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Topics - jonbull

Pages: [1]
General Stock Discussion / Coronavirus ?
« on: March 09, 2020, 09:28 »
down 80% compared to last march...all around agency sales....don't know if it's coronavirus or my portfolio have been switched completely adobe i have similar position as always but down 90% compared to february first 10 days....

2 / Download annual counter disappeared
« on: January 01, 2020, 13:28 »
I cannot see anynore it under account management... a way to make things mushier than are now?

General - Top Sites / canva 11,95 unlimited
« on: November 06, 2019, 07:25 »
canta is giving away all istok collection for 11,95 dollar month.....i always said and believe firmly that getty is number one enemy for micro, and the one who killed the market, they simply are trying to dumping all market, selling for peanuts photos just to kill as and shutter for those penney you are receiving each month you are killing your business. think again next time you decide to upload items for getty.
they are killing your library earning.

4 / This is what we need!
« on: July 26, 2019, 12:45 »

another million contributor who addd 90 millions image daily so the median revenue for contributor will be 1 dollar month....sure keep adding contributor just to have more files to sell for 25 cent of royalty...keep adding ss. unfortunately when most of instagrammer realize there is no cash to be made with idiot post  they will put all images on micro stock. instead of cleaning the collection for all the garbage added in the last years please add another billion images....WE NEED it.
At least most of instagram are much better than 90% of contributor added in the last year. at least.

5 / How is this possible?
« on: July 13, 2019, 07:11 »
we have reached this level of poor image quality in ss?

can somebody explain?

first this puppet who believe to be a master of photography while he doesn't have a clue what is talking abut...7000 of snapshots repetition technically applying images...asomebody who earn probably 20 dollar month and claim to be a super expert...

then i read this indian miracle

one dollar and he cannot believe why only one dollar?

can somebody explain why ss is accepting this stufff if not they want only sell images paying 0,25 cent instead 0,38?
personally i m getting ashamed to collaborate to a company who accept this stuff.

6 / Shuttersubs?
« on: December 28, 2018, 10:59 »
this month 4% of sale are not sub, 96% of 2,85 sale in the last 10 days...they are promoting packages of sub? never happened to me...a pd are normal, but with such an rpd is impossible to earn something.....fotolia instead rpd of 1,78 dollar this month, just to compare. seems to me that those free photos website are impacting the mcrostock industry heavily.

General Stock Discussion / New images 2017 vs 2018
« on: April 18, 2018, 10:41 »
despite a grow in therms of earning compared to 2017, near 15% each month what i see is that

2017-   rpi one every photo uploaded in 2017 gave me a dollar end of year

2018-  rpi projection is 0,2 dollar per image.

practically everything uploaded in 2018 is down on the garbage pool.

compared to istock it's completely different. my most sold images of 2018 so far are from 2018 and 2017, only 10% older than 2017 sold. i really demand if it's worth to upload anything new in ss.

General Stock Discussion / Zack Arias on unsplash
« on: February 06, 2018, 09:25 »

General Stock Discussion / Februray
« on: February 05, 2018, 12:01 »
appalling start of month. only istock show sign of improvement. ss is falling literally down, just a little 2,85 in 5 days. the rest a bunch of sod. completely dead. i see there are glitches uploading, but it seems the site is full of glitches:)
don't know what to think.
sold only file with 5 at beginning, mostly from 3 4 years ago, nothing uploaded in the last two years sold.
i have some images for carnival who are in first page , 4 images , and 2 page, 2 images, for the therm search " food ,carnival"....i think a good search for the period. no sales of these images.
they had a good change till 17 january then mess again and nosediving.

10 / shutterstock january
« on: February 01, 2018, 07:42 »
till the 17th of january superb months then totally sh....t. and even 1 february is the same.
i earned 20% of january from 17th. 80% in the first 17 days. after 17th practically every day i had sales till 13 p.m then completely dead.
then if you say there is a cap people get nervous.). cap is there and makes me think if is worth to keep uploading and creating.
luckily fotolia is keeping up. and macro also not bad.

General Stock Discussion / Unsplash, nobody noticed it?
« on: August 04, 2017, 15:48 »
i read an article at dpreview
about site.
in practice free foto at max resolution.
i watched the quality and seems a lot like stocksy but free...i think in most cases better quality than micro. for free.
already 1200000 download.
that's scaring.

Adobe Stock / from 100% acceptance to 0%
« on: March 23, 2017, 11:47 »
this is my last month in fotolia....totally schizophrenic industry...they accept everything in the last 7 nothing is good...
rejection for noise in still life images shot with tripod pixel shift and top notch glass on a pentax k1...not even if you zoom in 5000% you can spot noise.
anybody experience this?
maybe they should began cleaning the s....t of library they have with thousand of copycat, similar files with tons of small variations.

General Stock Discussion / Demotix is dead.....
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:34 »
I was a contributor to Demotix since the firs days....thankst to 3 big photos i earned more there than with all my micro stock in 9 years...i mean x0000 dollar.....
today went to the website, and they redirected me to corbis.
Demotix had a distribution deal with corbis, some images were picked up by corbis staff and sold through corbis.
then corbis acquired demotix. then
those chinese, with million zillion of dollar , who pay 100 dollar month to workers, don't respect nothing, no law , anything....bought corbis, probably in a secret deal with getty and NOW, voila, demotion disappeared,our account disappeared, our photos disappeared but are in corbis most of them, they can sell and we don't know nothing, no mail from demotix or corbis, anybody to contact to know what is the future.
I saw a slow in sales there, probably they not even accounted most of sales in the last year, 20 dollar in 12 months....ok i stopped uploading contents more than a year ago.
Luckily i had only 15 pound to be received.

But this story tells a lot of the situation of micro macro news photography.
Luckily in some years will be back to normal and past situation, many amateur who earn nothing will stop dreaming of living with micro stock, many micro and macro will fail, and sane and good competition will arise to serious professionall, who live with photography,.
so far we can't blame anybody, we created this accepting micro stock. But the Demotix story is amazing especially the fact that a freedom photojournalistic agency made by normal people is now controlled by communist state called CHINA

Pages: [1]


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