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Topics - Petr Toman

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I have plenty of editorial sports photos even from Olympics. Can you sell them separately as NFTs?

I just started to make first 4K videos on my 1DX Mark II and was wondering, if I should shoot in Pal 50fps or NTCS 60fps.

I assume that from the creator point of view it doesn't matter too much, they can convert it. I was thinking much more from the marketing point of view, to have in titles 60FPS.

Does it make sense or I'm totally off? :)

General Stock Discussion / Can Stocksy model be replicated?
« on: December 14, 2016, 03:49 »
Hi everyone,

I would like to get your views on an idea that for me seems like good one, but it is always good to see other people's point of view.

In our small country Czech Republic, there is at this moment quite big disappointment with how the sports photographers are contracted and paid. Agencies are similar like istock or getty, paying dimes for these photos. My idea was to replicate what Stocksy did but in sports editorial field. I already have few photographers that will be willing to contribute to a new agency that will have the co-op model.

There is no big problem to get accreditations, we all are members of press news photographers association.   

Competition : the big newspapers (where photographers are unhappy as well). 3-4 national news agencies, ripping off photographers as well.

  - mainly getting more photogs on board
  - get enough press publications willing to contribute
  - longevity of sports editorial photos

Funding : possible EU funding

What do you think, can stocksy model be replicated in sports editorial field?

Well, look like editorials will be as cheap as anything else in micro.

So why not to sing a song :

From time to time, I run google trends on our popular stock agencies names. It is quite interesting to see the changes over the time.
What is really strange though, is the presence or actually the absence of Alamy in those statistics. I know they are primarily in UK but anyway.

If you wanna check it out, here is the link :,+shutterstock,+fotolia,+alamy&date=1/2005+133m&cmpt=q&tz=Etc/GMT-1&tz=Etc/GMT-1&content=1#q=istock%2C%20shutterstock%2C%20fotolia%2C%20Alamy&date=1%2F2005%20133m&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT-1

Any comments are welcome.

With Getty:

I always wondered if the "News" websites when buying non perpetual RM license are actually removing images after the expiration date?

Example :
On Alamy I sold RM image with End date: 01 January 2021
The Country: Germany
Usage: Editorial
Media: Editorial website

I doubt that in the modern times they actually have a system to track this, in the quantity of images they use every day.

Is here anyone with real experience?

Thanks a ton

7 / Shutterstock deal with AP
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:46 »
Shutterstock signed a three-year deal with the Associated Press, giving U.S. clients the ability to license the news agencys daily and archived photo and video assets.

Shutterstock customers in the States will be able to license more than 30 million photos from AP Images and nearly 2 million video clips from AP Archive for editorial use. Shutterstock currently expects images from AP to be available starting next month, with video footage to be made available later in 2016.

Well, this is not particular a good news. For those of us, selling editorial stuff on SS, this could kill any sales. Until now, if you shot e.g. a sport event, you were one of really few who uploaded to SS, and those images are selling quite well.
With AP daily coverage and archive options, we will compete with top line agency, so opportunities like Olympic games are pretty much out of the picture. :/ I was one of those considering RIO images for SS.

What we prayed for...happened!

Twitter : "DPC today closes permanently. Join us on @AdobeStock for more beautiful images and creative content! Thanks for being part of the journey."

Letter from DPC :
Dear Dollar Photo Club Member,

After a fantastic couple of years, we are writing to let you know that Dollar Photo Club will terminate its service on April 15th, 2016.

But there's good news!
You are able to transfer your unused downloads to Adobe Stock, valid for a year, absolutely free.


a client contacted me and wants to use one of my sports editorial picture for online advertisement.
I am pretty familiar with editorial terms of use. But my question is, are you somehow able to sell such licence?
Honestly I dont think so, but as I am not experienced in this field, any advice is welcome.
The picture is
How the big agencies run it? do you need to contact the athlete, association and agree terms or is it completely prohibited?

Thank a lot for any advice.

10 / What it better than tomorrow's public holiday?
« on: April 30, 2015, 13:05 »
--- The first ALAMY sale ever !! --- yuhu after months of waiting just got first sale for $61.

Well that's like my 4 months in SS all together :D

Just sharing my joy  ;)

Adobe Stock / Fotolia exlusive images
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:27 »
I uploaded back some shots  on FT to see if the adobe deal makes some sales. But I almost everywhere put Exclusivity - Yes by mistake as I sell them also on SS. I know I can edit it, but before I do, I wanna ask what it really means in FT terms? As we know many people are "exclusive" and selling everywhere.

2014 Full Year Highlights

Revenue increased 39% to $328.0 million
Currency-neutral revenue growth was 40%
Adjusted EBITDA increased 32% to $70.7 million, a 22% margin

Q4 2014 Highlights
Revenue increased 34% to $91.2 million
Currency-neutral revenue growth was 36%
Adjusted EBITDA increased 46% to $22.4 million, a 25% margin
Paid downloads increased 20% to 33.5 million
Revenue per download increased 10% to $2.68
Image collection grew 45%; currently exceeds 48 million images and 2 million video clips

Revenue per download(1)
2014 - $2.68
2013 - $2.43

Founder Premium Members Earn 100% on everything. Starting now.
Its time to stop screwing photographers.
Today, photographers are owned by the stock libraries; companies that house the creators work and sell it for peanuts.

I know that based on the feedback on the forum the sales are not big for contributors here. But it is a positive message. Could this be the start of the shift from $$ race to bottom?

14 / Alamy google trend
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:28 »
When I posted the google trends in iStock thread, I was thinking, what's wrong with Alamy?

The results are based on search term, does it mean, that actually world doesn't know anything about alamy and no one is even intrested to search for it in google? Is it just for special markets like UK? Any suggestion?

I know that the graph is relative, but still quite surprised, as much as my 0 sales on Alamy in 2014 :/

15 / Shutterstock Contributor App
« on: September 17, 2014, 12:24 »
Googleplay -

Apple -

($) Monitor your daily and monthly sales
(↑) Upload and keyword images from your device anytime, anywhere
(~) See what's being downloaded from your portfolio
(!) Discover global visual trends and get helpful tips

I like it, the activity tab is kindly strange, check it out.

Hey everyone, any luck selling  on 500px prime something till now ?

They got another new licencing model

Would be interesting what they actually really sell, if anything.

Macrografiks / How the sales are going on Macrografics?
« on: June 13, 2014, 08:14 »
Hi everyone, my wife would love to use Macrografiks for her macro shots of food etc.

Just wanted to ask for an update if there are any sales or not? So far I know that lot of these small agencies are not delivering any sales.

Thank you

18 / Super size?
« on: March 08, 2014, 15:37 »
Hi, not sure if someone already asked, but one of my images is in portfolio available in super size, but the rest is not.

How SS is choosing images to offer them in super size, or is there any other rule?

Here is the img :

19 / This image has styling issues. ??
« on: February 26, 2014, 06:01 »
Hi everyone, I never saw this as Rejection Reason "This image has styling issues."

Any idea what they mean? Is it they dont like eggs together with flowers or? Or that the flowers are not organized?

General Stock Discussion / What is your most selling image?
« on: February 02, 2014, 04:34 »
It could be interesting to see what is your most selling image in the whole portfolio in number of sales.

I have small portfolio, but anyway here is mine 37 sales:

21 / Payment received after I cancel my account.
« on: January 13, 2014, 16:08 »
So just to let anyone know, that it can take quite a while when you cancel your account on istock to get the money.
To be clear they stated that it will  take like 60 days, so anyway I'm glad they send it.

17.10.2013 - "Your account has now been closed as requested and final payment details have been sent to accounting to payout after 30 days to include any partner program royalties earned. Note that partner royalties are ingested the following month, therefore in order to ensure that we pay out all monies owed to you, it may take up to 60 days before your account balance is closed. "

So be patient. I had there $29.

I canceled on : October 11, 2013, 08:19
Payment received : Jan 13, 2014, 08:01:06 PST

I almost forgot :)

General Stock Discussion / 500px go commercial
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:13 »
Here is mail I just received. What do you think about 500px go commercial way.

Preview the 500px Commercial Licensing Marketplace

Hi there!

On the heels of our 500px Marketplace relaunch, we are hard at work building a brand new commercial licensing marketplace based on the feedback of our 500px Community.

This new marketplace will service commercial licensors of photography from the news, editorial, advertising and various other communities who are interested in licensing work by members of the 500px community.

If you are interested in commercially licensed photography from 500px, join our mailing list to be kept updated on our progress toward launch. Member photographers on 500px are being reached on an individual basis, based on their online portfolio, to participate in our pre-launch program.


Dustin Plett,
VP Business Development, 500px

Hi everyone,

I live in an area where we have tons of small kids and young families.

I don't want to go the classic way, shoot clients offering prints etc. I would like to offer them free shooting for signing a model release. I want to make it very clear. So they understand what they are signing, but not too offending. We have one big playground with advertisement board, where I would like to put there some kind of flyer and then follow up with personal meeting.

Does anyone have any tips for the right wording that you tried and it worked.

I don't want to use word free, as in fact it is not free, it is trade, I'm giving them photos and online gallery, they are giving me release?

Thanks for any  tips.

General Stock Discussion / The history of photoshop
« on: September 08, 2013, 04:38 »
Very interesting interview about the history of photoshop and lightroom with the creator of PS Thomas Knoll.

enjoy :)

General Stock Discussion / Anyone selling on Smugmug?
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:00 »
Hi everyone, as there is new rebuild smugmug, it caught my attention....again :)

Is anyone having luck selling pictures there downloads/prints/merch ?

I was thinking about test the eshop there for customers from sports venues I shoot as an very easy way how to get prints without asking photographer etc. + putting there stock photos also.

Any experience good/bad ?

Thank you

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