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Topics - jamiehooper
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« on: March 22, 2021, 18:36 »
I've only submitted photos for years, but am considering adding videos - mostly from drone footage. For those of you who do both, do you find one better than another, worse than another, or "it depends"?
« on: November 07, 2019, 11:02 »
I just had an entire shoot rejected for "invalid model release". I've had problems before, (using my own form that has been accepted for years) so now I download and use their own release.
- As stated, I used their own release. - JPG of the release was correct resolution and sharp. - All lines were filled out completely. - All writing was legible.
Yes, I'm pissed, but I want to correct any problem. Have any of you experienced this? Any suggestions or ideas for what I might have missed? Is there any way I might be able to get feedback from Shutterstock. (HA! Well, I had to ask.)
« on: November 09, 2018, 14:32 »
OK - here's a kind of interesting situation. I have interior photos of a manufactured home, taken for the owner of the park. She is the owner of the home...but, the home itself is a design by a major company.
So, the question is, do I need a PR signed by the home's owner or company? I'm guessing the owner, but thought I'd just toss it out to the group.
« on: October 27, 2017, 16:29 »
I just had a series of images with model, and enclosed the same model release form I've used with SS for 5 years. They all got rejected due to "no model release attached or information missing". Thinking I had somehow forgotten to attach it, I resent the group again being sure to attach the release. Rejected again, same reason.
So I wrote SS and actually did get a reply back within 24 hours with a link to their requirements. They NOW require that both the subject AND the witness each have a date.
TO QUOTE: The date of the model and witness signatures should be the same, as the witness must have been present at the time the model signed the release.
Well, duh. If the witness is signing as a witness, then, wouldn't the dates be the same? And if so, why would you be required to write the same friggin' date twice? Do they think it provides proof that the witness actually witnessed the signature? I smell the hands of a lawyer here.
Oh well, I can play that game. Made a new form, went back and got them to fill it out once more. Sure glad they lived reasonably close to me. Thankful this was not a shoot that was in another city or state!
It sure would have been nice if they had sent me an email letting me know when SS changed their form requirements.
But, now you know. I just wanted to be sure you all have a witness date on the MR form you use, to save you grief.
« on: November 03, 2015, 14:19 »
Anyone that reads these boards on a regular basis (especially newbies, including me at only 4 years) must be puzzled by the wildly different results we all seem to have from each other. Just look at some of the posts. "DT sales dead", "SS dropping badly", "BME on Alamy". OK...I made that last one up; but you get the idea. There are always posts that people make giving totally different experiences. We can all have different sales within the same site and wonder if it's due to management, policy changes, partner sites, etc. But I'm thinking there might be another reason that we don't think of or check: what are the subjects of the photos? It seems to me (looking at my own portfolio) that sales of the same image can vary wildly from site to site. Why? I dunno. Different types of search technologies? Attracting different types of art directors? Attracting more bloggers than designers? Who knows? So, here's an example of one of my images. Both uploaded the same day. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic.mhtml?id=200092391Total Sales on SS: 9 Total Sales on FT: 331 Hard to know just what to do with this information. But sure is interesting.
« on: July 25, 2015, 13:15 »
Every once in a while I log on to all of the "big 4" and use the same search terms and test out how relevant the search results are. (SS seems to be the best, but FT getting better.) But a few days ago doing this on Fotolia I went to the image's purchase page and was amazed (and pleased) to see that they now have a feature for buyers where they can zoom in to the image to check expressions or whatever. If I were a buyer, I would love this feature.
So here's my question: Is this a new feature with them, or has it been around for a while and I just never noticed?
And, BTW, my sales on FT continue to climb to the point where they are often within a few dollars of sales with SS. That is, until/unless I get a SOD of $60+ from SS. But that doesn't happen much for me any more.
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:40 »
I've only been in microstock a short time (3 years), but already have quite a stack of signed model releases. Always looking to simplify my life, here's my question:
Since I have them all digitized as JPGs, do I need to keep the original? If so, for how long?
Thanks in advance for chiming in.
« on: June 30, 2015, 19:05 »
4 (four) days ago I submitted 20 images to DT. They just got reviewed (and accepted) today!
Normally I wait about 2 1/2 weeks, but this, I can't explain. My world is spinning!
Now, if I could just earn half as much as I do from SS, I'd be ecstatic!
« on: June 30, 2015, 16:11 »
I was going to post this to the subject below; but then I realized that, while related, it's not the same (although it is related to Google ). I design and manage my sister's website on early literacy through singing, and because I photograph stock, she knows all about what we do and values our work and creativity.
Plus, she's a very ethical person, and does not mind paying for what we do. Recently, she put together a poster to publicize a local scavenger hunt, and wanted to have an image of a child looking through a magnifying lens. Found it, and printed 15 posters to put around her town in stores.
I took one look at the image and (like any of us) recognized that it was a professionally done microstock image. I asked her what site she bought it from, and she said it was free. She had carefully looked for a copyright or credit; and seeing none right-clicked to capture the image. Small res, but ok for the small picture on her printer. (and CERTAINLY large enough for a website.)
I did a quick search, and immediately found it on SS and BS. The site she got it from was totally unrelated. I'm sure THEY purchased it legitimately from one of the agencies for use on their website - which is where she found it. (Of course, with not credit or copyright.)
When I showed her the image for sale on other microstock sites, she was mortified, aghast, and understood immediately how this had happened. And, will never do it again, now that she knows.
This from a highly intelligent, moral, educated person. (ok...maybe I'm biased. But she is; and an amazing person to boot)
The point is, there is always going to be a certain amount of this "capture" being done, whether the person is aware of it or not. That's just the reality we live with in this digital age, and really nothing we (or the agencies) can do about it. I guess it goes along with the "cost of doing business" like store write off a certain amount of inevitable shoplifting.
Like many things in our modern world, we have a love/hate relationship with Google. Sometimes, it's just too * good at finding information.
« on: April 03, 2015, 11:57 »
Judging from the boards, it looks like lots of us, at one time or another, have had images rejected for what we "knew" were incorrect reasons. Files with "too much noise" or "too much sharpening", or "incorrect color balance", or "not enough mp." I'm speaking of knowledgeable pros here that use a large, color profiled monitor and check at 100%.
So, here's an idea. What if some reviewers look at an image and know that there's just a glut of that type of image with nothing new added (judge's gavel, rose with dew etc.). Could it be that, instead of giving the real reason (which is not in their arsenal of boilerplate rejection reasons) they have to use something else? Maybe, maybe not.
BUT, if that WERE true, how would you feel about being given that as a reason? "We have enough images of this type, and your image does not add anything new?"
Personally, if my supposition is true, I'd rather have the honest reason rather than feeling I'd be personally attacked (wildly paranoid) or worse yet, trying to figure out how to fix problems that I can't see.
I might still not like the reason and disagree with it; but at least I wouldn't spend time trying to fix something that ain't broke only to be rejected again.
Chime in.
« on: February 01, 2015, 01:58 »
This month my earnings from Fotolia stayed ahead of Shutterstock every day, the entire month and finished higher as well by 8%!. (Both closed above my minimum payout.) I have no explanation.
I have a small portfolio (300-350 images) with more accepted at Shutterstock. And, like most of you, my SS earnings have historically been way, way more than FT, DT, and BS combined.
Until this month.
My SOD have dropped to nothing on SS for the past few months (which was where the earning difference was), but FT just kept on going steady every day.
SS has been dropping the past several months for me; but this really took me by surprise. Am I all alone in this experience, or have any of the rest of you had similar experiences?
« on: December 19, 2014, 22:09 »
I was going to add to this post on the DT board; but thought it might be better here. Since May DT has gone south. HUGE drops in Nov and this month. I think they are losing customers or changed the search and I m on the sh!t end of the stick.
I don't believe you can judge reality with just a few months totals - especially when we all clearly have different experiences - , but DT has been seriously sinking for me over the past half year. Still, I was stunned when I added up totals as of today (Dec. 19) only since the beginning of the month. The context for you all is that I have only about 300 images uploaded, and only to the "Big 4". SS has accepted the fewest images; DT the most. Also, I've only been doing this for a couple of years; but at this point I am getting a payout from one or more every month. (my min. for all sites is set for over $100). So, with that in mind, here are my percentage of sales (in income) for the past 19 days: BS: 10% DT: 0.9%  FT: 44% SS: 45% Maybe this means something....maybe nothing. Just thought I'd toss it out.
« on: October 05, 2014, 18:13 »
Just had cataract surgery on one eye; not because I thought I needed it, but because my optometrist said I should. (The other eye has a cataract also, but not bad enough to operate on yet.) The type I had was more "frosted" than yellow; but none of this was bad enough to affect my work, because I could still see pretty good. Or so I thought. After surgery, guess what? I can now clearly see (with my corrected eye) everything is brighter and "bluer"...as in less yellow. Also, everything is hyper sharp (you might say "normal"). Kind of like the difference between watching a VHS movie on an old CRT television as opposed to a Blu-Ray movie on a high-def flat screen. Bottom line, I can NOW see that many of my submitted images are a little too blue (over-correcting out for yellow), and in some cases slightly out of focus and with noise and/or over-sharpened viewed at 100% And I always looked at my images at 200% to evaluate. Didn't matter. Soft vision is soft vision at any magnification. Bottom line, cataracts progress gradually over a period of many years (boiling frog syndrome) and you think it doesn't matter...UNTIL you have them removed. Just info to consider for all you older photographers that think you shouldn't be getting so many rejections.
« on: August 18, 2014, 19:04 »
I've been a pro photographer for several decades, but have only started submitting to Microstock for the past 2 1/2 years; SS, FT, DT, and BS. Very interesting business paradigm. 25-35 cents ain't much...but it does add up.
Today I got a message from Dreamstime notifying me that a potential buyer was interested in exclusive rights (SR-EL) to one of my images. No people, a scenic vineyard. If I'm interested (I am), I have to give a price to the potential buyer. My past experience is worth zilch here, as stock sales are so much different that 30 years ago. So, for any of you that have advice as to what a fair range might be, and what types of things I should take into consideration, I would welcome your thoughts. (I posted this on the General Topics board as well.)
« on: October 03, 2013, 14:40 »
Many times I can crop a photo for more impact; not only making the image better, but also making it read more clearly as prospective buyers browse through hundreds of thumbnails. So, I know (or think I know) that it will have a better chance of selling. But on the other hand, I will be removing options for cropping that might be important to the designer in fitting it into their space or having room for text - or even having the flexibility to change it's orientation. That might reduce its saleability. I normally shoot a variety (far and cropped) in any given situation; but sometimes I have a single shot or one with expressions that are really great on one image.
So, I'm looking for your collective wisdom based on experience. Or heck...just gut feelings.
« on: September 26, 2013, 20:39 »
I know Corbus is not a "microstock" agency; but still, I was surprised not to see it mentioned in any posts. They have a lot of great images, but I also saw lots of (sorry) mediocre ones as well that I know would not cut it on SS, FT, or any of the others MS agencies.
So, what's the deal? I'd welcome any information, thoughts, rants, or experiences you have concerning them.
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:55 »
Yesterday I ran into an interesting situation that I hope members can shed light on. I did a shoot of an interior designer in her home with several pieces of framed art in the background. One was a large framed print of a Picasso. Another was an abstract of an unknown artist. Both were framed posters used for decor. In both cases they were enough in focus to be recognizable. So, here's what I'd like to know. Can I not have either of them appear in the background because I don't have a (property?) release from the artist? Or, since they are both reproductions, can I not have them appear in the background because they are products of the printing company? Or, is this not an issue, because they fall into the same category as any other decor objects in the house (Ethan Allen furniture, distinctive lamp.)
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