackers can steal anything they want from your visitors. Even though you might not be asking for customers information on your website, they can trick them into getting whatever information they want. This is where phishing attacks start as well.
The solutions to get this fixed are: -If you are good at coding, you can get into the code and try to fix the code weakness -We can fix it with a one time solution. -You can get a web application firewall that won't fix the coding issue but will block people from being access it.
I've emailed Sitelock back to ask if this would affect the whole raison d'etre of Symbiostock, namely the ability to search across sites/the Network. Also, I suspect the "fix with a one time solution" option would incur yet more outlay of shekels. What are the panel's thoughts? Ta Russell ETA: I have the Wordfence plugin installed which includes a firewall but will this be enough?
« on: July 15, 2013, 14:29 »
Hi gang
Apologies for the lengthy explanation but there's a problem I'd like to iron out.
My setup is this -
My Symbio domain name is registered with a UK registrar.
My Symbio site is hosted on a subdomain of my JustHost TLD and my Symbio domain name points to this. I simply changed the nameservers where my domain name is registered as per the JustHost Knowledgebase.
Nothing (at the moment) is installed in my TLD at JustHost.
To begin with, I set up the mailservers to be on JustHost but I couldn't get it to play nice with mail clients on my Macs, iPad or iPhone and when I did dummy registrations to test this setup, I rarely received the email. I did get the daily update emails from Symbio though and Webmail through JustHost seemed to work.
Because of this, I changed the DNS mailservers in JustHost to point back to the mailservers where my Domain name is registered and set up a mailbox there.
Now, emails are much quicker and if I do a direct email using a client or webmail, everything's good and looks as it should. But now checking with a dummy registration, emails that are sent via Symbio arrive with the address that reads as part_of_my_subdomain_name_at_justhost_mailservers. This only happens if emails originate in my Symbio site, whether registering or getting the update email. Needless to say, it doesn't look very professional.
Am I missing a setting somewhere?
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:09 »
I'm looking at Amanda's Creative Embers resources on customising the child theme CSS but my WP Dashboard looks nothing like the screenshots.
I've got an Editor under appearance but no specific "Edit CSS" option and certainly no ability to preview before saving. I can get to the child theme CSS using the Editor but there's no Preview or Publish options
Is there a plugin I'm missing?
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:15 »
I did a test transaction this morning and the Paypal emails contained the stuff about being "eligible for Seller Protection" and postal requirements.
Is it worth using the PayPal Digital Goods facility so that these aren't an issue? Are there any other benefits or downsides?
What are the panel's thoughts?
« on: July 07, 2013, 13:06 »
Finding images on my site ( Stockphotology) is made difficult on two fronts - If I search for images using the search box on my site, I get hits from other Symbio sites but none, zip, nada from my own unless my site is the only one with images with that keyword. So for example, searching using "bubble" gets a number of hits across SY but not on mine despite me having a number of "bubble" images. On the other hand, searching for "orangutan" gets most of my orangutan images but not all of them - "Results" is the correct number (23) but only 20 images are shown with no "next page". Also, if I try to find my images via "Image Categories", the number of "Results" is again correct but now a half of the images or even less are shown, even if the Category contains a few pages worth of images. Any thoughts? Is there a box I haven't ticked that I should or a box that I have ticked that I shouldn't? PS - I've added the "Search" problem to Ron's thread.
« on: June 30, 2013, 23:28 »
Does anyone else get this?
Upload image batch with IPTC data populated including title, caption, keywords, MR, PR, copyright and contact info.
Process to drafts to edit, do SEO and change MR and PR to N/A (IPTC isn't recognised for releases it seems).
But now I seem to get duplication of captions and occasionally titles. I haven't established a pattern but I wonder if it's captions and titles that contain quote marks.
I'm off to photograph some Puffins (hopefully with their beaks stuffed with sand eels) in the middle of the North Sea now so I'll check back in later. But if anyone has any ideas...
« on: June 27, 2013, 11:09 »
Hi people
Just started on the SY path and have got so far but before I go any further, I want to move my WP/SY files away from the web root directory to a subdomain to which I'm going to point a domain name hosted with a different company.
Searching on here, it seems there were problems if WP/SY wasn't installed in the web root directory (back in March). Is this still the case or can I safely move them to a non-root directory on a subdomain?
Any thoughts?
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:21 »
Hi people
Can I ask some advice please? I'm looking to go with a UK-based hosting company and for the same price, and offering the same features, I can either go with a cPanel solution or a Cloud solution.
I understand that it is easier to buy more webspace with the Cloud solution but will this still be enough for SY in the early stages?
The hosting company is TSOhost.com and I'm looking at the "Pro Hosting" level.
I've already got the domain names I'll be using, bought six months ago from a different registrar.
« on: June 23, 2013, 02:22 »
Hi guys I'm not yet part of SY but will be within the next month or two. Obviously, I look at your sites to get a feel for things and like what I see. Every one I've visited so far uses English for its text. Some of you could do with a proofreader and/or copywriter (no, not a copyrighter, a copywriter). Please excuse me if I appear to be unintentionally patronising or superior with what follows but I do see quite a few sites with errors of phrasing and grammar and occasional spelling mistakes in the text on home pages etc. Mostly, they're minor errors but, well, an error is an error and unfortunately, software grammar and spelling correction is unreliable. I suspect that this affects those whose first language is not English more than native English speakers but the latter are not immune. I don't know if it puts off buyers or visitors but it certainly wouldn't do any harm to be accurate. I'm speculating here but I do wonder if it has any effect on SEO too (I'm by no means an SEO expert though). So I'm offering to be a proofreader and copywriter for you. If you would like me to look over any text that you have on your Symbiostock home page or other pages, in the co-operative spirit of Symbiostock, I am happy to do so gratis/for free/nada at least for now. I will respect your confidentiality and be completely discreet about this. I have some other thoughts (including conditions, occasional charges and things I won't do) but I'll wait until I've had some responses to this post before I discuss those. As to my qualifications for doing this, I'm not a professional copywriter but English is my first language and I am a widely published author of scientific papers from my days in visual optics, physiology and cancer research. And I'm an unreconstructed grammar Nazi who bites his knuckles when he sees "their" instead of "they're" or "your" instead of "you're"  So whaddya think? Russell PS Can you imagine how many times I proofread this post
« on: May 27, 2013, 09:37 »
Right. I'd assumed that Adobe had axed the upgrade path from CS5 to CS6 amongst all the CC kerfuffle a few weeks back. In the UK, the major online retailers (i.e. Amazon, Wex et al) et al removed the upgrade packages from sale pronto after Adobe's announcement, and I suspect at Adobe's behest. And searching for CS6 on the Adobe website, even trying to find the software at full price just kept taking me to the Sign Up pages for CC. But having a look on Thom Hogan's (Google him) site this morning, he provided a link that takes you directly to the Buy page on the Adobe UK website. And then if you click "Buy" but change the "I want to buy" bit from "Full" to "Upgrade", you can apparently get the upgrade for 188GBP. I'm not sure what version of PS you need to qualify for the upgrade. And I'm not sure how much longer it will be available. Thom Hogan provides a US linky too.
If this is mentioned elsewhere on MSG, then my apologies but I haven't seen it. And I post it because others may have assumed the same thing as I did.
ETA - Just had a look - the only upgrades offered are from Photoshop CS5 or the Acrobat X Suite, I think.
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